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The Search For Delicious

Babbit, Natalie
A very enjoyable little read about a young boy who is tasked by the king to poll the each person in the kingdom as to what they think is delicious. Mayhem ensues!



Ship Breaker

Bacigalupi, Paolo
I read this last year and forgot to enter it, I guess. I had to look up the circulation history to find the date. I enjoyed reading this dystopian story.



The Drowned Cities

Bacigalupi, Paolo
A companion to Ship Breaker (which I read, but doesn't seem to be on this list! YET!!), we find out what happens to Tool, and meet a couple of new characters. There's a lot of blood and violence. A lot! But it's a well-written story and I enjoyed reading it.



A Man Called Ove

Backman, Fredrik
You wouldn't think a book about a crabby old man trying to killing himself after his wife dies would be funny, would you? But I found a lot of humor in this book, and a very high weeping-to-pages ratio. Five stars!



Anxious People

Backman, Fredrik
Bank robber holds people at an apartment "open house" hostage. Very excellent, lots of weeping on my part!


"What the hell, Dad? I said we'd stop for coffee!" -- pg. 331




Backman, Fredrik
In Beartown, hockey is everything. This story was very emotional reading for me.


Ramona refuses to let anyone say that he died; she says he left her, because that's how she sees it. Like a betrayal. -- pg. 105


Ramona pours herself a glass of whiskey. Breakfast is, after all, the most important meal of the day. -- pg. 109



Britt-Marie Was Here

Backman, Fredrik
Britt-Marie goes to a small village for a job managing a recreational center. I'm not sure how far she got at the end, it's up to her.



My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She's Sorry

Backman, Fredrik
I'm not sure I got everything out of this story that the author intended, but it was a pretty darn good read. Now I gotta get the sequel.


The mightiest power of death is not that it can make people die, but that it can make the people you left behind want to stop living. -- pg. 220


"There are seven books, Dad. And eight films," says Elsa carefully. -- pg. 360



Baen Free Stories 2011

Baen Publishing Enterprises, Ed.
My favorite was probably Tanya: Princess Of The Elves.


"Space Hero" by Patrick Lundrigan

"Tanya: Princess of the Elves" by Larry Correia

"The Grimnoir Chronicles: Detroit Christmas" by Larry Correia

"Kings" by Travis S. Taylor

"Mole Hunt" by Robert Buettner

"Intelligent Design" by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller

"The Brute Force Approach" by Michael Z. Williamson

"Honorverse Tech Bu9" by David Weber and Ken Burnside

"The Talisman's Trinket" by P. C. Hodgell

"Murder at Ford’s Theater" by Bob Conroy

"Pawn to King Four" by Timothy Zahn


Once upon a time, in the state of Mississippi, there dwelt an elf princess. The princess lived in the Enchanted Forest with her mother, the queen of the elves, in a ninety-foot long aluminum double-wide trailer.



Baen Free Stories 2012

Baen Publishing Enterprises, Ed.

CHECKSUM Checkmate by Tony Daniel

Grayson Navy Letters Home by Joelle Presby

Like Ghost Cat and a Dragon's Dog by Dave Freer

A Murder of Crows by Alex Hernandez

The Age of the Warrior by Hank Reinhardt

Taking the High Road by R.P.L. Johnson

Conella and the Cyclops Sea Serpent of Doom by John Ringo

Landed Alien by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller

Kinderspiel by Charles E. Gannon

Peace Offering by Wen Spencer

Angel in Flight by Sarah A. Hoyt

Away in a Manger by Wen Spencer



Baen Free Stories 2013

Baen Publishing Enterprises, Ed.
Great stories, but I SWEAR I read this ebook before!


"Eleutherios" by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller

"Seven Miles" by T.C. McCarthy

"To Spec" by Charles E. Gannon

"Skyspark" by Ryk E. Spoor

"The Krumhorn and Misericorde" by Dave Freer

"Pittsburgh Backyard and Garden" by Wen Spencer

"Haunts of Guilty Minds" by John Lambshead

"The Lamplighter Legacy" by Patrick O'Sullivan

"Dog's Body" by Sarah A. Hoyt

"The Sorcerer of Daigawa" by Jon F. Merz

"Sweothi City" by Larry Correia

"Out of True" by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller

"Mars Farts" by Ben Bova

"The Virgin of Hertogenbosch" by David Drake

"Murder on the Hochflieger Ost" by Frank Chadwick (less)



Baen Free Stories 2014

Baen Publishing Enterprises, Ed.

