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The Relentless Moon

Kowal, Mary Robinette
Book 3 in the Lady Astronaut series. Very good, Nicole Wargin on Earth and the Moon is the main character in this one.



The Spare Man

Kowal, Mary Robinette
Newlyweds solve murders on a space liner traveling to Mars. Pretty good! Now I want a Westie dog!


She had clothes. She had a cocktail. What she needed next was a plan.


She sighed and sat down, because a walking biohazard was a social faux pas under the best of circumstances.



On The Wing

Kraft, Eric
Second book in the Wings trilogy, odd story of the boy Peter, and later the man Peter, making an odd trip in an odd America.

Words I Had To Look Up:

matutinal (pg. 72) -- pertaining to or occurring in the morning.
crepuscular (pg. 86) -- active mainly at dawn and dusk.
mobcap (pg. 173) -- large high frilly cap with a full crown; formerly worn indoors by women.
paucity (pb. 215) -- dearth: an insufficient quantity or number.
plenitude (pb. 215) -- plenty: a full supply.
pelisse (pg. 219) -- a sleeveless cape that is lined or trimmed with fur.


...the area of which is defined by the equation S = π2 (R + r) (R - r) where R is the major radius of the torus and r is the minor radius of the torus, an equation that to this day makes me hot.



Into Thin Air

Krakauer, Jon
The author's account of the terrible events on his ascent of Mt Everest in 1996. Very Excellent!



A State of Disobedience

Kratman, Tom
In this 2003 book a Democratic President of the United States, Ms. Wilhelmina Rottemeyer (if you can believe it!), does a lot of bad stuff, but the brave governor of Texas stands up to her. I did not like this book, but I read the whole thing to give it a fair shake. I also read the Eric Flint essay THE CONTROVERSY ABOUT BAEN’S BAR for some background information on Tom Kratman. The essay was so long I honestly couldn't finish it, what with my cataracts, but it was VERY interesting about a great many things.



The Amazon Legion

Kratman, Tom
On a planet far far away, women are recruited for a special unit to defend their small country from belligerent neighbors. Gosh, wish the two appendixes had been listed in a table of contents so I could have USED them while reading!



Big Ear Two

Kraus, John
A biography of John Kraus in nice little chapters leading eventually to the development of the Big Ear radio astronomy facility, along with many other things he was involved with. I enjoyed reading it very much.



Thunder Bay

Krueger, William Kent
Cork helps and old Indian friend find the son he has only seen in dreams, and solves a mystery, too. Pretty good stuff. Read the Readers Digest Condensed version.





The Dragon Republic

Kuang, R. F.
The Poppy War book 2. Rin fights in the big war for the Republic, against the Empress.



The Poppy War

Kuang, R. F.
First volume in a series. Pretty long fantasy taking place in a China-like country. Not painful to read so I shall continue with the second volume post-haste.



My Sherlock Holmes

Kurland, Michael ed.
Thirteen Holmes stories by various authors, mostly none I've heard of. Very good.



Crashing Through

Kurson, Robert
A biography of Mike May, who, blinded at age three, had his sight partially restored in the 90s. An extremely interesting story! Ham radio, bicycling, laser record players, good-looking women, it's all there!



When Bad Things Happen To Good People

Kushner, Harold S.
Explains that God does not micromanage.



Hanging Woman Creek

L'Amour, Louis
The author has cranked out a zillion of these 150 page books, and they are great little stories. And no sex, very little cussing, if any, but a bit of violence. In this one, "Pronto" Pike gets beat up and left for dead by vigilantes and falls in love with an Irish girl. I wonder why the bad guy who was detailed to kill him did not do it, though?


..."He told me he never knew how sick he was until he was snowed in one winter with a Home medical Advisor, and read it cover to cover. If it hadn't been for that book, he might have lived a long life in bad health without knowing it." -- (pg. 14)



Meet The Austins

L'Engle, Madeline
An orphaned girl, Maggy, comes to stay with the Austin family. Very nice family story.



Wizard Of Karres

Lackey, Mercedes et al.
Sequel to the classic novel. Interesting, but not great.



Eight Keys

LaFleur, Suzanne
Elise starts off badly in sixth grade at middle school, but eventually things get better. An extremely charming story. Parts of it seemed very familiar, like I had read a galley edition, but I would have noted that before. Odd. So I enjoyed it very much. But I'd like to know what the deal is with Amanda. Maybe a sequel?



The Lowland

Lahiri, Jhumpa
Two brother in India and what happened to them. Very very good, but very very slow. I was in tears at the end.



Almost Everything

Lamott, Anne
Notes on hope, it says. Good book.



Traveling Mercies

Lamott, Anne
This was a very wonderful book that I enjoyed very much. I wish I could hold her words in my heart, but I don't seem to work that way.


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