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Blue Skies

Boyle, T.C.
Eco disaster novel of the near future. Everyone has terrible things happen to them. Book ends suddenly. As in, I'm turning more pages trying find the rest of story. No real conclusion. I prefer books with a conclusion. Otherwise, nice writing.


"Insectos, por supuesto' [sic]


And she probably should have parked the car up on the ramp Todd had build for it... -- There was something about the ramp I wanted to point out, but I forget was it was.


...started the engine... -- There is an engine to start in a Tesla? What do I know.


"...'Babe, how do you call your lover boy?'" he said, quoting an old Lou Reed song he'd been fixated on since she'd got pregnant.


"But just in case, I'd better inspect your body, especially those hard-to-see places, right?..." -- Ticks, you know.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Oases -- So I learned this is the plural of "oasis". Who knew?



Becoming George Sand

Brackenbury, Rosalind
Maria, a Scottish professor and writer, deals with her love and husband, and the death of her friend, while writing a book about George Sand.

Words I Had To Look Up:

girning over trifles (pg. 35) -- To complain in a whining voice. To contort one's face; grimace.
arrived in a caléche (pg. 129) -- A light low-wheeled carriage with a removable folding hood.

leave the door on the snib (pg. 164) -- A snib is a manually operated catch for the internal locking of Yale type locks.
practicing a phrase on the Pleyel (pg. 317) -- Not an instrument, as I first thought, a piece of music by Ignace Pleyel.



Quicker Than The Eye

Bradbury, Ray
A bunch of short stories, including Another Fine Mess, maybe my favorite, but the librarian one was pretty good, too.



The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants

Brashares, Ann
How four girls spent their summer. Very good, several weepy times.



Flawed Dogs

Breathed, Berkeley
An abused Dachshund seeks revenge upon the Poodle that set him up. An interesting tale, some obligatory weeps at the end.



Evvy's Civil War

Brenaman, Miriam
Story of a Southern girl during the Civil War, showing her relationship with the slaves and her growing social consciousnous. A very excellent story. QUOTE (As I remember it, too lazy to look it up.) "South Carolina, too small to be a country, too big to be an insane asylum."




Brennert, Alan
A young girl is diagnosed with leprosy and sent to the leper colony on Molokai island. Good story!



The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight

Breslin, Jimmy
Some Mafia gangs in Brooklyn shoot it out. And some other stuff. The book was OK, I hear the movie was not. Surely I saw it, back in the day. It had Leigh Taylor-Young, for goodness sake! I never heard of her co-star, some guy named Robert DeNiro...



I Try To Take One Day At A Time

Brillant, Ashleigh
But Sometimes Several Days Attack Me At Once. A Pot-Shots™ a day for a whole year. Some of them I liked, but mostly... meh. I guess you have to be in the mood for this sort of thing. I wonder if he did the illustrations, too, and if not, did he managed to copyright them, too?




Brin, David
A garbage collector astronaut recovers an interesting piece of orbiting debris.


"Why is the future always ... in the future?"


Gerald snorted, "No tanks."
"You're welcome," Akana chuckled.


Would you like us to teach you Morse code?"


"It's a goddamned chain letter!"



Kiln People

Brin, David
Talk about feet made of clay!!! Ditto! P.I. in the future is duped.... Hahahaah, I crack myself up! Possibly 100 pages too long?



Tomorrow happens

Brin, David
A collection of stories and essays.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Migrams (pg. 37) emailed author, said is made-up word. -- seraglio (pg. 140) A large harem. -- dip·tych (pg. 75) A work consisting of two painted or carved panels that are hinged together.



Caddie Woodlawn

Brink, Carol Ryrie
Finally read this charming Newbery award winning book. Very Laura Ingalls Wilder.



Magical Melons

Brink, Carol Ryrie
Continues the story of Caddie Woodlawn and the people she knows. Charming!



Rogue's Regatta

Briody, Thomas Gately
Television reporter Michael Carolina investigates the murder of a young man at a boat race. Pretty good. .



Virus Of The Mind: The New Science Of The Meme

Brodie, Richard
Interesting, but did not finish it, it was on a seven-day-checkout. August, 2009.


No date

A Princess Of Landover

Brooks, Terry
Mistaya gets herself kicked out of prep school, so she heads back to Landover where she ends up in the kingdom's library.



The Phantom Menace

Brooks, Terry
Stars Wars, Episode 1. Just like the movie with a little more background.



Digital Fortress

Brown, Dan
Susan works for the NSA who sends her fiancee to retrieve a crypto "key".



The Da Vinci Code

Brown, Dan
I guess there is a reason books are best sellers. Two weeps.


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