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In The Midst Of Death

Block, Lawrence
Matthew Scudder, #2. A bad cop is accused of murdering a prostitute. Scudder is hired by the bad cop to find the real killer.


"...I'm not sure I'd care to play poker with you, Mr. Scudder."


"No offense, but he dressed terribly well."
"Why should I be offended?"
He shrugged and moved off to tend to business.



Small Town

Block, Lawrence
Various people in New York interact in various ways, including murder. I felt a lot of pity for the murderer. Takes place after 9/11. Some rather pornographic sex scenes.



Tanner On Ice

Block, Lawrence
Evan Tanner wakes up after being frozen for 25 years, goes to Burma.



Tanner's Tiger

Block, Lawrence
Tanner has to sneak into Canada to find out what the Cubans are up to at the Expo. SPOILER: Stealing our Negroes, that is what!

Half-way through this romp I figured out it was first published in 1968. I had only noticed this edition's publishing date, 2001. Time-warp!



The Burglar In Short Order

Block, Lawrence
A collection of stories, excerpts, and essays about Bernie Rhodenbarr, mostly. Very nice!


"If I didn't play chess," he said, "You wouldn't have shot me, would you?"
"It's a question that occupies the mind, isn't it?"
"It is," said the burglar.


The Poulard is a terrific lock, no question about it. But I don't know where they get off calling it pickproof.



The Burglar In The Closet

Block, Lawrence
Craig, The World's Greatest Dentist, wants to relieve his ex-wife of her jewelry. He gets Bernie to do the job. Things go very very wrong.


If I have to eat rhubarb preserves I can damn well eat them on warm toast.


I ate more toast, sipped some coffee. I seemed to be developing a definite taste for the rhubarb jam. I wasn't positive I'd go running out for another jar when this one was finally finished, but I was beginning to like it.



The Burglar In The Library

Block, Lawrence
Bernie Rhodenbarr goes to an English-style country inn in New England to steal a book.


"And she's a Cobbett, which means there's probably not a whole lot she hasn't done. The only thing that makes me exotic is that I'm not a blood relative."


Don't ask me what kind of gun it was. Guns make me nervous-- people keep them in drawers so that they can shoot burglars with them, and I'm opposed to that--...



The Burglar In The Rye

Block, Lawrence
Bernie Rodenbarr tries to steal some letters from a famous author, but they're gone and somebody is dead.
EDIT 2023: I guess I DID read this before! Still excellent!





The Burglar On The Prowl

Block, Lawrence
Bernie gets a girlfriend, loses his stash. Maker's Mark reference.



The Burglar Who Counted The Spoons

Block, Lawrence
Bernie Rhodenbarr #11. Happily visiting this series again! Bernie gets to steal book, then later a spoon.



The Burglar Who Liked To Quote Kipling

Block, Lawrence
Well well well, someone gets killed on Bernie's watch, and he gets blamed. Who could imagine?



The Burglar Who Met Fredric Brown

Block, Lawrence
This alternate universe story was...OK, but I didn't think it was as good as the rest of the series.


"Girl Scout Cookies," he announced. "There is a child in this building, just a little bit of a thing, and it is her ambition to outself all the other members of her coven."
"I think they call it a troop," Carolyn said.



The Burglar Who Painted Like Mondarian

Block, Lawrence
Mondrians everywhere! What's a burglar to do?


The last hike boosted the sales tax to 8 1/4 percent, and there are people who can figure out that sort of thing in their heads, but they probably can't pick locks. God gives us all different talents and we do what we can with them.



The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza

Block, Lawrence
Well, I kinda figured out who did it, but on the other hand I didn't see those two who were gonna do it. If you know what I mean.


"...An old man like that, you worry about his heart, or maybe he had a fall, things like that. The guy was seventy-one."
"I didn't realize he was that old."
"Yeah, seventy-one..."



The Burglar Who Thought He Was Bogart

Block, Lawrence
I really enjoyed this one, I even found a couple of really good quotes. I kinda fell in love with Ilona myself.

Smoke Quote:

She took another deep drag on her cigarette. When she smoked, she really smoked.


Or maybe she'd Just raise her eyebrows the slightest bit and give me that look of skeptical amusement. -- My Camellia would do that!



The Burglar Who Traded Ted Williams

Block, Lawrence
Bernie Rodenbarr accused of stealing baseball cards.


"Marginal?" He nodded. "Like you wouldn't want your sister to marry one, but it'd be okay for your cousin. Marginal..."



The Canceled Chezch

Block, Lawrence
Evan Tanner goes to Chezchoslovakia to rescue an old Nazi.



The girl with the long green heart.

Block, Lawrence
Con men swindle a guy with a fake Canadian land deal. May have read before. Sorta sounds familiar. Did I already read this?



Time To Murder And Create

Block, Lawrence
Matthew Scudder, #2. Scudder is drinking in this one, I guess he hasn't started AA yet. An acquaintance, a blackmailer, is murdered and Scudder finds himself trying to figure out who done it. Great story!


I got to my feet and brushed myself off. I was shaking, and badly rattled. She said, "Mister, if you could spare..." then her eyes clouded slightly and she frowned at some private puzzlement. "No," she said. "You just gave me money, didn't you? I'm very sorry. It's difficult to remember." -- So touching!!.



Manhattan Noir

Block, Lawrence, editor/author
Manhattan Noir, #1. Fifteen Noir stories taking place in Manhattan, duh! Mostly pretty good!

The good Samaritan / Charles Ardai
The last supper / Carol Lea Benjamin
If you can't stand the heat / Lawrence Block
Rain / Thomas H. Cook
A nice place to visit / Jeffrey Deaver
The next best thing / Jim Fusilli
Take the man's pay / Robert Knightly
The laundry room / John Lutz
Freddie Prinze is my guardian angel / Liz Martínez
The organ grinder / Maan Meyers
Why do they have to hit? / Martin Meyers
Building / S.J. Rozan
The most beautiful apartment in New York / Justin Scott
The last round / C.J. Sullivan
Crying with Audrey Hepburn / Xu Xi


20 books displayed
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