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Bio Of A Space Tyrant Volume 1: Refugee

Anthony, Piers
Space Opera with a little bit of everything: murder, incest, rape, wanton killing, child molestation... did I mention rape? Murder? I am SO looking forward to volume two!! Actually, it's a pretty good book, with a very uplifing love story that caused me to shed a little tear. But it IS pretty violent!



Light From Uncommon Stars

Aoki, Ryka
First off, I enjoyed reading this pretty much. Especially the violin stuff, and donuts! This was the #2 for the 2022 Hugo. I read some comments about the book that showed me some problematic areas I had not thought about.


There is a reason that most luthiers never let players see what they do to their instruments. They would faint. -- I've seen it on YouTube. Brutal!


Why was he taking shit from backward shits who had never even left their shitstain planet?



Ninja Soccer Moms

Apodaca, Jennifer
A mom (with a boob job, mentioned many times)in Lake Elsinore runs a dating service, with some detecting on the side. I kept comparing it to the Evanovich's books.

Words I Had To Look Up::

"Chunks." (pg. 186) -- I didn't know highlights in hair were called chunks. See, you CAN learn stuff, even from a book as lightweight as this!



Tom Swift And His Motor-Cycle: Or, Fun And Adventures On The Road

Appleton, Victor
Tom Swift Sr., #1. I guess there is a Tom Swift Sr. and later Tom Swift Jr. takes over with his own series. In this one Senior is just young Tom Swift, and he buys a motorcycle from an odd fellow who gives up learning to ride it. He has some adventures riding it around trying to catch the men who stole an invention from his father, whose name I forget.


"Yo' doan't catch dis yeah nigger lookin' around!" -- Yeah, nice, this is a book for teens?



False Impression

Archer, Jeffrey
Thriller involves Anna, an art expert, with a Van Gogh and murder. And there is an Romanian ex-gymnast hitwoman, too.! Did I mention the 9/11 backdrop?



To cut a long story short

Archer, Jeffrey
Fourteen pretty darn good little stories. Some have an art background, and some are based on true events.


'Henry Moore,' the curator continued, in a voice that made it clear he believed he was addressing an ignorant bunch of tourists who might muddle up Cubism with sugar lumps [...].



Twelve Red Herrings

Archer, Jeffrey
Twelve short stories, each with a "red herring" to discover, none which I could figure out. But the stories are still pretty good.



Every second counts

Armstrong, Lance
Lance continues the narrative of his career, marriage, and cancer survival. Does not include the Sheryl Crow era, that is probably in the next book.



It's Not About The Bike

Armstrong, Lance
Lance tells his story of cancer and winnnig his first Tour de France. Excellent and inspirational.



Confessions Of A Prairie Bitch

Arngrim, Alison
This was a really good book by the actress that portrayed Nellie on Little House On The Prairie. It's about her life, good and horrible, and what she made of it. Her mother was the voice of Sweet Polly on freakin' Underdog!!!



Hunter's Horn

Arnow, Harriette Simpson
Picked this orphan book off the middle school library shelf. A really rich, detailed story of poor Kentucky hill farmers. One man's obsession with foxhunting, to the detriment of his family, is central to the story. I would like to have learned how his daughter's pregnancy turned out.



Red Sky In Mourning

Ashcraft, Tami Oldham
Tami and Richard set sail for San Diego from Tahiti. Richard goes overboard and is lost during a hurricane, and Tami must survive, trying to sail the dis-masted boat. They made a movie of this true adventure/disaster.



I, Robot

Asimov, Isaac
Nine stories about robots linked by narration of Susan Calvin. I fear the movie...



Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn

Asimov, Isaac
Writing as Paul French, this is one of Asimov's juveniles. The Sirians have established a base on Titan.





Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 11 (1949)

Asimov, Isaac, ed.
Fifteen classic stories, including "The Witches Of Karres". 2005



Isaac Asimov's Adventures of science fiction

Asimov, Isaac, ed.
Twelve stories from Asimov's magazine. Especially like "The Jaren".



The Hugo Winners, Volume 3 Book 1

Asimov, Isaac, ed.
Hugo winners for 1970-1972.



The Hugo Winners, Volume 3 Book 2

Asimov, Isaac, ed.
Hugo winners for 1973-1975. Some fabulous stories here.



