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Triple Crown

Francis, Felix
Jeff Hinkley, investigator for the British Horseracing Association, come to the U.S. to help out his counterpart in the U.S. version.


I wondered how the hell I had come to the point where I was lying in the dark trying to ignore a drunken Mexican farting below me.



Just Ask Iris

Frank, Lucy
Iris Diaz-Pinkowitz moves to a very multi-cultural apartment building. She is having puberty problems, dog problems, cat problems,parrot problems, and typing problems. Good story!



Autobiography Of Benjamin Franklin

Franklin, Benjamin
Small-print version too hard to read, need an large-print version with annotations!

Words I Had To Look Up:

working with them diligently like so many emmers (pg. 13) -- Emmer is a kind of wheat, can't find another meaning.
furze bush (pg. 61) -- A Gorse bush. Spiny, spiky, stickery!!
Philadelphia Experiments (pg. 175) -- Ben and his son William flew a kite in a storm.
grampus (pg. 247) -- A killer whale, probably.
fizgig (pg. 247) -- A fish gig, harpoon, or fish spear.


So convenient a thing is it to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for every thing one has a mind to do. -- (pg. 41)


...Temple of LEARNING: Every Peasant, who had wherewithal, was preparing to send one of his Children at least to this famous Place; and in this Case most of them consulted their own Purses instead of their Childrens Capacities: So that I observed, a great many, yea, the most part of those who were travelling thither, were little better than Dunces and Blockheads. Alas! Alas! -- (pg. 201)



Cold Mountain

Frazier, Charles
Civil War tale of a woman on a mountain farm and the deserter admirier returning home. Quite good, but I wish the ending had been a little different, or maybe not.



Mrs. Mike

Freedman, Benedict
Co-author Nancy Freedman. Story of Kathy, a Boston girl who goes to Calgary for her health, and marries a RCMP sergeant. The authors said they wrote the novel based on talks with Katherine O'Fallon Flanigan, and some claim it isn't very truthful, but it IS a wonderful story.



Above The Law

Freedman, J. F.
Lawyer Luke Garrison becomes a special prosecuter to investigate a DEA drug bust gone sour. Also has Kate Blanchard, both from from other books. Does not seem to use the phrase "I feature", thank goodness!!



Against The Wind

Freedman, J. F.
Bikers get busted in Santa Fe for a murder they didn't do.


Placket (pg. 239) 1. A slit in a dress, blouse, or skirt to make the garment easy to put on or take off. 2. A pocket, especially in a women's skirt.



House Of Smoke

Freedman, J. F.
Santa Barbara P.I. Kate Blanchard investigates suspicious goings on involving a rich ranch owner and her family.



Key Witness

Freedman, J. F.
Lawyer Wyatt Matthews gets tired of defending corporate creeps, sabaticals to the public defender's office and defends a teen accused of serial murders. Pretty good.



The Disappearance

Freedman, J. F.
A teen girl disappears and is found murdered. Good story.



The Obstacle Course

Freedman, J. F.
A boy named Roy dreams of going to Annapolis. Good story. Not like his other books.



The Daytrader

Frey, Stephen
Augustus McKnight quits his job to be a day trader, his wife gets murdered, and he finds out lots of stuff about her he didn't know.



The Vulture Fund

Frey, Stephen
Mace Maclain finds political deceit and terrorism when he is assigned the job of finding investors for an investment fund.



How I Survived My Summer Vacation*

Friedman, Robin
Jackie joins the swim team, kisses a girl, has bra practice with a chair, and finally writes something.



Dragon Rider

Funke, Cornelia
A silver dragon and a brownie set out to find the mythical Rim Of Heaven where dragons can live in peace. Nice story!




Funke, Cornelia
Meggie's father can bring characters to life from books. Mostly bad characters, it seems!




Funke, Cornelia
A boy goes through a mirror to a sort of steam punk/fairy land world, I think to find his missing father. I keep reading the title as "Feckless", I am the LOLZ



The Thief Lord

Funke, Cornelia
Two young brothers are hiding out in Venice from their aunt who wants to separate them so she can adopt the younger one. Pretty good story, and a map is always a plus. Would have been nice to know there was a glossary at end...



Doing Battle: the making of a skeptic

Fussell, Paul
Non-fiction. Story of "Boy Fussell" in WW II. Very good, very thought provoking, uses a lot of big words, though. Funny, sad, scary...hey, it's war!



River Of Teeth

Gailey, Sarah
In an alternative time line it seems hippopotamuses have been introduced to the Mississippi river region to serve as a food source. Well, Houndstooth has a agreement with the Government to rid the area of feral hippos. They think he is going to trap them. No, his plan involves dynamite. Also, revenge.


"It's not a caper, it's an operation."


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