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Peeping Thomas

Reeves, Robert
Prof. Thomas Theron prowls the porno industry to find out why porno stores are being bombed, and particularly the one he was in at the time... Interesting ideas on the porno problem presented.


The Dewey Decimal System of Desire. Everything in the shop had been arranged according to taste, women categorized by sexual activity or physical attribute, then divided and subdived, again and again, until every permutation of lust had been addressed. ... It was unsettling to contemplate what confluence of genes or experience might provoke such minutely specific expressions of desire.



Flat Crazy

Rehder, Ben
Blanco Co. #3--A Chupacabra is spotted, so game warden John Marlin investigates.



Gun Shy

Rehder, Ben
Country music star Mitch Campbell (and National Weapons Alliance spokesperson) kills a day laborer by mistake while in a drunken haze.



Starship: Mutiny

Resnick, Mike
Space opera. Wilson Cole joins the crew of the starship Theodore Roosevelt guarding a back-water, as it were, area of the Rim. Moves right along, dialogue seems oddly anachronistic, and the sexual references seem out of place, to me.



Starship: Pirate

Resnick, Mike
I really really hate it when I finish a book and find a bunch of appendices at the end. Am I suppose to look through the book and discover this stuff on my own, and take a chance on reading the ending? Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was a way to let the reader know what the different parts of the book were...



Starship: Rebel

Resnick, Mike
In Book Four there is lots of space fighting as Cole's armada grows. A bit of cussing. The "About The Author" section seems to go on and on with all the author's many accomplishments and awards. Perhaps I'm jealous, but I think the extensive list would be more appropriate in an encyclopedia article rather than four pages in the appendix of a novel.



The Prefect

Reynolds, Alistair
I guess this is #1 of the Prefect Dreyfus Emergency series. It is pretty good. I like how the author used the word "conjour".


'...But the rules say you can't have quickmatter anywhere near a polling core.'
'I like rules,' Thalia said. 'Rules are good.'
'Let's unwrap the baby.' -- page 319



Foxfire 10

Reynolds, Geroge P., ed.
Of particular interest was the reminiscing about the Tallulah Falls Railway. There is a nice diagram and article about trestle construction. Also an article mentioning how a Model T Ford shifts, quite different from cars nowadays. People sure were poor back in the Depression. But then, they didn't have television, so they didn't know what they were missing.



Ninth Ward

Rhodes, Jewell Parker
I can't say I believe in ghosts, but Lanesha sees them, and they help her when Hurricane Katrina devastates New Orleans. Good little story.



The Baked Bean Supper Murders

Rich, Virginia
Mrs. Potter tries to figure out who is killing everybody in her neck of the Maine woods. Lots of delicious sounding recipes.



After hamelin

Richardson, Bill
Penelope wakes up deaf on the morning of her elevening, and thus is the only child left behind when the Pied Piper pipes his flute. It becomes her mission to rescue the town's children, and subdue the piper. Very good!



The Book Woman Of Troublesome Creek

Richardson, Kim Michelle
This was a great story about the pack horse librarians and blue people of Kentucky.



Zen And Now -- On the trail of Robert Pirsig and the Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance

Richardson, Mark
I've read, as Pirsig is quoted, "ZMM", two or three times. I read "Lila", too, but both were so long along they are not in this database. I didn't understand a lot of it, and surely misunderstood a great deal, too, but it affected me greatly. This is a GREAT travelogue, and I highly recommend it.

One thing, for some reason I got it in my head that Pirsig rode a Norton. Today I Learned that his bike was a Honda 305 Superhawk. The first motorcycle I ever rode was a Honda 305 Scrambler, so there is a point of congruity for ya! A quick search on Amazon Look Inside finds no trace of the word "Norton", so who knows where I got that from!



The Light In The Forest

Richter, Conrad
White boy kidnapped and living with Indians is returned to "civilization", doesn't care for it. Nicely illustrated by Warren Chappell.



Hollow City

Riggs, Ransom
Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children #2. Having read the first book in 2012 I remembered very little of it, and that was a bit of a stumbling block. In this one Jacob and the other children escape from the hollows attacking their island home and head to London to find a Miss Wren, which they do. A good story, but I'm not sure I want to read another six books in the series, at least not at this time.


"Oh, thank heavens! Someone remembered the bath mat," Enoch deadpanned. "We are saved."


It was dead, of course: wet, chargeless, and fifty years from the nearest cell tower.



Library Of Souls

Riggs, Ransom
Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children #3. Well, I said I may not read another, and yet I did! I know there are several more books, but at least THIS plotline is completed!


"Frank, change the channel. I don't like this show."



Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children

Riggs, Ransom
Jacob goes to Wales to visit the island his grandfather grew up on. Illustrated with old photos. Nicely done!



A Hymn Before Battle

Ringo, John
I read the Baen Free Library e-book edition. First Contact happens, and Earth gets hired to fight the bad guy aliens. Good read, lots of military stuff and violence!


He drew his Gerber and stepped out -- pg.23. Hey, I got one of those!




Craftsman,” he said, relaxing and letting the rest of the breath out slowly, “when you care enough to use the very best.”


Ringo, John
Volume two of the series following Live Free Or Die. Could barely put it down to go to work!



Live Free Or Die

Ringo, John
Alien leave an interstellar gate near Earth. Bad aliens come to take over. Crusty Vermonters fight back. Got a good talk-up on this from Mr. E. at work, so even though passing on a a previous title by Ringo, I gave it a shot. I like it very much, and will read the rest of the series. I just wish we could have a "liberal" hero in a war book!


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