100 Malicious Little Mysteries

Asimov, Isaac, ed., et. al.
Some mighty good short little mysteries in this volume.



Robert B. Parker's Lullaby

Atkins, Ace
A Spencer book written by another author after Parker's death. A young girl hires Spencer (for a box of donuts!) to look into the murder of her mother.


20 books displayed
[Abadzis - Aiken] [Aiken - Allinghamc] [Alvarez - Angelou] [Anthony - Atkins] [Atkinson - Baen Publishing Enterprises] [Baen Publishing Enterprises - Balliett] [Ballingrud - Barnard] [Barnard - Barr] [Barr - Barry] [Barry - Bear] [Bear - Beaton] [Beaton - Beaton] [Beattie - Bingle] [Birdsall - Block] [Block - Block] [Bloor - Bosch] [Bosch - Breathed] [Brenaman - Bryson] [Bryson - Bujold] [Bujold - Bujold] [Bunting - Card] [Card - Card] [Card - Chabon] [Chabon - Child] [Childress - Clark] [Clark - Coben] [Coben - Colfer] [Colfer - Collins] [Collins - Connelly] [Connelly - Constantine] [Constantine - Corcoran] [Corder - Cornwell] [Cornwell - Crais] [Crais - Crichton] [Crichton - Curry] [Curtis - Cussler] [Dahl - Dean] [Deaver - Disilverio] [Dixon - Dorsey] [Dorsey - Dozois] [Dozois - Dunning] [DuPrau - Elkins] [Ellms - Evanovich] [Evanovich - Fairstein] [Fairstein - Fforde] [Fielding - Flanders] [Fleischman - Forrest] [Forrest - Francis] [Francis - Francis] [Francis - Francis] [Francis - Friedman] [Funke - Gantos] [Garcia - Gidwitz] [Gidwitz - Gores] [Gores - Granger] [Granger - Greenlaw] [Greenleaf - Grimes] [Grimes - Grisham] [Grisham - Haddix] [Haddix - Hall] [Hall - Hammett] [Hannah - Hautman] [Hautman - Heinlein] [Heinlein - Heller] [Heller - Herman] [Herman - Hess] [Hesse - Higgins] [Highsmith - Hobb] [Hobb - Hornung] [Hornung - Huff] [Huff - Jemisin] [Jemisin - Jones] [Jones - Kaminsky] [Kaminsky - Kellog] [Kelly - King] [King - Klise] [Knight - Kraft] [Krakauer - Landry] [Lange - Lawrence] [Lawson - Lee] [Lee - Lescroart] [Lescroart - Lindsay] [Link - Lott] [Louv - Luna] [Luttrell - Macleod] [Macleod - Manley] [Marcinko - Martine] [Martini - Matas] [Matthews - McCall Smith] [McCall Smith - McCrumb] [McCrumb - Meluch] [Meluch - Modesitt Jr.] [Modesitt, Jr. - Moon] [Moon - Mosley] [Moss - Napoli] [Neville - Niven] [Northcutt - O'Brian] [O'Brian - O'Brien] [O'Brien - Osa] [Osman - Paretsky] [Paretsky - Parker] [Parker - Parker] [Parker - Patterson] [Patterson - Paulsen] [Paulsen - Penney] [Penny - Picoult] [Pinkwater - Poyer] [Poyer - Pratchett] [Pratchett - Pratchett] [Pratchett - Pronzini] [Pronzini - Pullman] [Pullman - Quinn] [Radlauer - Rehder] [Rehder - Riordan] [Riordan - Rollins] [Rollins - Rucka] [Rushdie - Saberhage] [Saberhagen - Scalzi] [Scalzi - Schumacher] [Schweikher - Scottoline] [Scottoline - Shames] [Shapero - Silver] [Silverberg - Smith] [Smith - Spiegelman] [Spiegelman - Stark] [Stasheff - Stern] [Stewart - Stross] [Stross - Swee] [Sweeney - Telsep] [Tepper - Turner] [Turner - Vachss] [Vachss - Vande Velde] [Vande Velde - Wambaugh] [Wambaugh - Weber] [Weber - Wells] [Wells - Westlake] [Westlake - Whelan] [Wibberly - Winchester] [Winchester - Wood] [Woodring - Zahn] [Zahn - Zusak] 
