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Heat Wave

Castle, Richard
Based on the television series, as a police/action story it is pretty good, but too much smoochie stuff for me.



Black Sand

Caunitz, William J.
Good story of Greek art forgers/smugglers. Greek policeman comes to New York to help our guys. Very interesting stuff about scrolls, Alexander.



Chains Of Command

Caunitz, William J.
Lt. Matthew Stuart of the N.Y. Police Department finds out who is killing drugs dealers.



Cleopatra Gold

Caunitz, William J.
Undercover drug agent hopes to find the woman that murdered his father. Good story.



Exceptional Clearance

Caunitz, William J.
Lt. John Vinda tracks a serial killer in New York. I liked the irony when he blew away the doll.



Pigtown, A Novel

Caunitz, William J.
Gritty police procedural takes place in the Bronx involving Lt. Matthew Stuart. Very thorough, gritty.


"How many ladies you dancing with these days?" "Four," Borrelli said proudly. "Doesn't it get complicated?" "Yeah, it does. But the problem is, I love 'em all." "What you gotta do is ask yourself which woman you want to spend the rest of your life cheating on."




Caunitz, William J.
Lt. Tony Scanlon investigates the murders of his cop friend and a candy store owner.




Chabon, Michael
A charming fantasy of baseball, airships, and faerie-myth. But mostly baseball. Two weeps. There is a 300 word sentence on pages 254-255 that I enjoyed very much, and read out loud to an unappreciative audience. There is a lot of reading here, and it's a 500 page book. Took me a couple weeks! Includes a map.


"Oh, you always have a choice." Coyote said. "That's another little fun feature of life you can put down to me, if you like."



Telegraph Avenue

Chabon, Michael
A couple of guys who run a used record store in Oakland are being threatened by a mega-store owned by a former football star who owns a zeppelin.



Yiddish Policemen's Union

Chabon, Michael
Odd that I can't come up with a smoke quote from this book, since smoking is so prevalent in the story. So, does he get the girl?



The School Of Good And Evil

Chainani, Soman
Book one of a trilogy, two girls are kidnapped by The Schoolmaster to be students at his school. One girl is assigned to Good, and the other to Evil. Both girls think they are in the wrong group. A long (488 p.) book that didn't really ever catch my interest, although it has a great deal of love on Goodreads, and quite possibly will be a movie.



Postcards From No Man's Land

Chambers, Aidan
Jacob travels to Amsterdam to visit the grave of his grandfather who died in World War 2. A very interesting and reflective book with observations on homosexuality, love, assisted suicide, and family relationships. The last line was cracked me up.

Words I Had To Look Up:

rekening (pg. 44) -- The bill
prockled Dutch over his head (pg. 111) -- No relevant defintions. To proke (poke) a wart? I think not! Maybe they "poked" Dutch above his head while he ate.
chunder (pg. 131) -- To puke or vomit. Whst's the difference?
amotopian fantasy (pg. 199) -- Can't find a definition, but I think it means "utopian".
vrede forever (pg. 204) -- Peace.
kaneel stroop pannenkoeken (pg. 205) -- Cinnamon, syrup, pancakes. As explained in the text.
panini (pg. 247) -- Sandwiches. By the way, "panera" means bread box in Spanish.
mijn hele leven zocht ik jou om eindelijk gevonden te weten wat eenzaam is (pg. 272) -- says it means my whole life I searched for you finally found what lonely
lacrioso (pg. 272) -- Sadly, tearfully.



A Closed And Common Orbit

Chambers, Becky
I learned why Pepper is name that (probably), but not sure about Blue. Maybe in the next book? Really good!



A Prayer For The Crown-Shy

Chambers, Becky
Monk & Robot, #2. They visit several towns and villages, including Dex's family home.



A Psalm For The Wild-Built

Chambers, Becky
Monk and Robot, #1. I enjoyed this VERY much, and am already reading #2.



Record Of A Spaceborn Few

Chambers, Becky
Third and maybe last book in the Wayfarer series. Really good!!



The Galaxy, And The Ground Withing

Chambers, Becky
Final volume of the Wayfarer series. God Damn best book I've read in a long time! Not much space ship stuff, and only one human pops in near the end, but this is a story full of love. Which is something I'm not usually comfortable reading about. But I loved this!



The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet

Chambers, Becky
The adventures of the good ship Wayfarer and her crew. There is some funny stuff here, but every so often there is some seriously thought provoking stuff to think about. I am enjoying the series very much. This book is the first in a series of which the third book is a Hugo nominee for 2019.



To Be Taught, If Fortunate

Chambers, Becky
Several astronauts exploring planets in various systems. I have not quite finished it, six pages to go, but I thought I better get it in the log, as it were.



The Big Sleep

Chandler, Raymond
Philip Marlowe, #1. The private detective get hired by some rich guy to deal with a blackmail attempt. Of course, things get complicated.


"Thanks lady. You're no English muffin yourself."


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