Finally I can put "Writ" to this series. My favorite character was Angela, and we find out very little more about her, but that little is very intriguing.
V.I. tangles with a large company not-unlike Walmart, whose family is up to all sorts of shananigans. She is also coaching basketball at her old school part-time.
Originally published under author's pseudonym, David Wong. Zoey Ashe #1. A bit in the future, Zoey lives in a trailer park and works at a small coffee shop. A LOT of violence happens, but works out OK except for all the folks who die/are injured.
Smoke Quote:
She shouldn't be in this bad of shape, she had quit smoking when she was fifteen.
Zoey was disappointed that the van didn't explode into a fireball like in old action movies, but was one of the downsides of electric car technology.
We want to sew doubt about why she's so confident. -- "sew"? How about sow?
Without turning away from the wall, Armando said, "This man, is he still around?" -- WOAH, I said!
...paint it, modify it, put real tactical sites on it... -- "sites"?? Maybe, "sights"?
I'm Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom
Synopsis from Good Reads: Outside Los Angeles, a driver pulls up to find a young woman sitting on a large black box. She offers him $200,000 cash to transport her and that box across the country, to Washington, DC. -- Yeah, outside of Los 86 miles in Victorville!!
Sometimes she liked to have a little puddle of [sugar] granules at the end; it was like the coffee's dessert.
"If you think about it," she said, "Party City is kind of the apex of human civilization."
Zoey Ashe, #3. There's an election going on. Who is Zoey and her crew supporting? Plus, there are three women missing from a brothel. One that Zoey owns, of course.
She looked down at the Doritos bag, the animated flaming-triangle logo dancing above a heap of dusted chips, as if looking to it for advice. Receiving none, she started running.
... depending on the publication. -- Chapter 3, page 26.
... depending on the publication. -- Chapter 3, page 28.
... depending on the publication. -- Chapter 3, page 33.
... depending on the publication. -- Chapter 3, page 59.
... depending on the publication. -- Chapter 6, page 93.
... depending on the publication. -- Chapter 6, page 94.
... depending on the publication. -- Chapter 6, page 101.
... depending on the publication. -- Chapter 9, page 165.
The socks were her favorite, they were thick and cushioned and had little nubs on the bottom. -- Yes, I love hospital socks!
"Aviv, we don't even know if we can tolerate each others company for longer than it takes to have sex and get dressed."