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Holy terror

Marcinko, Richard
Co-authored by Jim DeFelice. Demo Dick saves the Pope from gettin blown up. I like how many of the people he encounters say his first book was the best. With index.



Rogue Warrier-Option Delta

Marcinko, Richard
The Rogue Warrier afield and afoot in Europe.


No printable quotes!!



Rogue Warrier-The Real Team

Marcinko, Richard
Introduces the real operators from the Rogue Warrier series..



Rogue Warrior : Seize The Day

Marcinko, Richard
With Jim Defelice, Marcinko tells the tale of impersonating Fidel Castro to gather information on a big plot. Moves right along, a pretty good read.



Rogue Warrior: Dictator's Ransom

Marcinko, Richard
I'm PRETTY sure this one is fictional. Dickie goes to North Korea to have dinner with Kim Jong Il. Of course Richard has other motives. Like locating nuclear weapons. The dictator orders Dick to find his son. Stuff happens.

It was funny how this book tied in with the book I just finished, Richard Belzor's I Am Not A Cop!, what with the Russian phrases, references to the mafiya, and the Spetsnaz.

I would like to have see more about Cho Lim, the North Korean soldier/agent/spy who loved animals.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Chinese cup garden (pg. 98) -- It's a garden. A Chinese garden. Nothing really definitive on the web about them.
"Nazdarovya" yelled the team's jumpmaster... (pg. 179) -- He yells "To your health" when they jump?



Violence Of Action

Marcinko, Richard
Some renagade American sojers steal a suitcase nuke and plan to use it, in all places, Portland Oregon, since apparantly it is a den of immorality. Hilarity ensues...



Rogue Warrier-Echo Platoon

Marcinko, Richard and John Weisman
Dicky goes to the Caucasus area to rescue hostages on yet another oil rig, among other things.



Rogue Warrier-Task Force Blue

Marcinko, Richard and John Weisman
Dicky finds out who is swiping U.S. Army weapons and selling them to street gangs. This is the book with the incredible dread destroyer of telephone eqipment, the encrypted message- sending fax machine (page 276)!!



Seal Force Alpha

Marcinko, Richard and John Weisman
The Rogue Warrier is kicking butt on Chinese spys! Not as good as the first three? books. Maybe the formula is getting tiresome.



Tomorrow, When The War Began

Marsden, John
Teens in Australia come back from camping trip to find everyone has been captured by invading army. Interesting, not overly "actioney", much Aussie lingo and references, of course. Reviewed at



Death And The Dancing Footman

Marsh, Ngaio
Roderick Alleyn, #11. Got a lot better when Alleyn finally showed up!


"By the pricking of my thumbs. Well, it can't be for me, anyway." -- Famous last words!



To The End

Marshall, William
Another freak'n wierd Yellowthread Street series mystery. Hong Kong is in a state of turmoil as China prepares to reclaim it.


"The odor of virtuous conduct lasts a thousand generations..."



The Necropolis Railway

Martin, Andrew
Jim Stringer is finally on the path to his dream job as a railroad engineer, but something is going on at his new job on a railroad that hauls bodies to the cemetery...murder!

Words I Had To Look Up:

trickling the Jeyes into the khazis (pg. 29) -- Jeyes Fluid turns out to be a brand of disinfectant.
The joxies on the next seat (pg. 91) -- Apparently prostitutes, but I can't find any verification.
a bit of a beano here (pg. 94) -- A noisy festive celebration .



The Meanest Doll In The World

Martin, Ann M. and others
Nicely illustrated story of the Doll family who meets an awful princess doll named Mimi who may bring destruction to them all!




Martin, David Lozell
Wierd crime goings-on in New Orleans. Graphic, sometimes funny. Clown paranoia.



A Game Of Thrones

Martin, George R. R.
Everyone has seen the television series. Except me. But, I've read the first book!



Hunter's Run

Martin, George R. R.
Co-authored by Gardner Dozois and Daniel Abraham. Prospector on planet of Sao Paolo meets alien. Whole lot of cussing, in English and Spanish. Interesting how one's sympathies change during the story.




Martin, George R. R., ed.
Twenty-one stories about rogues. Various genres, including crime and fantasy. I especially liked the one involving the band instruments.



A Desolation Called Peace

Martine, Arkady
This the second book took me a long time, maybe a hundred pages, to come up to speed as to what was going on. I'm looking forward to the third book, but I'm not sure I'll remember much of what happened in this one, then!



A Memory Called Empire

Martine, Arkady
A girl (well, woman!) is sent to the Empire's capital to be the new ambassador from her tiny home "planet", an mining station. Replacing the previous ambassador, who seems to have been murdered. I am not enamored of poetry, but it was presented here in a painless manner and certainly is part of the story. I can't imagine where the author will go with the next book!


20 books displayed
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