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Limits Of Power

Moon, Elizabeth
Paladins Legacy #4. I can't remember a scene that Kieri remembers about the traitor. It's really bugging me!


Tell me: are you wise? -- pg. 473



Marque And Reprisal

Moon, Elizabeth
Further adventures of Kylara Vatta. Her family and their business are attacked by persons unknown, she meets a fellow name Rafe, and gains a new understanding of Stella, and her aunt Gracie. A rotten pun on page 311. Be forewarned!

Words I Had To Look Up:

Inchoate (pg. 211) -- Not yet completed or fully developed; rudimentary.
Relative Vee (pg. 63) -- Still I don't know what relative vee and delta vee are!



Oath Of Fealty

Moon, Elizabeth
Paladin's Legacy #1. I wasn't real motivated by the book in the beginning, but all of a sudden I was nearing the end and I'm think, "I really like this!" So there you are.



Oath Of Gold

Moon, Elizabeth
Book Three in the Deed of Paksennarrion series. Very good, some weeps at the end.



Sheepfarmer's Daughter

Moon, Elizabeth
(The Deed of Paksenarrion #1). I liked this very much, looking forward to reading the rest of the series.



The Speed Of Dark

Moon, Elizabeth
In the near future, an autistic man has to decide whether to risk an experimental procedure. Very interesting.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Ameliorate (pg. 151) -- To make or become better; improve.


"Once is accident, twice is coincidence, and third time is enemy action." (pg. 191)



Trading In Danger

Moon, Elizabeth
Kylara Vatta is kicked out of Space Academy and is sent by her family on a trading voyage. Good space opera, but the print is too small! I was noticing there was no cussing in the book, but near the end there was a B**** and a ***hole. Why?

Reminiscent of The President's Analyst, we learn do not mess with the Phone Company!

Words I Had To Look Up:

Ansible (pg. 93) -- An instantaneous communications device. First noted usage by LeGuin in 1966.

Gorked (pg. 147) -- Medical slang for a terminal patient whose brain is nonfunctional.


The old woman was still angry. Not scared a bit--well, the old were like that, if they weren't scared of everything. (pg. 180)


"How well do you know that old code they used in the war?" -- (pg. 222) This is why we learn Morse code, folks!



Victory Conditions

Moon, Elizabeth
Ky Vatta, excuse me, ADMIRAL Ky Vatta, wins the war, and finally "goes to the drive-in", as it were...



Practical Demonkeeping

Moore, Christopher
Travis and his Demon come to Pine Cove--Travis to find a way to get rid of the Demon; the Demon to find a better master. Or mistress...

I wondered why there so much talk of the Polaroid back on the Nikon, but then I realized this was written in 1992, before digital SLRs.


The small hours of the morning found them naked on the kitchen floor after Travis had played a rampaging Godzilla to Jennifer's unsuspecting Tokyo. -- (Pg. 149) Good stuff!





The Lust Lizard Of Melancholy Cove

Moore, Christopher
A huge prehistoric beast finds its way to, where else, Pine Cove. Did I mention a HUNGRY prehistoric beast?

Words I Had To Look Up::

coldcocked (pg.2) -- To knock unconscious, but from whence does it come? First noted use 1918.
Sneaky Pete (pg. 8) -- The ol' booze bottle in the paper bag ploy, but in the novel it is a smokeless pot pipe.
...especially from fornication with woman or man... (pg. 32) -- One of a number of interesting things in the Hippocratic Oath.
two-tops (pg. 116) -- Tables at a restaurant that seat two people.
Ubermensch (pg. 235) -- Literally, "Superman". The ideal superior man of the future who could rise above conventional Christian morality to create and impose his own values, originally described by Nietzsche in Thus Spake Zarathustra.


...even brought in some paintball guns to try to gain the pupils' interest, but the latter only backfired into several incidents of drive-by abstract expressionism...(pg. 38) -- Love that sentence!

Smoke Quote::

Mavis moved behind the bar with a grim, if wobbly, determination, drinking coffee from a gargoyle-green mug while a Tarryton extra long dangled from her lips, dropping longs ashes down the front of her sweater like the smoking turds of tiny ghost poodles. -- (pg. 238) A good Smoke Quote is, uh, good to find!



You Suck : A Love Story

Moore, Christopher
This seems to be a sequel, a lot of back-story is recounted. Tommy is a new vampire in San Francisco, thanks to his hot girlfriend. It certainly is a change from Indiana, he says.

Words I Had To Look Up:

The Big Book Of Death (pg. 123) -- Described in the text as a how-to, but seems more of an encyclopedic on Amazon.
...smokin' one-handed H.O.R.S.E. player (pg. 218) -- A basketball game variation.


They watched the coffee dripping out of the filter like they were distilling nitroglycerine (pg. 117)



The Last Days Of Night

Moore, Graham
A fictional historical novel about the War of the Currents with Edison, Westinghouse, and Tesla as prominent characters, told from the point of view of Paul Cravath, a youngish lawyer. Very good!

Smoke Quote:

The physicians, more accustomed to gore, had lit cigarettes -- pg. 244



No Way

Morden, S. J.
Frank Kitteridge #2. A fun quick read that clears up everything from the first book.



One Way

Morden, S. J.
Lifers in prison are trained and sent to Mars to establish a base in advance of NASA astronauts arrival.



The Inquisitor's Apprentice

Moriarty, Chris
This alternate history (with magic!) that takes place in turn of the century New York was interesting, but I did not really connect with the characters. I am sure there will a sequel, at least, so I shall be waiting to see what develops.



The Chaperone

Moriarty, Laura
A woman travels from Whichita (Kansas) to New York city chaperoning a young woman (Louise Brooks) attending a dance class there. Nicely written, and interesting, mixing fiction with actual people.



Kedrigern chronicles: Vol. 1: The domesticated wizard

Morressy, John
Kedrigern meets Princess in this collection of two novels and several short stories. Read it again, just for fun!











The Kendrigern chronicles vol. II: Dudgeon & Dragons

Morressy, John
Two more novels and a bunch of short stories involving the wizard and Princess.



Words I Had To Look Up:

gleeman (pg. 323) -- an itinerant performer in the Middle Ages.
lavish in her panegyric (pg. 471) -- Formal or elaborate praise.
quondam sweet little child (pg. 566) -- At one time, formerly.


Oaks tend to attract an odd crowd. (pg. 113) Don't they just!











The Squire's Tale

Morris, Gerald
Retelling of Gawain and Arthur from the point of view of Gawain's squire, Terence. My first impression was that there was a lot of chopping up of people for a middle school book.

Words I Had To Look Up:

carious teeth (pg. 58) -- Affected with cavities or decay.
Harridan (pg. 60) -- A woman regarded as scolding and vicious.
Fribble (pg. 60) -- A frivolous person.
recreant knight (pg. 66) unfaithful to duty or allegiance, cowardly.
vinaigrette (pg. 146) -- A small decorative bottle or container with a perforated top, used for holding an aromatic preparation such as smelling salts.
brangle (pg. 181) -- A wrangle; a squabble; a noisy contest or dispute.




Morrison, Megan
The adventures of Rapunzel. I liked it. It took a good long while, but I liked it.


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