Books I've Read
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Agatha Raisin And The Wizard Of Evesham
Agatha goes to get her hair done, and of course someone dies!
SMOKE QUOTE : "Give me a cigarette." "You don't smoke." "I only smoke other people's. It's a charitable gesture. It reduces their intake."
Read : 7/2000
As The Pig Turns
A local cop turns up on a spit at a pig roast, if you can imagine it. Agatha Raisin is there, of course.
Read: : 10/2016
Death Of A Cad
Hamish Macbeth investigates the death of guest at a house- party to introduce Priscilla's fiance, playwright Henry Sutherland.
Read : 6/2000
Death Of A Celebrity
A nasty television lady comes to Hamish's village and stirs up trouble for herself. Hamish finds out Prscilla is engaged. READ AGAIN August 07! Didn't even remember reading it! That's TWICE now, with this series!
Read : 7/2004
Read : 8/2007
Death Of A Charming Man
Hamish Macbeth investigates doings in the neighboring village of Drim. .
Read : 7/2000
Death Of A Dentist
Scottish policeman Hamish Macbeth investigates the murder of the village dentist. On the Read Again didn't realize till near the end I had already
Read : 6/2000
Read : 12/2003
Death of a dreamer
An artistic lady comes to Hamishs village and dies. Hamish has all sorts of girl trouble. Dont understand the complication of the diving equipment. Just walk up and bonk him!
Read : 4/2006
Death Of A Dustman
Hamish investigate the death of the local garbageman. There is no end of suspects for the well deserved murder. Sad ending.
QUOTE : "... Do you remember when modesty in women was considered a virtue?" "I'm not old enough," said Hamish ruefully. --pg. 82.
Read : 4/2003
Death Of A Glutton
Hamish Macbeth investigates murder when a Romance Club stay at the castle. Very nice book jacket picture.
Read : 8/2000
Death Of A Gossip
A fishing school plays host to a discordant (!) group Once again EVERYBODY wanted to kill the victim. Hamish must find out who is covering up to protect someone they thought did it, and of course who actually did it.
Read : 7/2000
Death Of A Hussey
A wealthy, former "party girl" looks for a husband for her declining years, but ends up dead. P.C. Hamish Macbeth is once again on the scene. Priscilla's dad loses his money, too.
Read : 8/2000
Death Of A Macho Man
Hamish Macbeth is scheduled to fight a big bully, who unfortunately turns up dead. Why doestn't Priscilla just marry Hamish, huh?
Read : 7/2000
Death Of A Nag
Scottish policeman Hamish Macbeth goes on vacation and finds himself in the middle of a murder.
Read : 6/2000
Death Of A Perfect Wife
Hamish Macbeth must find out whole killed a woman everybody wanted to kill, including Hamish himself.
Read : 7/2000
Death Of A Poison Pen
Hamish is discover in flagrante delecto with a local newspaperwoman by Prisilla. Oh, and some people die and stuff.
Read : 5/2004
Death Of A Scriptwriter
Hamish Macbeth investigates murder at a movie set in the depressing neighboring village of Drim.
Read : 7/2000
Death Of A Snob
Hamish Macbeth investigates murder at a health resort during Christmas.
Read : 8/2000
Death Of A Traveling Man
A good-looking vagabond in a bus comes to Hamish Macbeth's village and causes trouble. .
QUOTE : "Is this a proposal, Hamish?" "Aye." "Well, take your hand out of my brassiere and listen to me for a moment."
Read : 7/2000
Death Of A Village
Hamish investigates the mysterious happenings at the village of Stoyne, where the villager are hostile and standoffish, even for Scots! Chust kidding! Lots goes on in this one. Hamish pisses off Elsbeth continously. Must be love!
Read : 7/2004
Death Of A Witch
What a lot of cranky people live in Hamish Macbeth's little village Loehdubh. Hamish is unsuccessful on his Spanish vacation, and he returns to find an unpleasant woman has moved into the village. But not for long, as somewhat murders her. Hamish sure has a mixed-up love life, I swear. But I actually laughed out loud at the conclusion, something I rarely do, especially in this series!
Read : 8/2009
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