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The Mostly True Story Of Jack

Barnhill, Kelly
Jack is sent off to stay with his aunt and uncle who live in a small town in Iowa by his divorcing parents. Parent who seem rather distant, even forgetting his name. Something oddly magic is going on in Iowa, and Jack seems to be in the middle of it! Read the advance reading copy.



A Superior Death

Barr, Nevada
Ranger Anna Pigeon investigates a murder in Lake Superior. Duh. A really good book. I figured out what the plunder was about thirty pages before Anna. Of course, I didn't have all her distractions! Again, I really like her books. You learn a lot about the park system and nature. I wanted to be a forest ranger when I was a kid.


"With the fading of the light the guardians of the island began to reclaim her shores. A persistent whining burned in Anna's ear. A stinging itch cut through the thin fabric of her shirt. Again she missed the desert. There if something bit, one usually died of it. She hated this nickel and diming to death, one bloody sip at a time."



Blind Descent

Barr, Nevada
Ranger Anna Pigeon investigates violence in a cave near Carlsbad Caverns, which I can't spell and can't hold the book close enough to see because I need both hands to type!



Blood Lure

Barr, Nevada
Anna Pigeon goes to Glacier National Park to learn about grizzly bear DNA research. A little different resolution than her other books. 320 p.



Read Again:


Boar Island

Barr, Nevada
Ms. Barr often writes some clever dialogue, but plots just seem odd; or patchy in places. E get cyber-bullied, Anna nearly dies, there's a cool island in Maine.




Barr, Nevada
Anna goes on a rifer-rafting trip in Big Bend Nation Park, and ends up doing a C-section on a dead pregnant woman to save the baby. Wait, WHAT???


As she watched the white bobbing against the dark water she realized she had finally done it, she had hit bottom. She was littering. -- (pg. 381)




Barr, Nevada
Anna goes to New Orleans to recover from her latest ordeals, find child-prostitution to foil. Some pretty disturbing scenes, and very little park stuff. And no map!

Words I Had To Look Up:

avidity (pg. 114) -- Ardent desire or craving; eagerness.


Scars on the outside simply kept score; it was the scars on the inside one had to watch out for. (pg. 63)

Under certain circumstances crime could be considered a career choice. Littering was just a character flaw. (pg. 227)

Library Quote:

Not for the first time, she was glad she never went anywhere without her library card...She made a mental note to suggest to the Estes Park librarian that the cards be made with at least one good slashing edge. (pgs. 170-171)



Deep South

Barr, Nevada
Anna's got a boyfriend, Anna's got a boyfriend! She's the new district ranger at the Nachez Trace Parkway.



Destroyer Angel

Barr, Nevada
Anna goes on a canoe trip with friends, but someone had decided to kidnap one of the friends, so things get bad real quick.



Endangered Species

Barr, Nevada
Ranger Anna is in Cumberland Island National Seashore off the coast of Georgia. A plethora of bizarre clues lead to an unexpected (to me, anyway) conclusion. Pretty good!


"I'm shot! It's bad, " he mimicked in a falsetto. "It looks like it's going to leave a real nasty bruise," Mona said in Anna's defense. "Oh, no! Not a bruise!" Rick squealed.




Barr, Nevada
Ranger Anna Pigeon investigates a death at a firefighting camp.




Barr, Nevada
Anna spends some time in Dry Tortugas National Park trippin' out.



Hard Truth

Barr, Nevada
Anna takes a position at Rocky Mountain National Park where she has issues with God, a polygamous religious commune, and a serial killer. Not necessarily in that order.



High Country

Barr, Nevada
Anna is assigned undercover at Yosemite.



Hunting Season

Barr, Nevada
Anna tries to figure out how a fat man ended up dead in a historical building on the Natchez Trace.



Ill Wind

Barr, Nevada
Ranger Anna Pigeon investigates a death at Mesa Verde National Park. I like these a lot. Learned a couple things too.



Liberty Falling

Barr, Nevada
Anna Pigeon is in New York to aid her ill sister. Staying with friends on Liberty Island, Interesting to see backside of Liberty and Ellis Islands, but story doesn't seem quite up to others in series. Anna seems kind of cranky, maybe it's a girl thang.



Seeking Enlightment, Hat By Hat

Barr, Nevada
Nevada writes of her spiritual development.



The Rope

Barr, Nevada
An early story of Anna Pigeon in her first job, at Glen Canyon National Recreational Area. Of course, she runs into trouble!



Track Of The Cat

Barr, Nevada
Anna Pigeon doesn't think a cougar killed a ranger. And by the way Nevada, it was titled "A Child's Garden Of Grass".


Heaven was just Hell in the shade with a cold beer.


20 books displayed
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