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The Collapsing Empire

Scalzi, John
Book One of a series, the name of which I don't know. Some snappy repartee, several memorable characters. My immediate favorite character gets killed pretty early, so I am VERY displeased by that. I just KNOW I am not going to remember any of the story or characters by the time the next book comes out. I rate this: A Promising OK.



The Consuming Fire

Scalzi, John
I guess this is book two in the Interdependency Sequence. The author should maybe include a Glossary, I was unfamiliar with some of the words used, especially that one that started with "F"... Who talks like that? Well, except for my friend. Good story as I got more engaged with it in the second half. Laughed out loud a couple of times, even. Hope I remember the story when the next one comes out!



The End Of All Things

Scalzi, John
I find that in a series I often forget what went on in previous volumes. So to with this one, but I still enjoyed it about 75%.



Read Again:


The Ghost Brigades

Scalzi, John
I really should have read these in order. I laughed out loud a couple or times, which was odd of me, even though I am such a funny guy. I also cried a couple of times. So this is the story of Jared Dirac, who becomes a Special Forces soldier in Jane Sagan's unit. Good stuff.



Read Again:


The Human Division

Scalzi, John
Having missed reading this one somehow, I enjoyed reading it after re-reading the previous volumes in the series. And after reading the final book in the series before re-reading all those. So now I can say I don't remember what happens after this one.



The Kaiju Preservation Society

Scalzi, John
Jaimie gets a new job after being fired by his jerk CEO boss. It involves travel.



The Last Colony

Scalzi, John
John Perry, Jane Sagan, and Zoe head off to colonized a new planet. But the Colonial Union has some underhandedness under its sleeve, as it were.



Read Again:


The Last Emperox

Scalzi, John
This book was relatively quick to read, nice dialogue, moves right along, and some good lines. Some funny, too. Big surprises near the end.



The President's Brain Is Missing

Scalzi, John
A very very short (48 e-pages or so) story about the brain disappearing, yet the president is still alive! What is going on? Good, but short, story.



Zoe's Tale

Scalzi, John
A very excellent story of colonization from the POV of a fifteen-year-old girl named Zoe.



Read again:


The Godmother's Apprentice

Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann
What if a high school girl was an apprentice Godmother? I liked the idea of this book, but four-letter words and some uncomfortable scenes make it suitable for high school readers. Second book in a series. I don't know when I read this.


No date

Glory Be

Scattergood, Agusta
Glory is almost twelve in 1964 Mississippi. A great story of a young girl's growing awareness of segregation in the South.


Don't be calling that our letter (pg. 84)



The swarm

Schatzing, Frank
Too many pages. 881. But I finished it. Story is ok, supposed to be really accurate science, but I couldn't tell. I would have hooked up with a ham radio operator when the fishies cut the trans-Atlantic internet cable, they gots connections to the internets that bypass cables.

Smoking Quote:

Set the scene: The ship they are on is sinking: Tarry black smoke drifted towards them. "Have you got any cigarettes?" she asked. ..."They're Lights," he explained. "Oh, the healthy option..."..."Very sensible."




Schmatz, Pat
Travis has a lot of problems in his life and at school, but things start to change when he meets Velveeta. I really really liked this one!


"I can pull my own wagon." -- (page 184) Metaphor? Simile? Velveeta IS pulling a wagon, and she is not going to let Travis or anyone else help!



Okay For Now

Schmidt, Gary
Doug Swieteck moves to a small town. Although it takes a while to get going, this is such a great book I can hardly stand it!


"Why don't we all sit down and have another bowl of raspberry sherbert?" said Mrs. Windermere.



Lizzie Bright And The Buckminster Boy

Schmidt, Gary D.
Turner finds when he moves to Phippsburg, Maine, that life is very different from Boxton. They don't even pitch baseball the same. His only friend is a Negro girl from Malaga Island. And talking to Negro girls is not the kind of behavior expected of a minister's boy. A very good historical novel. A bit wordy, sometimes I had to go back a re-read a paragraph. Some sly humour, some tragedy, some growing.


"Oh hell," said Mrs. Cobb, "it's warm here. Get me a ginger ale."



The Wednesday WArs

Schmidt, Gary D.
Holling has to stay in school alone on Wednesday afternoons because he isn't Jewish nor Catholic. Hard to read the last quarter, as I was crying so much.


Faster, you dang slug! (pg. 204)





The Witches Of Karres

Schmitz, James H.
How can this not already be in here? I own the book, and have for many years! I first read it back in the 60s, and I've read it several times since then. I enjoyed it very much.





The Salt Marsh

Schonborg, Virginia
Sixteen little poems about a salt marsh, with drawings by the author. Rather charming.



Grass Angel

Schumacher, Julie
Frances plans to go to summer camp with her best friend Agnes, but her mother decides to go to a retreat in Oregon. Frances has to stay at her nerdy Aunt Blue's for the duration. I liked the book a lot.


"Some mistakes are worth making."
"How do you tell which mistakes those are?"


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