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The Siren Depths

Wells, Martha
The Books of the Raksura #3. The story moves right along, and is quite interesting. I went to the bag-o-books to get the next one, but I don't have it yet! Yikes!



Witch King

Wells, Martha
The Rising World, #1. Really enjoyed this one!


"How long will it burn?" Dahin laughed. ... "How long has this place been flooded?"
"I know what I'm doing now, Dahin," Kai snapped.


"It's Vereren," she said, with the air of a shopper being presented with an inadequate selection of melons.



Divine Secrets Of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood

Wells, Rebecca
One measure of a book might be how many times it brought me to tears. This one had me sniffling quite a few times.



Black Mirror

Werlin, Nancy
I've been captivated by the cover of this book for several years, and so decided to finally read it. I found it alternating sad, funny, poignant, threatening, and depressing. I liked it, but it seems maybe a little more YA than middle school. I guess the period of pot smoking was important to the story, but I wished the author had left out the one f**K, three bi**chs, four d**kheads, one g*dd*m*ed, and maybe the one kiss*ss. And it seemed the protagonist was having her period every other chapter.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Boucle -- Heavy looped pile. Refers to a sweater, in this case. Pg. 102


Oh. My. God.
Ms. Wiles had been right.
I was in love with a small-time prep school drug dealer.


...injected ... with an overdose of heroine. -- pg. 234



Complete Works Of

West, Nathanael
I only read The Day Of the Locust, Miss Lonely Hearts, and A Cool Million. Did not care for Day or Lonely, but I did like Million.




Westerfeld, Scott
Alek and Deryn (Mister Sharp) help the revolution in Istanbul (not Constantinople!). Deryn has romantic feelings towards Alek.




Westerfeld, Scott
Last book in the Leviathan series. Deryn and Alek save the world, sort of, and kiss.


"Mister Sharp"




Westerfeld, Scott
Deryn Sharp disguises her girlish self as joins the British Air Service as a boy. Prince Alek goes on the run after his parents are assassinated in Serbia. Zeppelins, fabricated animals, steampunk. Book one of a trilogy.




Westerfeld, Scott
Tally just can't wait until she turns 16 and become a Pretty in this future story of a Utopian world. First book in a trilogy.



Exit Wounds

Westerman, John
Orin Boyd goes undercover at the "Lucky 13th" to uncover corruption. 273 p.



Sweet Deal

Westerman, John
Jack MIlls, "Poster Cop", investigates several murders in Nassau County, New York.


Claire was not a world-class martial artist, nor was she quick to fly off the handle, but she was good enough not to have to take guff from guys who used extra-hold mousse.



The Honor Farm

Westerman, John
Officer Orin Boyd goes undercover at the special prison for police officers to find out about a suicide. Gritty.


"What a terrible thing," said Orin, "to start our relationship off with a lie." (pg. 278)




Westlake, Donald
A science fiction story, previously published under the pseud. Curt Clark in 1967, of a ex-jailbird who goes to the chaotic anarchy planet of Anarchaos (get it?) to find out how and why his brother died.

Boo Boo:

pg. 5 "That the planet's orbit was almost precisely circular, so that there were no seasons here."



Baby, would I lie?

Westlake, Donald
Country singer is accused of murder, magazine reporter is in Branson to do a story, so are the tabloid press. Very good.


"Hel-lo, Bob," Binx said, as though heartily.



Bad News

Westlake, Donald
Dortmunder once again doesn't get the big score as an Indian woman tries to get a share of a casino.



Bank Shot

Westlake, Donald
The Dortmunder gang steals a bank. Lots of cigarette humor. Very funny!





Call Me A Cab

Westlake, Donald
A book edited and published posthumously. A woman decides to take a cab from New York City to Los Angeles so she can have more time to decide about a proposal of marriage. Pretty darn funny with some very good quotes, two of which I shall share below.


What a strange feeling, to drive along on a person's work of art.


..."Wait a minute."
Oh oh. I drank water and looked as innocent as possible. "Mmm?"
"You knew about the Holiday Inn."



Castle In The Air

Westlake, Donald
Hard Case Crime has the most intriguing jacket illustration on this one. A woman holding a pistol, fashionably attired in bra and panty, with garters, which are not connected to any hose. In high heels. I'm not sure which character this represents, either.
Well, that's all I remember from this book!


Speaking in Spanish, so that Manuel could understand her, Lida said, "Oh Manuel! I had given you up for dead"
"Even death could not keep me from my swan, my Lida,"said Manuel, who in his own language was some shucks.



Drowned Hopes

Westlake, Donald
70-year-old Tom enlists his former cellmate Dortmunder, and the "gang", to help him retrieve a stash of loot that is now under a reservoir.

Words I Had To Look Up:

big sixteen-wheeler (pg. 218) -- I cannot visualize the wheel arrangement on that.

W.R. Burnett's Dark Hazard (pg. 268) -- A book Tom is reading on the train. It's about a man with a gambling problem. His racing dog is the title character. Edward G. Robinson was in the movie, in 1934.

Icepick, Long Island (pg. 293) -- Refers to the state mental hospital in Islip.

Toyota Chemistra (pg. 293) -- Huh, I don't remember that model.

bar of magnesium is welded (pg. 413) -- Turns out you CAN weld magnesium.

Pontiac Prix Fixe (pg. 418) -- What a minute...

Datsun S.E.X 69 (pg. 418) -- Now I think Westlake is having fun with us.

Smoke Quote:

Her left hand pretend-smoked, fiddling with an imaginary cigarette, flicking ghost ashes on the floor, something she hadn't done since just after she quit. (pg. 3)



Get Real

Westlake, Donald
Dortmunder and the gang are offered roles on a reality series about a gang doing a robbery.




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