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The Frumious Bandersnatch

McBain, Ed
A budding pop star is kidnapped.

Smoking Quote:

"She doesnt know I still smoke," he explained, letting out a self-satisfied poisonous cloud. "Her brother had his larynx removed last month, she thinks everybody in the worlds gonna get throat cancer now. Ive been smoking since I was sixteen, I dont even cough."



The Last Best Hope

McBain, Ed
Matthew Hope finds a missing husband who's trying to steal Socrates hemlock bottle.




McBain, Ed, editor
Ten novellas by authors such as Westlake, McCrumb, King, Block, John Farris, and others.




McCaffrey, Anne
Second (and probably last) volume of the space cats series, which apparently relates to the cats in "The Tower And The Hive" series.




McCaffrey, Anne
Co-authored by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough. This book is about cats in space. It is OK, funny at times, perhaps even "slyly" funny. I will read the next book. But after that, I am not making any promises.



In The Company Of Cheerful Ladies

McCall Smith, Alexander
Another in the series of the No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency stories, the second one I've read now. A very nice story, with interesting insights into life in Botswana.



The Kalahari Typing School For Men

McCall Smith, Alexander
I think that I am starting to get into this series, now that I've read maybe three!



The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency

McCall Smith, Alexander
A lady in Botswana start a detective agency to help people with their problems. Very nice.



Boy's Life

McCammon, Robert R.
A young boy in Alabama gets involved in a murder back in the early sixties. Very excellent.


... she turned away from me, and dismissed all of us with a buttstrut that was as wicked as a sword slash. (pg. 17)



Gone South

McCammon, Robert R.
A jobless Vietnam vet kills a banker sorta accidently, ends up helping a girl search for the Bright Girl, and avoiding a bounty hunter with three arms. Very excellent.


..."I always wanted to pull my own weight. Pay my bills and take pride in my job. That's what was importent to me." (pg. 231)



The Road

McCarthy, Cormac
A man and his son travel the road to the sea in this tale of survival years after some unnamed disaster kills pretty much everything but a few semi-human survivors. The author seems to have a "thing" about using apostrophes consistently. Some lovely writing, but I didn't really care for the book.



The kite rider

McCaughrean, Geraldine
A boy in China in the time of Kubla Khan finds a skill in flying on kites.



Bimbos & Zombies

McCrumb, Sharyn
Contains the stories "Bimbos Of The Death Sun" and "Zombies Of The Gene Pool", two very good stories involving Fandom and murder. The quote below, from "Zombies", reminds of when I had the flu last week...


..."Are you all right?" An instant later they could see he wasn't. The smell of vomit and voided bowels reached them them and made them draw back, even before Marion saw the stiffening form of the room's occupant, sprawled across the sill of the bathroom.



Foggy Mountain Breakdown

McCrumb, Sharyn
24 or so examples of her short stories. Some suspense stories some not. Most are pretty good.



If Ever I Return Pretty Peggy-O

McCrumb, Sharyn
A folksinger moves to Hamelin in Appalacia and someone is out to get her, with spooky Vietnam War implications.



If I'd Killed Him When I Met Him

McCrumb, Sharyn
Elizabeth MacPherson helps solve the murders of two husbands who died over 100 years apart.



MacPherson's Lament

McCrumb, Sharyn
Elizabeth's and Bill's parents are divorcing, plus Bill is in big trouble in the second case of his law career.



Missing Susan

McCrumb, Sharyn
Elizabeth MacPherson goes on a "Mystery" tour in the south of England. Really good story with many interesting tidbits of information and humerous incidents. Several characters are from the San Diego area, and one is from La Mesa!



Saint Dale

McCrumb, Sharyn
Not a mystery, a bus tour by people who revered Dale Earnhart to various NASCAR race tracks. More car racing info. than I really wanted to know!! TITLE should be changed to "St. Dale", I did a boo-boo.



She Walks These Hills

McCrumb, Sharyn
Mystery story set in Appalachia. Very good story. Kept reading sections to wife. Old man escapes from prison, Hometown folks on the lookout for him.


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