Books I've Read
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The Poet
Newspaper report Jack McEnvoy investigates the suicide of his twin brother, a policeman.
Read : 8/2000
The Wrong Side Of Goodbye
Bosch, working reserve for the SFPD, works on a case about a serial rapist, and on the private side works on a possible heir to a very rich man. Very nice read.
Read : 11/2017
Trunk Murder
LAPD Dective Harry Bosch investigates a dead movie executive found in the trunk of his Rolls.
Read : 8/2000
Two Kinds Of Truth
Bosch gets accused of fabricating evidence by a death-row prisoner. Very excellent story!
Read : 3/2019
Void Moon
Cassie Black lines up a scam in Las Vegas to make quick money. One of the best I have read by this author, highly recommended.
Read : 12/2000
Mr. Monk Gets On Board
Natalie (and Monk) go on a cruise to attend a seminar and make some business contacts for their budding P.I. firm.
Read : 6/2014
The Lords Of Discipline
Life at a military academy. Very brutal. Good book.
Read : 2/2020
Bottom Liner Blues
Police Chief Mario Balzic is the man. You gotta love a police pocedural that takes forty-some pages to explore how public libraries are ripping off writers on royalties.. I heard in the U.K. they pay the writers based on the books circulation. .
Read : 8/2000
Blood Mud
Former police chief Mario Balzic gets an artery Roto-Rootered. Yuch!! Another good installment in the series.
Read : 9/2000
Acting Police Chief Carlucci of Rockburg (Mario Balzic's old job) deals with the killing of a local baseball personality. .
Read : 8/2000
Cranks And Shadows
Zen, salad, and Police Chief Mario Balzic retires. .
Read : 7/2000
Family Values
Ex-Chief Mario Balzic comes out of retirement to investigate an old case for the Attorney General.
Read : 8/2000
Good Sons
Chief Balzic has recently retired and Dectective Sergeant Carlucci is filling in and investingating the assault on a woman at the Rocksburg Pre-Cast Concrete Company. .
Read : 9/2000
Detective Carlucci investigates the shooting of an rich owner of a steel factory.
QUOTE : Pg. 124. "...That's what I mean about bein' attached to an impression of the way things are supposed to be instead of the way they are. You have to recognize the reality, that has to come first. Then you have to acknowledge it. And then you have to get comfortable with it. Soon as you get comfortable with it, soon as you can say yeah, that's it and it's not gonna change unless I change, and as soon as you accept that , then you can start to change yourself, which is the only thing you have any power to change anyway."
QUOTE II : Pg. 175. ...Definition of an addict: People who couldn't let go of an attachment to how they thought things ought to be.
Read : 11/2000
Joey's Case
Chief Mario Balzic is badgered to investigate the death of a jerk named Joey. Typically good!
Read : 8/2000
Upon some Midnights Clear
Police Chief Mario Balzic straightens out a fraud. .
Read : 7/2000
Dr. Laurie Montgomery investigates mysterious drug overdoses by mistake, still good!
Read : 8/1999
Read : 4/2001
Chromosome 6
Doctors Jack Stapleton and Laurie Montgomery go to Africa
Read : 8/1999
Medical Examiner Jack Stapleton wants to find out why people are dropping dead of rare diseases in a New York hospital.
Read : 8/1999
Dr. Jack and Laurie, mostly Laurie, investigate MRSA deaths at a group of specialty hospitals.
Read : 5/2008
20 books displayed
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