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The bishop and the missing L Train.

Greeley, Andrew
Bishop Blackie Ryan tries to figure out who stole a train with with of Chicago's auxialiary bishops on it.



The Fault In Our Stars

Green, John
Two teens with cancer crack-wise. I enjoyed this book very much, but it going on the "Professional Reading" shelf in our middle school library. Parent Permission slips required. So is the "Perks" novel.




Greenbaum, Dorothy
Dorothy decides to follow her passion and become a doctor at age 23, and with a baby even! A very interesting story.



The Tom Clancy Companion

Greenberg, Martin, editor
Interesting interview with Clancy, summaries of stories.



Harry and Tonto

Greenfield, Josh
With Paul Mazursky, the director of the movie. An old man is evicted from his New York apartment, travels to visit his children in Chicago and California, meets interesting people, has revelations. A very touching story, must have been a great movie!




Greenlaw, Linda
Jane quit her police detective job in Florida and moved back to the seaside Maine town she where she was born, but moved away at an early age. Her new marine insurace inspection job takes her to a fish packing plant and a number of boats. A body is discovered, and she decides to investigate to relieve the boredom of her new job.

I found the book interesting, but there some things that I thought an editor should have caught. For instance, on page 85 there is mention of previously seeing a document concerning "joint custody with right of survivorship". Darned if I can find that mentioning, either in the book or using Look Inside! Another is on page 250 where the police officers show up rather jarringly, to my mind.

Anyway, I enjoyed the book and will read others by her.



Beyond Blame

Greenleaf, Stephen
Parents of a woman hire John Tanner to go to Berkeley to find out who killed their daughter. Good story, fifth book in series.



Blood Type

Greenleaf, Stephen
John Tanner tries to figure out why his friend Tom Crandall died. Very good plot, eighth book in series.



Book Case

Greenleaf, Stephen
Private Investigator John Marshall Tanner tries to find out who wrote a manuscript that seems to describe sordid goings-on at a private school in San Francisco. Seventh book in series.



Death Bed

Greenleaf, Stephen
John Marshall Tanner is tasked with finding the son of a zillionaire before the old guy dies. Second book in the series.



Flesh Wounds

Greenleaf, Stephen
John Tanner goes to Seattle to help his friend Peggy find her fiance's daughter. Eleventh book in series.


Mandy was naked on the bed, wearing only the diaphanous light from the moon, snoring like a long-haul trucker on a layover at Little America. Her baby-doll outfit was a wad of desperation next to the tattered pillow.





Past Tense

Greenleaf, Stephen
John Tanner's cop friend Charley Sleet is killing people but won't share the reason why! Twelfth book in series.



Stawberry Sunday

Greenleaf, Stephen
John Marshall Tanner is recovering from the last book (which I haven't read yet), then gets to investigate a murder in the strawberry farms of the Salinas valley. Pretty good, didn't expect who-done-it. Thirteenth book in series.



The Ditto List

Greenleaf, Stephen
Divorce lawyer D.T. Jones handles a variety of divorce cases.


Deep down, he recognized that he had never enjoyed sex quite as much as he had in the days when copping a feel in the drive-in was the highest achievement of his art... (pg. 70)



Rosy Cole's Worst Ever Best Yet Tour Of New York City

Greenwald, Sheila
Things don't go as planned when Rosy's cousin comes to visit her in the Big Apple. A fun little story.




Greer, Andrew Sean
A guy goes on a trip around the world to avoid going to his former lover's marriage ceremony. Humorous, and I wept at the end of the book.


"Mr. Peleu, you've packed everything; now what are we going to wear?" -- page 193.



Resurrecting Langston Blue

Greer, Robert
Bail bondsman (and reluctant bounty hunter) CJ Hunter wants to know who almost killed him, and also is ferreting out the details of who is trying to kill Langston Blue. It seems to all be tied in to Langston's time in Vietnam. Not a bad story, I might have to read some more of the books in this series. This seems to be the first one, according to his website.


Jimmy Moc and parked the van in the midst of the acreage in order to replace its timing chain, radiator, and right headlight. -- (pg. 376)The timing chain? It got damaged after he ran into a tree (among other things!)?? And did he bring water for the new radiator? In the "midst of the acreage" doesn't sound like the place to do these kind of repairs.



Little Princes

Grennan, Conor
Guy goes to Nepal for a couple month as a volunteer at an "orphanage", ends up dedicating himself to saving and reuniting them with their families. Very nicely written, I enjoyed reading it very much.




Griffin, Paul
A very moving story about a group of teens adrift on the Atlantic ocean in a small boat.



Biting The Moon

Grimes, Martha
A teen with amnesia searching for her past with her new friend Mary Dark Hope, a character from another Richard Jury book. Unsatisfying.


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