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The Rifle

Paulsen, Gary
History of a rifle, from Revolutionary times to the present. A detailed recounting of its building (very interesting). I got the impression the author doesn't care for NRA rhetoric.



The Scheronoff Discoveries

Paulsen, Gary
A short but charming story of the narrator and his friend, science-whiz Harold, and their romantic, economic, and social escapades.



The Eighth Detective

Pavesi, Alex
An editor of mystery books visits an author on a small (hot) island to see about publishing a book of mysteries he wrote many years before. Lots of surprises, nothing is as it seems. Ultimately a bit disappointing, though.



Red Thread Sisters

Peacock, Carol Antoinette
Wen is adopted by a family in the United States, and she promises her best friend, her "sister", that she will help her get adopted too. Very heart-warming story.



An Instance Of The Fingerpost

Pears, Iain
A very long book, over 700 pages. Takes place in the 1600's. A mystery. Took two weeks to read.



Giotta's Hand

Pears, Iain
An art history mystery. The reviews sound very little like the books I read.





The Librarian At Play

Pearson, Edmund Lester
"A collection of light-hearted book-related stories and essays originally published in 1910 and 1911 in trade magazines." -- Goodreads

Most of these I liked very much, but not the literary zoo ones.



The Adoration Of Jenna Fox

Pearson, Mary E.
Teen girl wakes up from coma, finds out she isn't all she thinks she is.



The Academy

Pearson, Ridley
Steven "Steel" Trapp in invited to attend his FBI father's alma mater prep school where he finds mysterious goings-on going on.


...a group of car batteries had collected, all but one dead. (pg. 46) -- A pile of dead car batteries in their living space, plus one recharged by a solar cell? Hydrogen gas, anyone?
For a moment there was no sound in the room, except for a vague humming from the battery. (pg. 52) -- I don't like the sound of that!
The girls wore stretch-fabric bike shorts...(pg. 139) Were they PADDED bike shorts? Sorry, pet peeve,
He reach the rebar ladder leading up into the chapel... (pg. 184) -- I thought in was STEPS back on page 169.
Mrs. D. could then buy them two of same make and model [radio], allowing them to listen in on everything said between the staff. (pg. 212) -- As long as they are set to the same frequency, which could be one of AT LEAST dozens. Not that hard to figure out with a scanner and frequency counter, but then one wouldn't need the same brand and model now, would one? Or just use a scanner!
"Do you have any clue what we're supposed to be doing in Boston?", he asked. (pg. 289) -- Boston? BOSTON? First I've heard of it!.



The Tattooed Man

Pease, Howard
Todd Moran goes to sea to rescue his brother. Good story, written in 1926, some unfortunate racial slurs.



Night Boat

Pease, Howard
Seven stories in the Tod Moran Mystery series. Tod is third mate on the steamer Araby. Good stories, for what they are. The last story, Black Out, takes place in San Francisco during a blackout in WWII. I thought it interesting that prejudice and discrimination against Americans of Japanese and Italian heritage is mentioned, since this was copyright 1942.



A Long Way From Chicago

Peck, Richard
Each summer Mary Alice and her brother visit their grandmother in Ohio. Charming, a weep at the end, for me.



A season of gifts

Peck, Richard
Bob moves into the house next to Mrs. Dowdel. Good Christmas story.



A Year Down Under

Peck, Richard
A city girl spends a year with her country grandmother. A most excellent book.



Fair Weather

Peck, Richard
Three children and their irascible grandfather travel to Chicago for the 1893 exposition. Good and funny! Some nifty pictures of the White City.



The Teachers funeral

Peck, Richard
Russell plans to run away to South Dakota to harvest wheat, but his father and sister Tansy have other plans. A very enjoyable story of life in rural Indiana in 1904.



A Marriage Made At Woodstock

Pelletier, Cathie
Hippie wife Chandra leaves accountant husband Frederick.



The Bubble Reputation

Pelletier, Cathie
Woman copes with suicide of sig. other., amidst her bizarre relatives. Very funny!


"Another metaphor, Miriam," he said sweetly. "How many does that make now, in these forty years? Two? Three?"



Better Than Life

Pennac, Daniel
Read out loud to people, then they will want to read. Includes the Bill Of Rights for Reader's. Looks good. .



Penryn Boys

Penney, Frederick
Growing up in the town of Penryn, not all that far from Folsum, California, back in the 1970s.


20 books displayed
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