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The Pirates Own Book

Ellms, Charles
A rather long (469 pages) and slow to read book about various pirates through history. It took me nearly three months to finish. I found it very hard to read, and very uninteresting, mostly. But, some parts WERE interesting. I spent a lot of time looking at maps of the Lynn Massachusetts area to see where the action of the chapter about the Lynn pirates took place.



A Light In The Castle

Elmer, Robert
Peter and Elise save the king of Denmark in book six of the gently Christian adventure series The Young Underground. The story was good, but the children seem oddly contemporary in several ways. I would have liked to see some Danish words used in the story. I did learn several interesting things, for instance that the kings of Denmark were all named either Frederick or Christian for four hundred years.



Cape Disappointment

Emerson, Earl
Thomas Black gets blown up, Kathy dies in a plane crash. A disjointed tale of tin-hat paranoia. Or is it?

Some notes:

Page 110 "The first of the next two bodies was one of the pilots..."
Page 112 "...Around noon a fishing boat had found the second pilot's body..."
Page 116 One of the pilots...were unaccounted for.
Page 141 Two pilots made the case for pilot error or drunkenness less likely.
Page 151 Why did they seem confused about the number of pilots?
Page 161 ...about find the second pilot's corpse yesterday...

I think the author lost track of his pilot count on that page 116 quote.


There was nothing lonelier than the shoes of a dead person, nothing quite so personal, so concrete, and useless. (pg. 195)



Catfish cafe

Emerson, Earl
Thomas Black investigates the disapperance of his old police partner Luther's daughter, Balinda. Thomas rides a Merckx.



Deception Pass

Emerson, Earl
Thomas Black, P.I., investigates a rich client being blackmailed. Whoops,


...Kathy opted for conversation. "That's the first time you've ever moaned more than me. " You're the one who does that? I always thought that was some woman hiding in the closet."





Into The Inferno

Emerson, Earl
Small town fire chief Jim Swope has a problem, his troops are coming up brain-dead and he might have the same problem. A little confusing and far-fetched, great chapter headings.



Morons And Madmen

Emerson, Earl
Fire Chief Mac Fontana insvestigates a fire in Seattle that killed three firemen.


"Mo. Watch real careful. If I start getting smaller, it means I'm walking away."



Primal Threat

Emerson, Earl
A group of mountain bikers (three are firemen) encounter jealousy, death, murder, fire, and lactic-acid overload. Not in that order. Very exciting story.



The Dead Horse Paint Company

Emerson, Earl
Good story. Fire Chief Mac Fontana solves a couple murders, although I figured out who the mystery dead person was before he did!



The Million-Dollar Tattoo

Emerson, Earl
P.I. Thomas Black solves a wierd murder involving aliens!! Good story, and he is a bike rider. Good bike stuff.



Yellow Dog Party

Emerson, Earl
P.I. Thomas Black has to locate the "dream women" of four businessmen.


"Three against two," Kathy said. "You forgot the clown."


She stared at me quizzically. "Well?" "Huh?" I asked. "Aren't you going to say something nice?" I thought carefully, but the best I could manage was, "They're real big."



Funny Sauce

Ephron, Delia
Humerous stories about the extended families created by divorce and remarriages.



American Rhapsody

Eszterhas, Joe
Bill and Monica and Hillery and all the rest. Rock and Roll! Not for the fainthearted!



Eleven On Top

Evanovich, Janet
Stephanie quits the bounty hunter job, sort of, eventually gets a job with Ranger. Someone is blowing up her cars again...


Dont get me wrong. I like sex...A lot. But its never going to replace cake.



Four To Score

Evanovich, Janet
Stephanie Plum searches for Maxine Nowicki on a FTA but as usual everything go awry. .



Hard Eight

Evanovich, Janet
Stephanie gets chased by a rabbit.



High Five

Evanovich, Janet
Stephanie Plum looks for her missing uncle Fred and finds out why the garbage isn't being picked up.


Grandma stared at my chest. "You look different. Are you wearing one of them sports brassieres?" She look more closely. "Hot dog, I know what it is. You're wearing a bulletproof vest. Ellen, look at the," she said to my mother. "Stephanie's wearing a bulletproof vest. Isn't that something?" My mother's face had turned white. "Why me?" she said.



Hot Six

Evanovich, Janet
Bounty hunter Stephanie Plum in her sixth outing helps her buddy Ranger nail a gun runner.


Sometimes I envy people who smoke. They always look so happy when they suck that first lungful of tar. I can't think of many things that make me that happy. Maybe birthday cake. [pg. 137].



One For the Money

Evanovich, Janet
Stephanie Plum becomes a bounty hunter, meets Lulu, a psychotic boxer.



Seven Up

Evanovich, Janet
Stephanie looks for Eddie DeChooch, a senior citizen semi-retired mobster. This story has a lotta heart!


20 books displayed
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