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Killing Orders

Paretsky, Sara
Crooked friars cause V.I. Warshawski no end of trouble.



Total Recall

Paretsky, Sara
V.I. Warshawski is investigating Ajax Insurance again, and some guy thinks he is a holocaust survivor. Very good.


"You look horribly healthy, it makes me want to smoke more in self-defense."



Tunnel Vision

Paretsky, Sara
The tunnels under Chicago are flooding, V.I.'s office building is condemned, and some scam is afoot at a non-profit housing outfit.



Windy City Blues

Paretsky, Sara
A collection of stories about V.I. Warshawski.



Women The Case

Paretsky, Sara, editor
26 stories by women writers of crime. Some were excellent, some were not.



Futuristic Violence And Fancy Suits

Pargin, Jason
Originally published under author's pseudonym, David Wong. Zoey Ashe #1. A bit in the future, Zoey lives in a trailer park and works at a small coffee shop. A LOT of violence happens, but works out OK except for all the folks who die/are injured.

Smoke Quote:

She shouldn't be in this bad of shape, she had quit smoking when she was fifteen.


Zoey was disappointed that the van didn't explode into a fireball like in old action movies, but was one of the downsides of electric car technology.


We want to sew doubt about why she's so confident. -- "sew"? How about sow?


Without turning away from the wall, Armando said, "This man, is he still around?" -- WOAH, I said!


...paint it, modify it, put real tactical sites on it... -- "sites"?? Maybe, "sights"?



Zoey Is Too Drunk For This Dystopia

Pargin, Jason
Zoey Ashe, #3. There's an election going on. Who is Zoey and her crew supporting? Plus, there are three women missing from a brothel. One that Zoey owns, of course.


She looked down at the Doritos bag, the animated flaming-triangle logo dancing above a heap of dusted chips, as if looking to it for advice. Receiving none, she started running.


... depending on the publication. -- Chapter 3, page 26.


... depending on the publication. -- Chapter 3, page 28.


... depending on the publication. -- Chapter 3, page 33.


... depending on the publication. -- Chapter 3, page 59.


... depending on the publication. -- Chapter 6, page 93.


... depending on the publication. -- Chapter 6, page 94.


... depending on the publication. -- Chapter 6, page 101.


... depending on the publication. -- Chapter 9, page 165.


The socks were her favorite, they were thick and cushioned and had little nubs on the bottom. -- Yes, I love hospital socks!


"Aviv, we don't even know if we can tolerate each others company for longer than it takes to have sex and get dressed."



Zoey Punches The Future In The Dick

Pargin, Jason
Zoey Ashe, #2. Very funny, and violent. I think I could do with less of the cannibalism, but it IS funny. Sometimes.


"...A bodyguard who hides and shoots from fifty yards away is probably being a bit too proactive in his duties."


"Ah, it's a solid life rule that if Will Blackwater hands you a weapon, it either isn't loaded, or there is a much larger one pointed at your back."



Project Mulberry

Park, Linda Sue
Julia is not too enthused about her and Patrick's new project, breeding silkworms. It's too Korean.




Park, Linda Sue, et. al.
One novel, ten authors,neat book jacket. Each chapter written by a different author, telling events in the lives of people who knew George "Gee" Keane, a photojournalist. I really enjoyed the story until the strange separate personality weirdness.



A Catskill Eagle

Parker, Robert B.
Spencer travels to Mill Valley, California, to assist Hawk and Susan.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Jocasta (pg. 235) -- Mother of Oedipus.


She dog-eared the page to mark her place and smiled at me. (pg. 232) Caitiff!!! (Not the first word I thought of)



Back Story

Parker, Robert B.
A friend of Paul asks Spencer to look into who killed her mother during a bank robbery 28 years ago.


On page 9 the text refers to a "M1 carbine. Fully-automatic." DISCLAIMER: I am not a weapons expert! As far as I can find, the M1 is semi-automatic, and it is the M2 that is fully-automatic. And there is a big difference between semi and fully.



Bad Business

Parker, Robert B.
Spencer is hired for a little marital investigation, finds out he is not the only one on the job, plus there's some other sordid stuff going on.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Portman lobbies (pg.17) -- John Portman, an American architect, is known for his atrium hotel designs.
Atrium -- Glazed courtyard often extending through several floors at the entrance to a building.
Cantabrigian (pg. 142) -- A student or graduate of Cambridge University; or a native or resident of Cambridge, Massachusetts.




Parker, Robert B.
First of the Westerns I have read. Seems very like the Boston books, don't ya think? Still, they are fun.




Parker, Robert B.
Spenser ends up in Vegas looking for a gangster's son-in-law. Meets that short guy there.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Postlapsarian (pg. 73)-- Of, relating to, or characteristic of the time or state after the fall of humankind described in the Bible.
Tripartile (pg. 231 --Divided into or composed of three parts


Outside the bright desert air hinted faintly of carbon monoxide as we walked down the Strip. -- (pg. 293) I think it is odorless and colorless, but i know what he means!

Donut Quote:

I opend the box. Plain donuts. Perfect.

"Do you know how to eat a donut?" I said.

"I'll watch you on the first one," Susan said.

...I ate half a donut.

"Ugh," Susan said. "Is that how it's done?"

"Girls sometimes take smaller bites," I said. -- (pg. 181)



Chasing The Bear

Parker, Robert B.
Spencer tells Susan about his adventures growing up.



Cold Service

Parker, Robert B.
Hawk is almost killed while protecting a bookie. When he recovers, he and Spencer go after the Ukranian gangster responsible.


My favorite quote is about the pumpkin pie Susan made, on page 41. To wit, in part, "Don't call her that thing," she said. "What if she hears you?"



Double Deauce

Parker, Robert B.
Spencer and Hawk investigate the murder of a kid and her kid in the 'hood.



Edenville Owls

Parker, Robert B.
Parker's first book for younger readers. But not TOO young! A lot less cussing and violence than his adult books. A bit of bad language and teen yearnings by 14-year-old Bobby, who tries to help out his new teacher who is being threatened by a strange man. I enjoyed it.



Hugger Mugger

Parker, Robert B.
Spenser travels to Georgia to investigate race horse shootings.

Donut Quote:

"Donuts put a nice foundation under your morning." -- pg. 51.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Club Man (pg. 136) -- Probably refers to the Clubman line of colognes and such. I never heard of it, I was more of a Russian Leather kind of guy, back in the day when I used the stuff.


"Just so we're clear,", I said. "I'm not after your wife."... -- (pg. 31) I didn't understand the point of this exchange.


20 books displayed
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