"The Gift of Music" by Sharon Lee

"The Aristocrat and the Free Man" by Robert Conroy

"Stealing Arturo" by William Ledbetter

"Magic and Other Honest Lies" by Robert Buettner

"Soft Casualty" by Michael Z. Williamson

"Songs of Waste and Wood" by P.C. Hodgell

"The Last Secret of Mary Bowser" by Steve White

"Low Arc" by Sean Monaghan

"Balance" by Marina J. Lostetter

"A Thing of Beauty" by Charles E. Gannon

"An Imperium Pursuit" by Jody Lynn Nye

"Picket Ship" by Brad R. Torgersen

"The Golden Knight" by K. D. Julicher

"Bare Snow Falling on Fairywood" by Wen Spencer

"Bait and Switch" by Ryk E. Spoor

"The night don't seem so lonely" by Sharon Lee

"Long Nights Moon" by David B. Coe



Baen Free Stories 2015

Baen Publishing Enterprises, Ed.
Some great stories! The last one certainly had a surprise ending!


Disaster by Ryk E. Spoor

When the Lion Feeds by John Lambshead

Lion Country by Whit Williams

The Adventurer and the Toad by Ryk E. Spoor

Chimera by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller

We Fly by K.B. Rylander

The 100 MPG Carburetor and Other Self-Evident Truths by Robert Buettner

New Moon Wolf by David B. Coe

The Teacher by Robert Conroy and J.R. Dunn

Not For Ourselves Alone by Charles E. Gannon

Kiss From a Queen by Jeff Provine

Ember of the Past by Mike Kupari

Imperium Resource by Jody Lynn Nye

The Siege of Denver by Brendan DuBois


Mechanicals outnumber sentient organics more than three to one in the Imperium.”

“Pays to be nice to you, then, doesn’t it?” I whispered. “I have lots of friends who are LAIs. Old pals, correspondents, and so on. I trust I won’t be first up against the wall when the revolution comes, eh?”

“Yes, sir. Not first.” -- Imperium Resource



Baen Free Stories 2016

Baen Publishing Enterprises, Ed.

Adrift by Terry Burlison

Training and Truth by Ryk E. Spoor

Touchstone by Sonia Orin Lyris

Trouble: The Changeling and the Phooka by Dave Freer

Moonlet Sonata by William Ledbetter

Cadet Cruise by David Drake

71 by David Brin

Wise Child by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller

Dear Ammi by Aimee Ogden

Bringer of Fire by David Carrico

Rock, Meet Hard Place (Part 1) by Peter Nealen

Rock, Meet Hard Place (Part 2) by Mike Kupari

The Lavender Paladin by Shawn Snider

Starhome by Michael Z. Williamson

Tethers by William Ledbetter

The Trouble with Millennials by Robert Buettner



Baen Free Stories 2017

Baen Publishing Enterprises, Ed.

Does a Bear Shoot in the Woods? by Wen Spencer

Dei Britannici by D.J. Butler

Preparations and Alliances by Ryk E. Spoor

Into Gonebeyond by Susan R. Matthews

Cutting Corners by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller

A Fire on the Hill by Brendan DuBois

Feldspar by Philip A. Kramer

Bullet Catch by Stephen Lawson

Force Multipliers Being What They Are by Travis S. Taylor

The Powhatan by Tony Daniel

What We're Made Of by Frank Chadwick

Children of the Dust by Catherine Asaro

The Blue Widow by J.P. Sullivan

Sufficient Unto the Day by Tim Powers

On-Site for the Apocalypse by Ryk E. Spoor

Block Party by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller

I especially liked Block Party (lots of weeps at end!!) and Does A Bear Shoot In The Woods.


The bear opened the driver’s side door. It fished under the driver’s seat to flip the latch and push it back all the way.--Does A Bear Shoot In The Woods?


