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The Dark Is Rising

Cooper, Susan
I've read this before, of course, but I found a copy laying about and read it again. I forgot the Will was only eleven years old. I also forgot that the book is centered around the Christmas season. So much darkness in what should be a happy time! Nicely done.

I've a nit to pick: On page 156 Will receives a new bicycle, one with "eleven gear-speeds". I don't want to go into a great deal of detail why, but I don't think so. A typical freewheel was five gears, so double chainrings would give you ten "speeds", and a triple would give you fifteen. Not necessarily all useful, of course.



12 Again

Corbett, Sue
Patrick's mom is mad because her husband forgot her 40th birthday, so she spends the night at her deceased mother's house. In the morning she is 12 years old, and her mother is cooking breakfast. A nice mixture of fantasy and reality.



The Teacher Who Couldn't Read

Corcoran, John with Carole C. Carlson
Very interesting story of a man who became a high school teacher after graduating college, and yet was functionally illiterate.



Lion Boy

Corder, Zizou
Charlie goes on a quest to rescue his kidnapped parents. Very good story, maps, drawings, music.



Lion Boy: The Chase

Corder, Zizou
Charlie continues on his journey to rescue his parents/lions. Very PC.



Abaddon's Gate

Corey, James S. A.
This is The Expanse #3. Rollicking good space opera, in my unlearned opinion, with a ton of memorable quote which I probably will get sued for posting, but I'm going to anyway. 'Cause they are memorable. And I want to memorable them! BTW, this is the book in which we meet Annushka "Anna" Volovodov.


The pulse turned into music, and she began humming under her breath. She stopped when an Episcopalian in the seat next to her pointedly clear his throat.


No monkey ever reheated a frozen burrito.


Jesus Christ with a side of chips. -- Never heard that one before!


"Could we please not assault the patient with the crushed spinal cord,"..."because this makes me very uncomfortable."

Smoke Quote:

She pulled a cigarette out and lit it as they walked. At Anna's shocked look she said, "They let you do it here. Lots of the Belters do. They obsess over air filters then suck poisonous particulates into their lungs recreationally. It's a fabulous culture."


"Just to check," Holden said. "We're throwing grenades into the place that controls the reactor?"


"Huh," Juarez said.
"Well," Cass said.


"Well," Holden said, his voice grim, "we have a major problem. We're out of coffee."
"We still got beer," Amos said.
"Yes," Holden said. "But beer is not coffee."



Caliban's War

Corey, James S. A.
The Expanse #2. Just realized I read #1 back in 2017. Do not remember a thing! I need to read it again to fill in the background on this one! This was a good read, but I was just gonna read the one and move on. Then, the last sentence happened!! Yikes, WTF??? Now I HAVE to read the next one!


"Meow meow, cry meow meow,"... "That's all I hear you say."


  "No offence meant, Captain Holden," Wendall said, "but I'm starting to wish I'd just shot you when I had the chance."
  "None taken."


While Amos used a torque wrench to unbolt the access panel... -- Why would he use a torque wrench?


"Ferns?" Naomi asked.
"Ferns can be very aggressive," Prax said.



Cibola Burn

Corey, James S. A.
The Expanse, #4. A new planet is being settled by squatters. A corporation security chief has a problem with that. Also, the planet seems to have a problem with everyone.


"I love the period of rotation. Thirty hours. You can get in a full day's work, stay up getting drunk at the saloon, and still get a full night's sleep. I don't know why we didn't think of this back home."


"Why do I put up with your shit?"
"Because," Amos said, starting to strip an assault rifle down to its component parts, "I'm the only one on the ship that can keep the coffee maker running."


..."We're on foot from here."
"Your fancy alien train is broken?"
"My fancy alien material transfer system has been sitting unused for over a billion years and half the planet just exploded. Your ship was built less than a decade ago and you can barely keep the coffee pot running."
"You are a sad, bitter little man," Holden said...



Leviathan Wakes

Corey, James S. A.
Book 1 of the Expanse series. The author's name is a pen name for Daniel Abraham (who co-authored Hunter's Run, listed under George R. R. Martin)and Ty Franck. This space opera is too complicated for ME to sum up.





Memory's Legion

Corey, James S. A.
Eight great stories from the Expanse series. My favorite was Strange Dogs.

"Drive"Expanse #2.7
"The Butcher of Anderson Station" Expanse #1.5
Gods of Risk Expanse #2.5
The Churn Expanse #3.5
The Vital Abyss Expanse #5.5
Strange Dogs Expanse #6.5
Auberon Expanse #8.5
The Sins of Our Fathers Expanse #9.5


"Thank you, but I don't deserve any mercy."
"Of course you don't. That's why they call it mercy. If you deserve it, they call it justice."



