I enjoyed this book very much, the San Diego locations rang true. There is so much sadness, though. Reading the author's biography, you see he has personal knowledge of extreme loss. It comes through in all the books of his I have read.
We make our own luck. Character is fate. (pg. 77)
There are 124 chapters in 385 pages. Works for my short attention span!
Foreign Cinema's marquis (pg. 35) -- I think it should be either "marquee" or "marquise".
antivenin antivenom (pg. 247) -- Text says first spelling is preferred, wikipedia says the second spelling is preferred in English.
pink lace demibra...flimsy fabric of her panties (pg. 189)-- OK, pink bra, but what color are her panties? More information needed. Dropping a brand name is always good. Product placement! Which author writes the sex scenes, I wonder?