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Real Men Don't Apologize

Belushi, Jim
I did not find this book on dating and relationships humorous or useful. I only found two funny parts, the old guy story on pages 196-197, and another one that couldn't find again, so I guess it wasn't that good. Since I flunked the Man Test at the beginning I guess these book isn't for me.



I Am Not A Cop!

Belzer, Richard
Richard Belzer, the actor, searches for clues to his Russian friend's disappearance in New York. "Belz" constantly meets people who misidentify him, and several people who want to kill him. Not as engaging a story as I hoped, given Belzer's rep as a comedian, but maybe it was because I was reading it in the emergency room.


It was as if I could almost see it now, like looking at an emergin island through a blanket of fog. I just hoped it didn't turn out to be an iceberg. (pg. 220)



The Particular Sadness Of Lemon Cake

Bender, Aimee
Rose can taste the emotional base of whoever prepared the food she eats. This is very disconcerting to her as a child. Later she finds out her family, on her father's side, seems to have various talents along this way. I did not get the pink Pegasus pen humor.


I was a couple years older than most learner's permit types, but I'd been slower to the car than my peers. (pg. 165) As was I!



The First Ladies

Benedict, Marie
Co-author Victoria Christopher Murray. Novel about the friendship and work of Eleanor Roosevelt and Mary McLeod Bethune. I enjoyed it very much.



The Martian Race

Benford, Gregory
I can't believe this is the first Benford book in the data base, I am certainly familiar with the name. Interesting story of first manned expedition to Mars.




Bennett, Robert Jackson
Probably the first in a series, a young thief gets into a lot more trouble than she ever imagined. Clef the key was one of my favorite characters.



Glory Be!

Benrey, Ron
With Janet Benrey. Glory, North Carolina #1. B&B owner Emma works with fellow church choir singer Rafe (who is deputy police chief) solve a possible murder in their small town. Cozy Christian Mystery Romances aren't really my thing, but this one was OK.


"You have no idea! As I pushed the remains into the garbage disposal I prayed fervently, imploring God to ensure that my concoction did not injure Glory's waste treatment facility."



Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil

Berendt, John
Non-fiction stories of Savannah, Georgia. I particularly thought the Conrad Aiken bench story was charming. Chablis the drag-queen is quite the character!!



Vital Parts

Berger, Thomas
Reinhardt #3 in the series. Published in 1971, author of Little Big Man, I thought I would really like this. I just didn't get a lot of it, very clever writing though. A lot of the humor went over my head.


L'Etable a Cochon. A restaurant.


"...The true purpose of the space program is to abolish the orgasm, to cow the individual into impotence. How can he match the great, roaring, flaming ejaculation of the Saturn rocket?"


Gen used to pretend to be Episcopalian for snob reasons, but wouldn't have known where to find the church. -- Heh.



The Demolished Man

Bester, Alfred
Science Fiction/Crime novel from the early 50s, first Hugo award. "Jazzy" jargon was kind of irritating, but this was probably pretty hot stuff back then. Wikipedia artilce helped me to appreciate it a bit more. I like his "The Stars My Destination" more.




Bingle, Donald J.
Three eco-nuts blow up a nuke to save the world, destroying Seattle and a mansion owned by a very Bill Gates-like parody. Some humour, but wiping out Seattle is kind of a bummer, dude.



The Penderwicks

Birdsall, Jeanne
A charming story of a family on summer vacation. "Four sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting boy."



The Seven Wonders Of Sassafras Springs

Birney, Betty G.
A boy finds out that his small town is more interesting than he thought. I liked this book a lot!



The Big Loop

Bishop, Claire Huchet
Andre wants to race in the Tour de France. A pretty good book, with nice illustrations. Pub. in 1955.



The Readers Of Broken Wheel Recommend

Bivald, Katarina
A woman travels from Sweden to a very small town in Iowa to visit her pen-pal. Turns out her friend just died. What now? Very excellent story, I just loved it!


Why would anyone prefer banknotes to book? -- pg.288



Trout Pool Paradox

Black, George
I KNOW I read this book, but for some reason it's not listed! It was published in 2004. History of three rivers in Connecticut and how they each developed differently. Really good! Non-fiction! Save the rivers!



Tithe: A Mondern Faerie Tale

Black, Holly
Kaye finds she there is a reason she feels alienated, it's not just teen angst. Good story, too much cussing for middle school!



Nothing's Sacred

Black, Louis
Comedian Louis Black recounts his life, mostly high school and college. With nifty pictures.



Lorna Doone

Blackmore, R. D.
A Scottish romance, I guess. I'm forcing myself to read it because I like the cookies. Hope it comes in as handy on "Jeporady" as "My Antonia" by Cather did!! Update: Boy, this book is boring, I mean, written in dialect!! Can I cheat and read Masterplots? Update: I gave up trying to read it! Gave up 11/1998.


No date

The Shakespeare Stealer

Blackwood, Gary
Widge is conscripted to attend a performance at The Globe and copy down the text of the play, for a competitor, like. Stuff happens. Good story, I am looking forward to another in the series.


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