Nemesis Games

Corey, James S. A.
The Expanse, #5. Everyone is all over the place, Earth is in deep do-do.


"What did you do?" Fred asked.
"There was a button," Holden said. "I pushed it."
"Jesus Christ. That really is how you go through life, isn't it?"


A short walk took him to a food cart where he bought what the sign optimistically called a Belgian sausage. Unless the Belgians were famous for their flavored bean curd products, the optimism seemed misplaced.


"Sorry I didn't put a bullet in your head when I had the chance."
"Sorry I didn't know to ask. What brings you down here, anyway?"


Well, this was going to be a stupid way to die.
"What're you thinking?" she asked.
"Well, Peaches. I'm thinking that I stayed on this mudball a day too long."


" 'Be angry at the sun for setting if these things anger you.' A poet named Jeffers said that." -- That would be Robinson Jeffers, the poet that built Tor House and Hawk Tower in Carmel, California.



Nuclear Winter Wonderland

Corin, Joshua
Frat boy Adam picks up his twin sister Anna at her school so they can drive back home to attend a funeral. A bad bowl of chili, a stop at a rest stop restroom, things go bad. Anna is kidnapped by a guy with the trigger for 12 nuclear bombs, Adam is team up with a Spanish speaking clown, and the FBI and the mob are after them. It's one hairy road trip, kid.

Good writing, wacky plot, enjoyed the trip rather much.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Some docks were occupied by sleepy argosies... (pg. 248) -- A merchant ship.
...located at the rear of the texas (pg. 261) -- The uppermost deck of an inland or western river steamer. But this is an ocean steamer!



The Making Of A Midlife Dad

Cornish, Michael
I have interacted with this author several times in the geocaching world, so when he announced he had written a book and one chapter was about his geocaching experiences (SPOILER ALERT! Snakes!) I had to read it. He made great geocaches, and he has written a fun little book.



Black Notice

Cornwell, Patricia
Kay Scarpetta eventually goes to Paris to get clues about a serial hairy killer. Apparently her FBI boyfriend died in the last book. Good. NO, I don't mean good that he died, but it's a good book.




Cornwell, Patricia
Kay goes to Baton Rouge. Actually, everbody does. Even dead guys. Handily tyes up many loose threads very quickly.



Book of the Dead

Cornwell, Patricia
Lucy treats a couple of kids at a cancer clinic to a spin around the parking lot in her rented Ferrari, and Kay threatens to burn down an old lady's house. Oh, and a bunch of people end up dead, and no ones' relationships are satisfactorily resolved. Sure are a lot of brand-names mentioned. I guess writing "Zodiac" is more intimate than "rubber-bottomed boat".


Got my own filing system ... Sort of like the Dewey decibel system. (pg. 63)

Some Fancy Stuff:

Agusta Brutale motorcycle -- Lucy's bike.
Lancia automobile -- Dr. Moroni's car.
Ferrari F430 Spider -- Lucy's rental.
Cessna Citation X -- Lucy's plane.
Indian Roadmaster motorcycle -- Marino's ride.
Glock 40 cal. -- Marino's pistol.
Smith & Wesson .357 -- Marino's other pistol.
Glock -- Lucy's ankle gun.



Hornet's Nest

Cornwell, Patricia
A reporter joins the police auxiliary. Not one of the Kay Scarpitta series.



Point of Origin

Cornwell, Patricia
Kay Scarpetta investigates a murder at a fire scene.


"You tell me what you're planning to cook, and maybe I can give you some advice," he offered... "Different things," I replied. "Mostly I'll be boiling things."



Port Mortuary

Cornwell, Patricia
In which we learn a lot about Scarpetta's past in the Air Force. Also, more of how she can't run an organization. Read in one day.

Words I Had To Look Up:

...Galaxy is the length of a football field (pg.8) -- Well, it's sixty feet short of a football field.
Roman Inquisition (pg. 31) -- Not interesting.
sided in titanium (pg. 137) -- Who'd a thunk it? This led to discovering the phrase "titanium chic".
an eight-by-eleven gray envelope (pg. 181) -- Guess my 8 1/2 x 11 paper won't fit in that.
...twenty-foot Mako...on a jack stand (pg. 378) -- A feat of balance!


Can U call Evelyn!? (pg. 431) -- Saved two typing two letters there!




Cornwell, Patricia
I guess I missed this 2005 of Kay in Florida, and a BUNCH of missing people. Probably dead.


She eases the throttle at a hundred and thirty-nine thousand rpms... -- (page 287) That a hundred and thirty thousand more than a stock Harley redline!


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