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Nobody's Fool

Russo, Richard
Sully is getting older in Bath, Maine, and hasn't quite figured out where is life is going.


"Just because I don't lock my front door doesn't make us friends. What're you doing here, anyhow?"


"You're a man among men, Sully."
"Thanks," he said.
"It wasn't a compliment," she assured him.



Somebody's Fool

Russo, Richard
Five stars, I really enjoyed this book!


Raymer wondered if maybe the time had come to walk away from such grizzly details. -- Grisly?


...he himself had met such a grizzly end... -- Grisly?

Quote: she wouldn't see the grizzly photo... -- Grisly?


"Well, once you're shut of him, we can start a headlong romance of our own." He was enjoying himself now, she could tell. "Maybe try holding hands or something."



Straight Man

Russo, Richard
Funny story about a University professor.



The Risk Pool

Russo, Richard
Ned recounts the history of his relationship with his adventurous father in Mohawk, New York. Very good story, but took a long time to read.


He was from the western half of Pennsylvania, "practically Ohio," and you couldn't grow up that close to Ohio with being Ohio. Ohio was that pervasive. Next to Iowa, she couldn't think of a worse influence. --page 309



Get That Nigger Off The Field!

Rust, Art
A history of African-Americans and other people of color who have played baseball over the last one hundred years.



Becoming Naomi Leon

Ryan, Pam Munoz
Naomi lives in trailer in a town very like Lemon Grove, with her grandmother and brother. Family conflicts, trip to Mexico, reunions. Good story.



Esperanza Rising

Ryan, Pam Munoz
Story of a young girl coming to America from Mexico back in the 30's. Loosely based on the author's grandmother's life. Very good story.



Missing May

Rylant, Cynthia
Summer recalls her aunt May who passed away. A nice story, it's the 1993 Newbery Medal awardee.



Berserker's Star

Saberhage, Fred
Harry Silver ferryies a woman and to men to the not-a-planet of Maracanda where things are not always what one would expect. LATER: Whats with the typos?



The Berserker Tales

Saberhagen, Fred
The Berserkers are robotic ships that are programmed to kill all living things.



Fuzzy Mud

Sachar, Louis
A cautionary tale of over-population and genetic engineering-gone-bad, aimed at younger children. Pretty good, I read it in only two hours!



The Cardturner

Sachar, Louis
I did not have high hopes for a teen book about bridge, but I trusted the author, read it, and liked it VERY much! The possibly overwhelming stuff about bridge is marked with a whale symbol so you can skip over it. An excellent idea! I almost want to try playing bridge, now. Almost!



There's A Boy In The Girl's Bathroom!

Sachar, Louis
I read this because a student said it was not like she expected, and it was really good. It IS really good. I weeped at the end.



The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat And Other Clinical Tales

Sacks, Oliver
Very interesting tales of the patients of a neuro-something-or-other. Can't say I read EVERY word, but enjoyed it. Amazing stories.




Sagan, Carl
Good story. Good movie.



True notebooks

Salzman, Mark
Author goes to juvenile detention facility for mostly murderers, teaches a writing class. Non-fiction. I liked the talking-parts, but not the student writing parts. It's just me, I guess.



The Case Of The Missing Books

Sansom, Ian
A Mobile Library Mystery. I wasn't much interested in this book, except for the library stuff, but as things proceeded to an end I found myself pleased with the ending. Rather witty in parts. I shall have to find the next book.


Sometimes it felt good to be a librarian.



Miles From Nowhere

Savage, Barbara
One of my favorite books, I actually PURCHASED after reading twice from the library so I could share it with others. Barbara and her husband bicycle around the world. Read--several times and more to come.


No date





The Moon Bridge

Savin, Marcia
Ruthie makes a new friend at school. They become best friends, then Mitzi and her family are sent away because it's World War II and they are Japanese-American. A really good story, I liked it very much.



Roller Skates

Sawyer, Ruth
Lucinda is a ten-year-old living in "orphanage" with her aunts while her parents are in Italy for a year because of her mother's health issues. Lucinda is quite outgoing, and reminded me much of Anne Shirley. She loves to meet people, and is totally unconscious of "class". I thought this would be a "nice" story, but there were two deaths that came as quite a shock. Awarded the Newbery in 1937.

Words I Had To Look Up:

story of Diamond (pg. 21) -- the quote in the book is from At The Back Of The North Wind, by George MacDonald, a children's book published in 1871.
Anton Seidl (pg. 92) -- Hugarian-born conductor who became conductor of the New York Philharmonic in 1891. He died in 1898.
Robert Ingersoll (pg. 92) -- Lucinda notes that Aunt Emily said he didn't believe in God. Lucinda wonders "a great deal" why, but never finds out. A very interesting Wikipedia article I perused said he was a great orator and spoke on many topics, including agnosticism.
guimp (pg. 142) -- A narrow flat braid used for trimming. Also spelled gimp.
Cornelius Nepos (pg. 131) -- A Roman biographer.
gertrude (pg. 178) -- A type of clothing for infants. More information is online in The Care Of The Baby, by J. P. Crozer Griffith, published 1900.

Smoke Quote:

The princess brought out a lacquered box, and out of this some cigarettes. She lighted one, lay back on the cushions, and smoked. Lucinda had never seen, had never dreamed it even possible that a woman could smoke. It only made the whole ending of that day appear more unbelievable. (pg. 100)


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