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The First Rule

Crais, Robert
Joe Pike "investigate" the murder of his former mercenary team mate George (and his family)by Serbian gangsters.

Words I Had To Look Up:

seleras (pg. 16) -- The tough white fibrous outer envelope of tissue covering all of the eyeball except the cornea.



The Forgotten Man

Crais, Robert
Some guy get murdered in an alley, his last words to a policeman is he is looking for his son. Elvis Cole. Lots of stuff happens, and Cole get blasted by a shotgun. Good story!

U don't know why the San Diego County Sheriffs handled (pg. 188)that case, isn't Temecula in Riverside county?

Words I Had To Look Up:

Abita beer (pg. 200) -- Louisiana's favorite beer, it says right there on Wikipedia!


and was being homeschooled. (pg. 191) -- In 1969?

I found the long list of JPEGs. ... I deleted them. (pg. 231) -- Uh, Elvis, they are not REALLY deleted unless you wipe them. And even then... Also, don't you guys know how to search by file type?

mudered in Sun City, eight miles south of Temecula (pg. 264) -- I think it's eight miles NORTH of Temecula, Elvis.



The Last Detective

Crais, Robert
Ben, the son of Elvis Cole's girlfriend Lucy, is kidnapped by mercenaries the equal of Elvis and Joe Pike. Or nearly so.



The Monkey's Raincoat

Crais, Robert
(Elvis Cole and Joe Pike #1) When Ellen Lang's husband disappears she hires Elvis to track him down. As usual things turn out to be not quite what they seemed. Good story!



The Promise

Crais, Robert
Elvis, John, and Joe track down a woman selling plastic explosive to terrorists. Possibly. Good story, some weeps, read right through.


"What, you don't speak Bulgarian?" -- pg. 294



The Sentry

Crais, Robert
Joe Pike is interested in a woman whose uncle was beat-up by gang-bangers at his cafe. But, is all as it seems?



The Two Minute Rule

Crais, Robert
You only got two minutes to get out of the bank if you are robbing it. Ex-con Max Holman learned that the hard way. Now his is trying to find out who murdered the policeman son he never knew. Very good.



The Wanted

Crais, Robert
Some teens are burglarizing houses. They get more than they thought, and someone wants it back.



The Watchman

Crais, Robert
Joe Pike protects a rich girl who some drug cartel guys are trying to kill. Fast moving story.

Words I Had To Look Up:

asanas (pg. 66) -- Any of various bodily positions assumed in yogic exercise.
roil (pg. 70) -- To move or proceed turbulently.


On page 112 in paragrah 3 we learn that Joe drinks Arrowhead water, has an SOG knife, Zeiss binoculars, and a .25 Beretta. He grabs a box of hollowpoints for the .45 (a Kimber, BTW), too. But what BRAND of hollowpoints, sir, what BRAND!!!



Voodoo River

Crais, Robert
Elvis goes off to Louisiana to get info on a beloved actress's biological parents. Seems easy enough. Someone is murdered, things get complicated.



Ruby Holler

Creech, Sharon
Twins Florida and Dallas are on "loan" from the abusive orphanage they have lived in most of their lives to an elderly couple who live in a secluded cabin in the forest. A charming heart-warming story with several interesting reveals.



The Great Unexpected

Creech, Sharon
Two orphan girls, Naomi and Lizzie meet some odd people. Generally pretty good, and interesting, but I was a bit confused in the final chapters. Of note also, the chapters are very short. Good for my short attention span!



Walk Two Moons

Creech, Sharon
Salamanca misses her mother, who left them to find herself. Impressive weeps at the end.



A Heart For Any Fate

Crew, Linda
A semi-fictional account of a non-fictional journey on the Oregon Trail. Very good story!



Brides of Eden

Crew, Linda
A cult started a man who calls himself Joshua seduces women and young girls in 1903 Oregon. Based on true stuff.




Crichton, Michael
This was pretty good. Lots of technical stuff! I think he is WRONG about power steering on automobiles, though! Stayed up till 1 A.M. finishing it!




Crichton, Michael
Jack Stapleton get engaged, helps his estranged sisters husband who is accused of medical malpractice, and DISCOVERS A BIG SECRET, as do we all, except we do not learn the motivation, otherwise a pretty fast read, did the four hundred some pages in less than 24 hours! I rock!




Crichton, Michael
Sexual harrasment in Seattle computer company. Very good.


"...And what's that terrible smell?" "I know," Cherry threw up his hands. "I ask the boys to wash every day, but what can I say. They're programmers. No better than dogs."




Crichton, Michael
What I like about Crichton is: things move right along! Novel of effects of genetic manipulations on society. My favorite charactors were Gerard and Dave.




Crichton, Michael
When nanotech flying cameras go bad. A real page-turner.


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