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Balsamic Dreams

Queenan, Joe
Rant on the Baby Boomer generation. Enjoyed listening to the author more than reading the book.



Mrs. Plansky's Revenge: A Novel

Quinn, Spencer
Spencer Quinn is a pseudonym of Peter Abrahams! A widow gets all her money ripped off over the telephone (one of those scams) so she travels to Romania to get it back. I enjoyed it very much!
I chatted on the internet with a girl in Romania once, you don't suppose...


"This may sound harebrained," she began.
He interrupted. "That's one expression I've never understood."
"H-A-R-E," said Mrs. Plansky. "Like bunny rabbit."
Max smacked his forehead... "What an idiot!" he said...


2 books displayed
[Queenan - Quinn] 
