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The androids are coming

Silverberg, Robert, editor
Seven stories of androids by authors E.C. Tubb, Clifford D. Simak, Isaac Asimov, J.T. McIntosh, Philip K. Dick, Avram Davidson, and Alfred Bester. Read in the bathtub, over a period of a week...


"Robopsychologist, please." "Oh, are robots so differnt from men, mentally?" "Worlds different." She allowed herself a frosty smile. "Robots are essentially decent."



Worlds of Maybe

Silverberg, Robert, editor
Seven stories of alternate worlds. Sideways In Time, by Murry Leinster, reminded me of 1632, the novel by Eric Flint. It's too long to quote here, but Sail On Sail On, by Philip Jose Farmer, had a cute little explanation of C.W. radio using an analagy of a column a little angels.


That was one sweet collection of sinusoids. -- Delenda Est, by Robert Silverberg, pg. 221.



Way Station

Simak, Clifford D.
A CIA (domestic spying?) agent runs across a Civil War veteran that is more than a hundred years old, but appears to be in his thirties. A classic science fiction novel.
EDIT: Read again, totally did not realize, during the read, that I had already read it twelve years ago!!





It Can't Hurt Forever

Singer, Marilyn
A young girl has heart surgery. Realistic story so children will know what to expect in hospital. Pretty good.



The Sixth Science Fiction Megapack

Sixth, N.A.
Twenty-five stories, some pretty good, some not so great, in my opinion. One of my favorites was Hillary Orbits Venus, by Pamela Sargent. There are also stories by Arthur C Clarke, Phillip K. Dick, C.M. Kornbluth, Forrest J. Ackerman/Ray Bradbury, Samuel Delaney, and other authors I am not familiar with.



The Immortal Life Of Herietta Lacks

Skloot, Rebecca
"Enjoyed" may not be the right word, but I'm GLAD I read it. It gave a picture of society that I am not so familiar with. I'll be processing this story for a long time.



Strange Attractors

Sleator, William
A teenage boy acquires a time machine. Has underage alcohol consumption, drug use. Didn't like it



The Duplicate

Sleator, William
A teenage boy find a machine that will make a duplicate of him! Didn't like it.



Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore

Sloan, Robin
Clay gets a job in a curious bookstore in San Francisco. Rather Neal Stephensonistic, I enjoyed it very much.




Sloan, Robin
I really liked this story of a woman programmer who starts baking bread. Although it get weird in parts.



A Taste Of Blackberries

Smith, Doris Buchanan
A young boy deals with the death of his friend who was stung by a bee and had an allergic reaction to it. Boy, that is a poorly written sentence! A very short book, 94 pages, but good.



First Lensman

Smith, E. E. "Doc"
Virgil Samms receives the first lens from Mentor of Arisia. Found this book lying around the house. Probably read it before, back in the 60s.



The Maze At Windermere

Smith, Gregory Blake
Good books, not "staggeringly brilliant" if you ask me. Five story lines take place in Newport Rhode Island, during five timelines ranging from the 1600s to the 2000s.



The Frugal Gourmet whole family cookbook

Smith, Jeff
Lots of good recipes and information, with a special chapter about soda fountain treats you can make. Now I know what a phosphate is! If only I can retain the information!



Crescent City Kill

Smith, Julie
These books about Policewoman Skip Langdon are getting depressing. I don't EVEN want to visit New Orleans now.



The Kindness Of Strangers

Smith, Julie
New Orleans police officer Skip Langdon works on exposing the evil cult minister Jacomine who is running for mayor.




Smith, Martin Cruz
The American Blair looks for a missing cleric in a coal mining town in Victiorian England. Sort of a romantic mystery. Not really action filled, but interesting. Three maps!! 364 p.



Stalin's Ghost

Smith, Martin Cruz
Arkady is chasing down vision of Stalin, some black beret soldiers, a chess-playing runaway, and his main squeeze, Eva.

Words I Had To Look Up::

Shostakovich's "Tahiti Trot" (pg. 295) -- Tea for two, eh? Interesting.



The Siberian Dilemma

Smith, Martin Cruz
Arkady goes to Siberia and bearly survives.



Three Stations

Smith, Martin Cruz
Arkady helps a fifteen-year-old prostitute to find her stolen baby. He brings a woman back from the dead, and (later) has sex with her. Near the end of the book he guts a guy.


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