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Christmas Cookie Murders

Meier, Leslie
Lucy Stone lives in a small town in Maine and aggravates the local police by solving murders. Two recipes.



The Apothecary

Meloy, Maile
Janie's parents have to leave the U.S. for England in 1952 because of persecution by the government. Janie a little trouble adjusting, but then she meets an interesting boy. And THEN things get weird.

I enjoyed this story very much, and especially the observations on post-ware life in London.

I should have realized there was gonna be a sequel!



Strength And Honor

Meluch, R.M.
Last book (#4) in the U.S.S. Merrimack series. Ties things up nicely.



The Myriad

Meluch, R.M.
Tour of the Merrimack #1. The battleship is chasing down Hive, finds a unknown populated planet, some battle fought, the timeline is changed, black hole, blah blah.



The Sagitarius Command

Meluch, R.M.
Book three of the U.S.S. Merrimack series. Gosh, I didn't care for the first book and here I am on the third one! Oddly, SPQR came up in conversation (on television they were showing The Robe), Cam translated it (High school Latin pays off again!), and now I find it on page 90, among pages. Whoops, I misspelled the title!



Wolf Star

Meluch, R.M.
Tour of the Merrimack #2. Didn't care much for the last book, and here I am reading book two! Wept a bit at page 322. Now I gotta go walk to the library and get the next one.




Meyer, Marissa
A Cinderella story, except she's a cyborg, live in New Beijing a couple centuries in the future, and the Moon Queen is out to get her. Good story, sure to be a sequel.




Meyer, Marissa
Book Three in the Lunar Chronicles. The continuing adventures of Cinder the Cyborg and her wacky gang of misfits. Iko is my favorite character, but I forget how she became the ship so I guess I'll have to read Scarlet again.



Fairest : Levana's Story

Meyer, Marissa
How Levana got that way.




Meyer, Marissa
Second book in The Lunar Chronicles. We meet Scarlet, who lives on a farm in France. Scarlet meets Wolf, who is a fighter. Eventually Scarlet meets Cinder. I enjoyed it very much.




Meyer, Marissa
The last book in the Lunar Chronicles. 800+ pages. I think my favorite character in this volume is Iko.


"Of course I understand sarcasm," she spat. "It's not like it's theoretical physics, is it?" -- pg. 373



The Silent Patient

Michaelides, Alex
I guess this would be a psychological thriller, eh? I enjoyed reading it, and read it rather quickly. I LOVED the short chapters! Everyone should write short chapters! I was surprised by the ending.




MiƩville, China
A squid goes missing in London. Is it God? A bit dense for me, I think I lost the, what do you call it, "narrative thread", somewhere in the four hundreds, page-wise. Admirable writing with a lot of interesting ideas.



Perdido Street Station

MiƩville, China
New Crobuzon, #1. Good book, long book. I may or may not read any more of the series. Rich descriptions, scary beings, hard decisions made.




Mikaelsen, Ben
An American teen trains to be the first Junior Astronaut on the Space Shuttle. He has a bit of an attitude, and gets into an argument on ham radio with a Maasai teen. When the Shuttle has to land in Africa they meet. An informative book, but the writing is not as good as his other books.



Jungle Of Bones

Mikaelsen, Ben
Teenage jerk Dylan finds himself in the company of his uncle in the jungle of Papua New Guinea searching for the remains of the B-17 bomber his grandfather crashed in during World War II. Lots of action until the last chapter.




Mikaelsen, Ben
A baby with cerebral palsy is mis-diagnosed and left in an insane asylum for many years. As an old man he meets a teen who he befriends. A very moving story. Highly recommended.



Touching Spirit Bear

Mikaelsen, Ben
A nasty J. D. gets sent to an island in Alaska to ponder his sins. Very good story.



Darkness Falls

Miles, Kyle
Some eco-terrorists mutate another eco-terrorist's bacteria to do more damage than the one she created from another eco-non-terrorist's work. The bacteria? It eats oil.


"Head shots are unreliable. You'd be surprised how often the bullet just deflects off your skull." (pg. 245) Good to know! Also, this is the only sentence I laughed with.


"Look at the electrical insulation on these. It's cloth. This stuff's been obsolete for decades. The only thing it had going for it is that it wouldn't be affected by the bacteria." (pg. 254) I wonder why the bad guy didn't use knob and tube wiring?



Destiny Of The Republic

Millard, Candice
A really good non-fiction about the assassination of President Garfield in 1881. Not something I would have picked out for myself, but it was really good!


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