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Bargain Bride

Lampman, Evelyn Sibley
Ginny is now fifteen, which means the man she was wed to when she was ten years old is coming to take her to live with him on his farm. A tale of the settlement of the Oregon Territory.



The Potlach Family

Lampman, Evelyn Sibley
Plum gets in touch with her roots as a Chinook Indian in Oregon. Whoops, I mispeled Potlatch in the title!



Skulduggery Pleasant

Landry, Derek
Teen girl in a boring Irish town meets a skeleton detective in this rather clever and humorous tale.



Edward Stratemeyer

Lange, Brenda
Biography of the creator of the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Tom Swift, and many other book series in the early 1900s.




Lansing, Alfred
Story of Shackleton's incredible voyage to Antarctica. These guy were tough!!!



Dead Wake

Larson, Erick
All about the sinking of the Lusitania during WWI. Very interesting, as his books are, very readable, learned a few things, too.



The Devil In The White City

Larson, Erick
The Chicago World's Fair and a serial killer stories intertwine in this non-fiction book. Very interesting.




Larson, Erick
Very interesting story of Marconi and the first criminal, a murderer, apprehended with the use of radio, Dr. Crippen.



Pennyroyal Academy

Larson, M. A.
A girl with no name joins up to be a Princess at the Academy. Lucky they are letting in the non-royal this year. I liked the story, also agreed the criticisms of it that I saw. That it was already planned to be a movie before it was published was disconcerting to me. I'll read the rest of the series, but I'll wait for the book faire and not pay full hardback price again.



The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest

Larsson, Steig
I really enjoyed this last book of the three published so far. There was more humor than I expected, too.

Quote I:

"I'm think of moving you to the Constitutional Protection operations unit."
"Forgive me for mentioning this, but Constitutional Protection doesn't have an operations unit."
"Yes, it does," Edklinth said. "I established it this morning. At present it consists of you."
"I see," said Figuerola hesitantly. -- pg. 224

Quote II:

"This is serious, Erika. I think you ought to see a doctor." -- pg. 270



The Girl Who Played With Fire

Larsson, Steig
I think this one, book two in the series, is even better than the first one. We find a out a bit more Lisbeth and her awful childhood.


There were not so many physical threats that could not be countered with a decent hammer, Salander thought. -- Pg. 33.

Unlike most other people who knew her, Palmgren was sure that Salander was a genuinely moral person. The problem was that her notion of morality did not always coincide with that of the justice system. -- Pg. 150.



The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Larsson, Steig
Pretty good story of a disgraced journalist hired to look into the disappearance of a teen girl some, what, forty years ago.



Beyond The Burning Time

Lasky, Kathryn
Historical fiction in witch-hunting Salem.



Carry On, Mr. Bowditch

latham, Jean Lee
Biographical Fiction account of the life of Nathanial Bowditch, the self-taught mathematical genius who improved navigation for sailors.



The Seventh Cousin

Laughlin, Florence
The Carter family moves to Nebraska. They find a new home in an old house. A house with a mysterious "heiress" living in the attic apartment. Pretty good little mystery, a couple of references to Mercy Hospital in San Diego. A Weekly Reader Children's Book Club edition.



Going To Pot

Laurimore, Jill
Funny story about gentle folks in Britain trying to sell the family collection of mugs.



B For Buster

Lawrence, Iain
A young boy lies about his age and enlists in the air force during World War II. Extremely great story, I learned a lot about the Halifax bomber, flight operations, and the pigeons used for emergency communication. I had to make a list of the seven crew members as I couldn't remember who was which. PET PEEVE: If you are going to include a glossary at the back of the book kindly mention it in the front of the book!!



Ghost Boy

Lawrence, Iain
A teen with albinism runs away and joins a small circus in post-war United States. The author cites Toby Tyler as an influence, in fact says he had to rewrite the story because there was too much Toby in it! The first hundred pages were not all that great, for me, but in the last hundred the story started pulling me in, and it was very moving.



Lord Of The Nutcracker Men

Lawrence, Iain
During the first World War Johnny is sent to live with his aunt in Cliffe, a relatively safer place than London. He plays with the toy soldiers his father gave him. His father (a toymaker) carves new ones and sends them from the front. Johnny comes to think that he is controlling the war with his toy soldiers, and fears for his father's safety. A really good book!



The Buccaneers

Lawrence, Iain
John Spencer sails for the West Indies on the Dragon in this last of the series. Great little sea stories all!


20 books displayed
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