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The Martian

Weir, Andy
An enjoyable story of a stranded astronaut. Rather techy, but I mostly just skip over that stuff!



The Wheels Of Chance

Wells, H. G.
Took me a VERY long time to read this e-book, but I finally did! A young man goes on a cycling vacation, and meets a young lady who is cycling with an older companion who has unwelcome designs on her.



All Systems Red

Wells, Martha
Book the first, I guess, of The Murderbot Diaries. A short book, fun and action-packed. I liked it very much, and I am reading the rest of 'em!



Artificial Condition

Wells, Martha
Read this in about three hours! Book Two of The Murderbot Diaries. Murder travels to the place it all started.



Exit Strategy

Wells, Martha
Book four of the series. SecUnit has more adventures. Nice, fun, quick read!



Fugitive Telemetry

Wells, Martha
Muderbot get involved with the investigation of some dead guy. Very good!



Network Effect

Wells, Martha
A Murderbot novel, but I don't know which one of the series. Murderbot goes to some planet with a lost colony or two, battles with aliens/not aliens, and meets some like souls.



Rogue Protocol

Wells, Martha
Book Three of The Murderbot Diaries. Very fast-paced, enjoyed it immensely.



Stories Of The Raksura Volume 1

Wells, Martha
I enjoyed reading this very much. I REALLY appreciate the short sections so that I could rest! The story of Indigo and Cloud was perhaps my favorite. Little Stone was a crack-up!



Stories Of The Raksura Volume 2

Wells, Martha
These stories were just as good as volume 1! Jade and Moon finally have a clutch!



System Collapse

Wells, Martha
The Murderbot Diaries #7. SecUnit is on the same planet as the last book, which I don't remember, and the B-E corporate folks are apparently there to con the colonists into leaving the planet to become economic serfs, or slaves, or something. There are two more SecUnits to deal with, actually three. Our SecUnit comes out ahead in the end!



The Cloud Roads (The Books of the Raksura #1)

Wells, Martha
Flying beings, that's what we got here.


Wherever they were going, he was certain he didn't want to get there. -- pg. 245



The Edge Of Worlds

Wells, Martha
The Raksura are on another expedition to checkout a Founder city.



The Harbors Of The Sun

Wells, Martha
Well, we got Fell. And the Half-Fell. And those dudes that want to kill everyone. It's a mess.


"There is a question you should ask yourself." -- pg. 308



The Serpent Sea

Wells, Martha
The Books of the Raksura #2, I read somewhere. Good story, I read it over several days, with one massive marathon session on the last days. I only noticed one "raised eyebrow"...


Moon had been consort to Jade, sister queen of the Indigo Cloud Court, for eleven days and nobody had tried to kill him yet. He thought is was going well so far.--pg. 9



The Siren Depths

Wells, Martha
The Books of the Raksura #3. The story moves right along, and is quite interesting. I went to the bag-o-books to get the next one, but I don't have it yet! Yikes!



Witch King

Wells, Martha
The Rising World, #1. Really enjoyed this one!


"How long will it burn?" Dahin laughed. ... "How long has this place been flooded?"
"I know what I'm doing now, Dahin," Kai snapped.


"It's Vereren," she said, with the air of a shopper being presented with an inadequate selection of melons.



Divine Secrets Of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood

Wells, Rebecca
One measure of a book might be how many times it brought me to tears. This one had me sniffling quite a few times.



Black Mirror

Werlin, Nancy
I've been captivated by the cover of this book for several years, and so decided to finally read it. I found it alternating sad, funny, poignant, threatening, and depressing. I liked it, but it seems maybe a little more YA than middle school. I guess the period of pot smoking was important to the story, but I wished the author had left out the one f**K, three bi**chs, four d**kheads, one g*dd*m*ed, and maybe the one kiss*ss. And it seemed the protagonist was having her period every other chapter.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Boucle -- Heavy looped pile. Refers to a sweater, in this case. Pg. 102


Oh. My. God.
Ms. Wiles had been right.
I was in love with a small-time prep school drug dealer.


...injected ... with an overdose of heroine. -- pg. 234



Complete Works Of

West, Nathanael
I only read The Day Of the Locust, Miss Lonely Hearts, and A Cool Million. Did not care for Day or Lonely, but I did like Million.


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