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Books for
Kingsolver , Barbara
Animal Dreams
Cosima goes back to her hometown of Grace, Arizona, to see how her elderly doctor father is doing. Except it seems to be a very dusty town, if you know what I mean. Very enjoyable.
Read : 11/2011
High Tide In Tucson
I was surprised I liked this author. Thoughtful essays on child raising, peace, ecology.
QUOTE : Be careful what you give children, for sooner or later you are sure to get it back.
Read : 4/2000
Prodigal Summer
DELETE THIS LINE Why is the next line in bold?
Another great story set in Applachia, three tales interwoven: A woman forest ranger, a widow, and a old farmer. :
Read : 11/2001
The Poisonwood Bible
Missionary family goes to Africa, does not have a swell time. Heart of Darkness? 546 p.
Read : 9/2001
4 books displayed
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