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Books for
Older, Malka Ann

The Imposition Of Unnecessary Obstacles

Older, Malka Ann
The Investigations of Mossa and Pleiti #2. A number of people are missing from the university and Mossa is assigned to check it out.


The father of Strevan lived in a type of construction known as a hobbit house...and the door, I was disgusted to see, wasn't even round.



The Mimicking of Known Successes

Older, Malka Ann
Mossa & Pleiti, #1. Hugo award nominee for best novella 2024. From the goodreads description, a "cozy Holmesian murder mystery and sapphic romance". Oh, I thought the romantic interest was a guy. Ha ha on me! I don't know about the "Holmesian" part, though. I enjoyed it, will read more.


2 books displayed
[Older - Older] 
