burin (pg. 4) -- A steel cutting tool with a sharp beveled point, used in engraving or carving stone.
Soixante-neuf (pb. 443) -- Sixty-nine.
I am aware that, for many people, a map holds neither meaning nor mystery. I can only hope, compassionately, that the rest of their existence is not equally poverty-stricken. (pg. 469)
Propinquity (pg. 97) -- Nearness in place or time.
...balancing with sidecars (pg. 155) -- I thought sticking someone in the sidecar would stabilize it.
catechumens (pg. 369) -- One who is being taught the principles of Christianity.
CB radios operate at 21 MHz (11 meters) --(pg. 307) No, 21 MHz is the 15 meter band. CB is around 27 MHz.
Morganatic (page 372) -- f, relating to, or being a marriage between a member of a royal or noble family and a person of inferior rank in which the rank of the inferior partner remains unchanged and the children of the marriage do not succeed to the titles, fiefs, or entailed property of the parent of higher rank
Irenic (page 536) -- favoring, conducive to, or operating toward peace, moderation, or conciliation.
Things were looking up. -- pg. 387
Brigitte was only a year older than Steller, of German peasant stock, big-boned and buxom and full of animal vitality. Her plump warm body was always moist with perspiration, and patches of damp powder were caked on her neck and between her breasts, brazenly revealed by a low-cut bodice. (pg. 31) That's the paragraph that got me to read the book.