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Fleischman, Paul
Rob seeks closure with the father who abandoned him and his mother before he was born. Lots of interesting radio stuff. Mentions HCJB, QSL card, AM DXing, and pirate radio. Rob starts his own pirate station. Written in the form of a radio play would be more accurate. There is a photo on the cover of the author when he was a boy with headphones on, listening to short wave radio.



The Borning Room

Fleischman, Paul
Georgina, an Ohio farm girl in the 1800s, recounts her life as events that took place in the room set aside for birthing and dying. Very good.




Fleischman, Paul
Teen Brent kills a girl while driving drunk, travels to the four corners of the U.S to place whirligigs he constructs in her memory. The Jewish lady in San Diego chapter was my favorite. I always thought they were silly, but now I gotta build me one!
This book has the smallest page numbers I have ever seen!

Words I Had To Look Up:

burin (pg. 4) -- A steel cutting tool with a sharp beveled point, used in engraving or carving stone.



The Complete Walker III

Fletcher, Colin
Yes, it was published in 1984, but it is great stuff. I can't say I read EVERY word THIS time around, but over the years I HAVE read every word.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Soixante-neuf (pb. 443) -- Sixty-nine.


I am aware that, for many people, a map holds neither meaning nor mystery. I can only hope, compassionately, that the rest of their existence is not equally poverty-stricken. (pg. 469)




Flinn, Alex
A poor shoe-repair guy in Florida is recruited to find a prince who has been bewitched into a frog. A what??




Flint, Eric
A town in West Virginia from the year 2000 in transported back in time to Germany, 1631, during the Thirty Years War. Not a good time to be in Germany, from all accounts. Good story, moves right along, and I'm learning a lot of history. Hope it is accurate!



1635: The Dreeson Incident

Flint, Eric
Co-authored by Virginia DeMarce. Thanks goodness for the eight pages listing the characters, and the page of family trees, and the maps. But I still got confused.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Propinquity (pg. 97) -- Nearness in place or time.
...balancing with sidecars (pg. 155) -- I thought sticking someone in the sidecar would stabilize it.
catechumens (pg. 369) -- One who is being taught the principles of Christianity.



Grantville Gazette IV

Flint, Eric
Fiction and factual articles related to the 1632 world, by Eric Flint and others. My favorite was the train-related Elizabeth. The factual articles were interesting, but went into WAY too much detail for me!



Grantville Gazette Volume I

Flint, Eric
Five stories, three factual articles, and one racy cover, which goes along with the first story. My favorite story was "Anna's Story".


CB radios operate at 21 MHz (11 meters) --(pg. 307) No, 21 MHz is the 15 meter band. CB is around 27 MHz.



Pyramid Power

Flint, Eric
The Krim machine sucks the gang into a Viking myth world.



Ring Of Fire

Flint, Eric
Short stories by several authors continue the saga of the 1632 universe. Several of the stories are very excellent, some confused me.



Words I Had To Look Up:

Morganatic (page 372) -- f, relating to, or being a marriage between a member of a royal or noble family and a person of inferior rank in which the rank of the inferior partner remains unchanged and the children of the marriage do not succeed to the titles, fiefs, or entailed property of the parent of higher rank

Irenic (page 536) -- favoring, conducive to, or operating toward peace, moderation, or conciliation.



Ring of Fire II

Flint, Eric
Fifteen stories by various authors, edited by Flint. My favorite was Ellis Island, by Russ Rittgers, but all the stories were good.

The Philosophical Strangler

Flint, Eric
Joe's World #1. I read the Baen Free Library e-book edition. A professional strangler and his manager have a lot of adventure, including the underworld!


“Hadn’t been for that fucking comet,” I heard him mutter, “we’d still be running the show. Wouldn’t be any of this derring-do nonsense, let me tell you. Just loll about in the swamp, gobbling insects.” -- Chapter 24.


The salamander’s eyes bugged even further, and he hissed with outrage. “That’s Frankenstein’s monster, you ignoramus!” -- Chapter 28.



Time Spike

Flint, Eric
Co-written with Marilyn Kosmatka. An Illinois maximum security prison is transported 50 million years back in time,more or less, along with Cherokee Indians from the Trail of Tears, Spanish conquistadors, and various other people. And dinosaurs. Yikes!

Smoke Quote:

No matter how different they were in other ways, they shared the smoker's sense of withstanding a bitter and relentless siege shoulder to shoulder. -- pg. 419.



In The Country Of The Blind

Flynn, Michael



Extremely loud and incredibly close

Foer, Jonathan
Interestly story of a boy coming to terms with the death of his father in 9/11. Lots of pictures and some colored pages, rather different for a fiction book.



The Pillars Of The Earth

Follett, Ken
Learned a lot about church construction and the often rotten life of even the better-off in Medieval England. Very happy I do not have to life there!


When she woke up in the morning she discovered she was not pregnant.

Things were looking up. -- pg. 387



Where The Sea Breaks Its Back

Ford, Corey
The story of Bering's second expedition, to Alaska, focusing on Georg Steller, the naturalist.


Brigitte was only a year older than Steller, of German peasant stock, big-boned and buxom and full of animal vitality. Her plump warm body was always moist with perspiration, and patches of damp powder were caked on her neck and between her breasts, brazenly revealed by a low-cut bodice. (pg. 31) That's the paragraph that got me to read the book.



Mr. Midshipman Hornblower

Forester, C. S.
Stirring stories of young man in His Majesty's Navy.


"Hell!. said Hornblower, actually stamping his feet on the upper gangway in his anger. "Hell and damination!" --pg. 251



Apparition Alley

Forrest, Katherine V.
Lesbian Detective Kate Delafield is asked to help an officer who is accused of killing a suspected drug pusher.


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