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Thereby Hangs A Tail

Quinn, Spencer
Chet and Bernie Mystery, #2. The Little Detective Agency is hired to protect a dog show contestant. Then fired. Then hired again. It's all very confusing!



To Fetch A Thief

Quinn, Spencer
Chet and Bernie Mystery, #3. The boys end up in Mexico again (or maybe not again, maybe yet? Depends what order you are reading 'em in?) looking for a missing elephant.


We've still got Crock's AR-15, locked in the safe with all our other guns. -- This would be the safe behind the picture of Niagara Falls? Just how large is this safe, anyway?



Motorcycle Mutt

Radlauer, E. and R. S.
Great little story about John and Kookie the Motorcycle Mutt. I've seen them in magazine articles and in On Any Sunday, now in a book telling their story. I read a scanned copy online.



Waiting For Godalming

Rankin, Robert
Detective solves God's murder. Too clever for me, but I enjoyed the "plinth" part. LATER: Read again. Reminds me of Terry Pratchett, this time around.





Figgs & Phantoms

Raskin, Ellen
Well, that was interesting... Found this one during inventory, hasn\'t been checked out in nearly thirty years. I actually remember the last person who borrowed it! Glad I read it, very nice pictures, but did not think it was fabulous. That is, the second half was too strange for me.



The Tattooed Potato And Other Clues

Raskin, Ellen
Art student Dickory Dock goes to work for artist Garson, helping solve several improbable mysteries along with opening the front door for guests, and keeping his paints in order.

Words I Had To Look Up:

taboret (pg. 47) -- A cabinet for storing art materials.


"Bail's a bit tricky on a murder charge..." (pg. 151)



The Westing Game

Raskin, Ellen
A interesting little mystery. The will of a rich guy instructs the heirs to discovered who murdered him before one of them can collect.



The Yearling

Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan
Young Jody is growing up in quire rural Florida, gets a pet fawn. Sad but pretty inevitable ending.

Words I Had To Look Up:

feist (pg. 2) -- A small mongrel dog.
plenitude (pg. 180) -- An ample amount or quantity; an abundance.
Her brain barrels were empty. (pg. 210) -- Probably a typo...



Tales From A Village School

Read, Miss
Stories by a teacher at a country elementary school in England. At least 40 other books by her.



Best Loved Books For Young Readers Volume Two

Readers Digest, ed.
The Scarlet Pimpernel, Tom Sawyer, The Good Earth, and Robin Hood, in condensed form. All great!



Nonfiction Bestsellers

Readers Digest, ed.
Empty promises / Anne Rule -- Fifty acres and a poodle / Jeanne Marie Laskas -- The rescue season / Bob Drury -- Believing it all / Marc Parent -- Who wants to be me? / Regis Philbin. Rule good, Laskas interesting, Drury good, Parent very excellent, Philbin lame. Sorry!



Words In The Dust

Reedy, Trent
A young girl in Afghanistan, who has a cleft lip, goes through a lot of life changes. I thought the story was a little slow at the start, but stuff got real in the second half. I highly recommend reading it!



A Darkling Plain

Reeve, Philip
Fourth book in the Mortal Engines, or whatever they call it, series. I wept at the ending. Twice.

A Flying Vehicle Name I Liked:

Belligerent Peony -- How do you pronounce that?

Words I Had To Look Up:

gubbins (pg. 455) -- Doodad: something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or not known.
gobbets (pg. 458) -- Bits or morsels.



A Web Of Air

Reeve, Philip
Second book in the Fever Crumb prequel to Mortal Engines. While traveling on the theater barge, Fever meets a fellow with scientific leanings.


"Who are you?" they both said at the same instant.
"I've got the gun," said the stranger after a second more. "That means you have to go first."



Fever Crumb

Reeve, Philip
Fever is an apprentice Engineer in pre-traction London. She doesn't know who her parents are. She is sent to assist the archaeologist Kit Solvent. Several originations of people and things from the Mortal Engines series are explained here.



Infernal Devices

Reeve, Philip
Book three of the Mortal Engines series. I was half-way through book four when this come in at the library. And I was lost. I recommend reading them in order, and not waiting YEARS between books. Get the cast of characters from Wikipedia, too. I'm a lot of trouble remembering who is who.

Nifty Names of Flying Things:

Damn You, Gravity
Jenny Haniver (The body of a devil fish mounted to look like something magical or human.)
Bad Hair Day
Contents Under Pressure
Sword Flourished In Understandable Pique
Visible Panty Line
Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Poka-Dot Machiney
and my favorite..
Combat Wombat -- I wonder if he got that from the Hodaka motorcycle?




Reeve, Philip
An oddly Victorian version of space battles, space pirates, and space spiders. Quite dashing!

Words I Had To Look Up:

Tergiversator -- hedger: a respondent who avoids giving a clear direct answer. pg. 365.



Mortal engines

Reeve, Philip
Book 1 of the Hungry Cities Chronicles, in which Tom and Hester meet when she tries to kill Valentine. Tom gets a crush on Valentines daughter. Everybody who isnt necessary for the next book in the series dies, pretty much. Including the city of London.



Predators gold

Reeve, Philip
Book 2 of the Hungry Cities Chronicles, Hester and Tom end up at Anchorage, run across the Lost Boys, and battle it out with the Green Storm troops. Pretty good stuff.



Doubting Thomas

Reeves, Robert
English prof. Thomas Theron bets on a long shot that wins, but his tipster dies. Thomas is coerced into finding out why.


20 books displayed
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