rekening (pg. 44) -- The bill
prockled Dutch over his head (pg. 111) -- No relevant defintions. To proke (poke) a wart? I think not! Maybe they "poked" Dutch above his head while he ate.
chunder (pg. 131) -- To puke or vomit. Whst's the difference?
amotopian fantasy (pg. 199) -- Can't find a definition, but I think it means "utopian".
vrede forever (pg. 204) -- Peace.
kaneel stroop pannenkoeken (pg. 205) -- Cinnamon, syrup, pancakes. As explained in the text.
panini (pg. 247) -- Sandwiches. By the way, "panera" means bread box in Spanish.
mijn hele leven zocht ik jou om eindelijk gevonden te weten wat eenzaam is (pg. 272) -- says it means my whole life I searched for you finally found what lonely
lacrioso (pg. 272) -- Sadly, tearfully.