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The Eternal Spring Of Mr. Ito

Garrigue, Sheila
Sara, who has been relocated from England to Canada during WWII, is given a bonsai by Mr. Ito, their Japanese gardener.



A Rag, A Bone And A Hank Of Hair

Gash, Jonathan
Lovejoy restores a gentlemen to his rightfull inheritance and exacts revenge on the bad guy.



Possessions Of A Lady

Gash, Jonathan
A Lovejoy mystery. Another narking confusing bloody mystery! Yer daft cow, why not include a list of characters, eh? Love these books, loved the TV series too!



Ten Word Game

Gash, Jonathan
Lovejoy finds himself shanghaied, more or less, onto a cruise ship heading to St. Petersburg. A bit confusing in parts, but lovely language and interesting antiques keeps the interest up.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Belle's serdab (pg. 161) -- A secret chamber in an ancient Eygptian tomb. In this case, Belle's garden shed love nest.
camarilla (pg. 216) -- A group of secret or confidential advisers.
elide (pg. 247) -- To omit or slur over.
parilka (pg. 261) -- A Russian steam room or sauna, with a cold plunge pool, part of a banya.



The Grace In Older Women

Gash, Jonathan
Antiques dealer Lovejoy gets involved the Cause's fundraiser.



The Great California Game

Gash, Jonathan
Lovejoy ends up in New York after his Hong Kong adventure. Then on to California. He seems a bit bedazzled by American food and slang.



Mr. Commitment

Gayle, Mike
Duffy is a late twenties Brit dealing with a relationship. Very good, funny.




Geist, Bill
Bill goes golfing.



The Big Five-Oh!

Geist, Bill
Geist's take on turning fifty. Some funny, a few poignant, some boring, some cursing involved here.



Tuesdays At The Castle

George, Jessica Day
Princess Celie lives with her family in a castle that seems almost alive, adding rooms to itself at a whim, or maybe to a purpose. Very enjoyable adventure!



The Chronicles Of Blarnia

Gerber, Michael
"Hither come and suck a pipe, Turn thy brain to cheese and tripe!" Whoops, wrong book. I borrowed the book from someone who had purchased it for a particular reason, but it turned out they did not need it for that reason, but I wanted to read it. It was no Bored Of The Rings, but it was OK.



Charms For The Easy Life

Gibbons, Kaye
Story of three women in North Carolina before and during WWII. One of the best books I've ever read.




Gibson, William
Fourteen-year-old Chia goes to Japan to find out the truth about her idol, the singer Rez, who plans to marry a cyber person. Interesting story. .




Gibson, William
Cyberpunk Case meets enhanced chick Molly, attached A.I. computer on corporate space station. Very cool!



A Tale Dark & Grimm

Gidwitz, Adam
OMG, I bought this for my little niece, who was perfectly normal, and now she is scared of the dark, and what's under the bed, and books. It's all YOUR fault, Mr. Gidwitz!! Not really. I enjoyed this very much!



The Inquisitor's Tale

Gidwitz, Adam
A Canterbury Tale's sort of thing, I think, not that I've read that. It kept my interest, with an especially good ending. A couple of the characters don't seem to act like their Wikipedia articles, but a good story none the less. And very attractively packaged, too.



Pictures Of Hollis Woods

Giff, Patricia Reilly
Hollis tends to run away from foster homes. Hard to read the last two chapters with my eyes so wet.



The Joy Of Geocaching

Gillin, Paul
Co-author Dana Gillin. This husband and wife team of geocachers have written a very enjoyable guide to the game. Game?? It's no game, sir!



The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax

Gilman, Corothy
Mrs. Pollifax presents herself at the CIA headquarters in Langley to see if they have any openings. First book of the series.




Gladwell, Malcolm
Discussions of how successful people (and businesses) may happen. Or not happen. I was particularly taken with the Christopher Langan chapter. Some writers have issues with the author's methods, but It makes one think about things one may have not thought about before. Whew!


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