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The Best Bad Luck I Ever Had

Levine, Kristin
Small-town Southern boy makes friends (eventually) with a new girl in town, a "negra", in 1917. The "n-word" is used a number of times, and I'm not talking about "negra", and it seemed out of place in a middle school level story, but it's essential to getting a feeling of the time and place. I really liked the story, and even wept a bit near the end.




"You know, Dit," he said in a quiet voice, "when my wife died, I was real angry. Angry at the ol' doctor who wouldn't come because I didn't have no money. Angry at God for taking her away."
Jim paused to make sure I was listening.

"But after a while I thought of something worse than losing my wife."
"What?" I asked.
"If I'd never met her at all." -- Pg. 252

Last battle

Lewis, C. S.
End of Narnia. Or is it?



Prince Caspian

Lewis, C. S.
Peter, Susan, Lucy, and Edmund are called back to Narnia to help the boy prince Caspian.



The horse and his boy

Lewis, C. S.
A horse, and a boy, travel to Narnia. Very good, of course, have read this at least 3 times.



The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe

Lewis, C. S.
Read this for the first time when I was an intern at the Christ Lutheran School library. Wonderful, of course.



The magician's nephew

Lewis, C. S.
Polly and Digory go to Narnia.



The silver chair

Lewis, C. S.
Eustace and Jill go to Narnia to rescue Prince Rilian.



Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Lewis, C. S.
All the kids plus Eustace sail to the end of the world. Read again.



Secrets, Lies & Algebra

Lichtman, Wendy
Tess is thirteen and loves math. She uses mathematics to try to understand relationships.
I enjoyed the story, but I thought the suicide/suspected murder might be a bit morbid, but it is nicely concluded in a meaningful way.



Facing The Lion

Liebster, Simone Arnold
Memoirs of a young girl in Nazi Europe. Simone is a Jehovah's Witness and this story tells of her (and her family's) persecution. Maps, appendices, indes. Interesting story. She certainly was a devote little girl!



Darkly Dreaming Dexter

Lindsay, Jeff
The first Dexter book. Someone is murdering prostitutes in a flamboyant manner. Dexter admires his technique.



Dexter In The Dark

Lindsay, Jeff
This is my first Dexter book, the third in the series, I think. Probably not the best place to start. Dexter is getting married, with children. If Moloch is a real being, wouldn't the Christian god be a real being too?



Dexter Is Delicious

Lindsay, Jeff
Dexter runs afoul of some cannibals. Rather gruesome!



Antarctic Tears

Linsdau, Aaron
Very good story of the author's solo expedition to the South Pole. Lots of problems came up, and the author explain how he solved them. I met the author once, so when I saw this book on Amazon I ordered it. The hardback copy, no less!



Harry Hears A Hodaka

Linville, Milo Jon
While berry picking with his family Harry spots an old rusty motorcycle in the bush. It doesn't even have an engine but he decides to rebuild it. Helped (a lot!) by his father and grandpa and many others. Along the way Harry learns about making decisions, the value of work, and relationships. When it is finally finished he realizes that he forgot one thing!



Black Duck

Lisle, Janet Taylor
Exciting adventures of a Rhode Island boy during Prohibition, as told by an old man to a budding teen journalist. Very good!



The Healing Spell

Little, Kimberley Griffiths
Livie's mother is in a coma. No one else knows that it is Livie's fault. Enjoyable little story, but not sure of the ending. Finished painting? Really? Oh, and how does a 22 turn into a shotgun? Just quibbles, mind you, I liked the story. UPDATE: A correspondence with the author clears up the confusion I had. There is a shot ammunition for the 22.



The Time Of The Fireflies

Little, Kimberley Griffiths
A young girl lives in Louisiana, in the family's antique store/house. Her mother's family has a history of awful things happening to them. Then there are the phones. And that doll... Good story, almost couldn't put it down, but I had visitors from out-of-state!



Frog And Toad Are Friends

Lobel, Arnold
Referred to many times in the CYRM nominee "Rules", so I read it!



Kay Everett Works DX

Lobsenz, Amelia
I enjoyed reading this story of a teen ham radio who tracks down some spies in her town. Very nostalgic ham radio fiction reminding me of my youth!


Kay had a sudden realization that it is the familiar we each love, but it is a mistake to think that just because a place is familiar to us it is necessarily the nicest--or pleasantest--in the whole world. Or the only place to live. Page 128-129.


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