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Coben, Harlan
Dan is set-up to be caught in one of those television pedophile sting operations, and when he is murdered the TV reporter tries to find out what the heck is going on. Lots of twists and turns, as usual.


His face might be called "ferretlike," if the ferret was really ugly.(pg. 35)



Darkest Fear

Coben, Harlan
Myron finds out he is the father of a dying thirteen-year-old boy. His business is having problems. His dad had a heart attack. And then there is the serial killer...



Drop Shot

Coben, Harlan
Myron tracks down the killer of a tennis prodigy. Win sends a startling present to Frank. Myron is on again with Jess. It's all very exciting. Read in one day. LOVE THE LARGE PRINT EDITION!



Hold Tight

Coben, Harlan
Some psycho is killing, some kid is turning emo. And someone is sending threatening emails. Read in one sitting, till three in the morning.



Long Lost

Coben, Harlan
Myron is called to Paris by Terese, who is looking for her ex-husband, who is in BIG TROUBLE. Well, not so much, he is gonna be found dead. But there is trouble enough for everyone else! Win is in fine form.



Promise Me

Coben, Harlan
Myron the ex-basketball star investigates the missing daughter of his childhood friend of the female persuasion. First book I've read of his, full of plot twists and turns at the end. Pretty good.



Run Away

Coben, Harlan
Man searches for his missing (college-age) daughter. Tons of twists and turns, up to the very end.



Six Years

Coben, Harlan
Professor reads the obit for his ex-girlfriend's husband. Read it almost straight through.



The Final Detail

Coben, Harlan
Myron is hanging out in the Caribeano with Therese when Win shows up to tell him that Esperanza has been arrested for the murder of one of their clients, baseball pitcher Clu Haid.



The Innocent

Coben, Harlan
Heard about this author, not on NPR, but in The Atlantic. It intrigued me, so I check out a few of his books. They are pretty good, as his zillions of readers would agree. This one has strippers and violence, Jersey and Vegas. Good stuff. Couldn't put it down, read it in one day. READ THE LARGE PRINT EDITION, much much easier! Read it agin in 2009! Still great, several weeps.





The Woods

Coben, Harlan
Let us see, a probably dead guy who is not dead, a parent who is not dead, but is. A hippie killer. A yuppie killer. Russian ex-KGB. A probably dead SISTER. Nothing disturbing here.



Educating Esme'

Codell, Esme' Raji
Diary of new teacher. Very good, lots of cussin', inspirational.



Bucket Nut

Cody, Liza
We meet Eva Wylie, London wrestler, for the first time (I think), as she gets between two gangs battling over the protection rackets. Anna Lee is a periphial character.




Cody, Liza
London P.I. Anna Lee investigates the film industry.



Monkey Wrench

Cody, Liza
London wrestler (!) Eva Wylie takes on creeps. Her personality reminds me of Lovejoy. Anna Lee periphial character.



The Girl With The Braided Hair

Coel, Magaret
Vicky and Father John get involved in the investigation a girl who was killed in 1973 when her bones are discovered on the reservation.



Front Of The Class

Cohen, Brad
A teacher recounts how Tourette Syndrome made him the teacher he never had. Oh, that is pretty much the subtitle! Good book.



Book Doctor

Cohen, Esther
Arlette Rosen helps people write books. No space ships in this tome, so I had to FORCE myself to finish it, as it gets kinda introspective as we go along. I was near to quitin' when the penis poem came along on page 189. In other new--how come Harbinger says on page 79 that he is NOT a Sikh, the several times, page 208, for example, says he IS a Sikh?


Arlette stood back. She smiled at Jake, and leaned against the wall. "I wrote my first penis poem, " she said, smiling. Jake looked a little pale.




Cohen, Joshua C.
Very intense story of violence and intimidation by 'roided high school football players against the gymnastics squad. Excellent story, but it is not going in the middle school library. A bit too much cussing, violence, and a rape take it to high school. I read the Advance Uncorrected Galley.



Body Wave

Cohen, Nancy J.
Marla Shore finds out who framed her ex-husband in what looks like the fourth entry in the Bad Hair Day Mystery series. Learned about fish raising and coffee plantations.


20 books displayed
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