It was said that if somebody scratched his butt and four or five Powhatans happened by at the same time, they would find a way to make it into a cut-throat contest, and then walk away once they’d determined the champion butt-scratcher.-- The Powhatan



Baen Free Stories 2018

Baen Publishing Enterprises, Ed.
Although I haven't quite finished, I can say I am not enthralled with the last story. The other ones are pretty good, though. And I'll have to finish that last story to make final judgement...


"Pain is the Fuel" - Travis S. Taylor 3/5

"An Eagle's Flight" - Brendan DuBois 5/5

"Father Avenir and the Fire Demons of Yellowstone" - Kevin J. Anderson and Sarah A. Hoyt 4/5

"Ghost Flotilla U-boats: Embarkation" Susan R. Matthews 5/5

"Homunculus" - Stephen Lawson 4/5

"By Echo Light" - Tim Powers 4/5

"Out of the Vortex" - Steve White 4/5

"Dragon's Hand" - David VonAllmen 4/5

"Dark Fall" - David Weber 5/5

"Love in the Time of Interstellar War" - Brendan DuBois 5/5

"See of Darkness" - Mike Massa 5/5

"Axabrast" - Brad R. Torgersen 5/5

"Chancellor Witt" - Susan R. Matthews 4/5

Ratings by goodreads member Ryan.


"Nothing says “Tutti stanno calmi, calmi . . .” like a bipod mounted FN Minimi and a box magazine of belted ammunition. Except perhaps, two of them." -- See Of Darkness



Baen Free Stories 2019

Baen Publishing Enterprises, Ed.

The Testimony of the Traitor Ratul by Larry Correia

Today I Remember by Martin L. Shoemaker

Extracurricular by Wm. Mark Simmons

Waiting for the Talisman by P.C. Hodgell

Voodoo Magic by Robert Buettner

Burners by Matt McHugh

Treason Properly by J.J. Cragun

Talk Girl by Wil McCarthy

Weeping Willikers by Aaron Michael Ritchey

A Visit to the Galaxy Ballroom by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller

Next Giant Leap by Patrick Chiles


There are various spells and stratagems for the dis-corporation of the animated dead but I’ve found—by no little trial and error—that the Louisville Slugger tops the list. -- Extracurricular



Baen Free Stories 2020

Baen Publishing Enterprises, Ed.
The Red Sea by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin

Adrift by Frank Chadwick

The Policeman's Daughter by Wil McCarthy

Peregoy's Wolves by Nancy Kress

Chasing Your Tail by Peter J. Wacks

Bagala Devi Objective by M.T. Reiten

Sacrifices by D.J. Butler

Humanslayer by G. Scott Huggins

The Hero Business by Tim Akers

At the Seams by Jacob Holo

The Red Ship by Marc Miller

Preferred Seating by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller



Baen Free Stories 2021

Baen Publishing Enterprises, Ed.
APPLESEED: A Founder Effect Legend by Robert E. Hampson

Latuda’s Lady in White by Aaron Michael Ritchey

Misfits by A.C. Haskins

All Orca Go to Heaven by Joelle Presby

The Paoshi Puzzle by James L. Cambias

Of Shadows and Caves by David Weber and Richard Fox

Salvage Judgment by G. Scott Huggins

Murder in Space by Les Johnson

The Man Who Would be Dracula by Simon R. Green

Shattered Trust by Dave Bara

Echoes of Meridian by M. Elizabeth Ticknor

The Rot’s Last Laugh by Charles E. Gannon

Fire-Bright Rain by Jane Lindskold

From Every Storm a Rainbow by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller


“Of course, it’s bound to be a trap,” said Daniel.

“Great!” said Tina. “Let’s walk into it!”

“Why not?” said Daniel. --The Man Who Would be Dracula


she looked like a fairy queen. Not one of the good ones. -- Salvage Judgment



Mi Moto Fidel

Baker, Christopher P.
Motocycling and sex in Cuba. Non-fiction. Interesting takes on Castro and communism.


20 books displayed
[Babbit - Baker] [Baldacci - Barnard] [Barnard - Barnes] [Barnes - Barr] [Barr - Beanton] [Beanton - Beaton] [Beaton - Beaton] [Beaton - Belushi] [Belzer - Block] [Block - Block] [Block - Bodeen] [Bodett - Bova] [Bova - Brink] [Brink - Bryson] [Bryson - Bujold] [Bujold - Buzzell] [Bythell - Bythell] 
