I said, "Be generous, Mr. Spade." -- (pg. 266) From The Maltese Falcon.
Distemper (pg. 137) -- A water-based paint combined with glue.
Lawn (pg. 147) -- A lightweight, sheer, cloth.
Aspidistra (pg. 195) -- Plant from east Asian forests. It's green.
Victoria (pg. 263) -- In this case, an elegant carriage, very fashionable for a ride in the park.
Solar Topees (pg. 159) -- Those hard hats, often white, the British wear in the tropics.
Perukes (pg. ?) -- Refers to a type of wig, worn by men. (Plural)
morganatic (pg.40) -- Of or denoting a marriage in which neither the spouse of lower rank nor any children have any claim to the possessions or title of the spouse of higher rank.
birdlime (pg. 75) -- A sticky substance spread on twigs to trap small birds.
charlotte a la parisienne (pg. 160) -- Seems to be a dessert of complicated heritage.
..."Look, can't we just shoot the guard and run for it?"
"If there any shooting, I'll do it. But not guards. He's just doing what's he's told. Mind you, he's not doing what I tell him. Perhaps I will shoot him."... -- pg. 213