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The Stingray Shuffle

Dorsey, Tim
Serge Storms, #5. Serge is still chasing that suitcase, and it takes him on a railroad trip from New York to somewhere in Florida, I forget exactly where.


...and a fishing guide named Skip. -- A nod to Hiaasen?


"... Wait! Look! There's something shiny down there! Help me move these bales of dope."


"I'm glad I was never part of the drug culture," said Serge, loading an automatic pistol in his lap.
"This isn't about the drug culture--it's about women," said Lenny.


Serge raised up and exploded: "I did it my way!


"... As long as you know the gauge conversion, which happens to be three-point-five millimeters to the foot, the rest is easy..." -- I would have gone with scale conversion there.



Tiger Shrimp Tango

Dorsey, Tim
Serge and Coleman go through the self-check aisle at the grocery store, among other things.



Torpedo Juice

Dorsey, Tim
Serge Storms, #7. Serge gets married, almost killed by a serial killer, and, oh yeah, Colman comes back from the dead.


"Stop right there," said Serge. "This is beginning to sound like some lame soap opera device to bring back a character they regretted killing off."


"...To borrow from Fire-sign Theater, Everything You Know Is Wrong..."



Triggerfish Twist

Dorsey, Tim
A nice family moves to their new home on Triggerfish Lane in Florida. Serge, Coleman, and Sharon move in across the street. A very funny book with lots of great quotes. None of which are repeatable here.



Tropic Of Stupid

Dorsey, Tim
Serge Storms, #24. A bit of touching and inspirational religious stuff that made me tear up a bit, amongst the usual shenanigans of Serge and Coleman.


"That was just wrong," said Sparrow. He didn't mean immoral. He meant tactically short-sighted.


"Naw." Serge flicked his wrist. "The nearest serial killer is probably a million miles away..."


"What's that?" Asked Serge.
"Nettle's baseball card...So he can smell my ass!"



When Elves Attack

Dorsey, Tim
Serge Storms, #14. It's Christmas time in Florida. Will there be any snow this year?


I stopped believing in Santa Claus when my mother took me to see him in a department store, and he asked for my autograph.


"How about some ice cream? There's the food court."
"Jim, why do you always think a woman just needs ice cream to put her in a better mood?"
"It doesn't?"
"No, it's true. Where'd you see the ice cream parlor?"


"Last time you went the wrong way on the interstate. The semi missed us by inches."
"The traffic signs were confusing."
"'Do Not Enter,'" said Eunice. "Yeah that's a mystery for the ages."



The London Eye Mystery

Dowd, Siobhan
Ted and sister Kate try to figure out how their cousin Salim disappeared from the London Eye "Ferris" sort-of-wheel. EDIT--There was no Read date, don't know when I read it!

Words I Had To Look Up:

Oesophagus (pg. 2) -- British spelling of esophagus. Duh!
Shreddies (pg. 5) -- British breakfast cereal, from Post. Looks like Wheat Chex to me!
Lilo (pg. 42) -- An inflatable mattress.
Topological (pg. 45) -- A simplified map not necessarily related to geography. The famous London subway map is an example.
Topographical (pg. 45) -- Basically, has contour lines showing hills and such.
Dialled (pg. 258) -- Same as dialed, I guess.


No date

Phineas L. MacGuire... Erupts!

Dowell, Frances O'Roark
Third grader Mac is allergic to purple, loves science, and is too old for dinosaurs.





Shooting The Moon

Dowell, Frances O'Roark
Jamie's brother enlists in the Army, to the objections of their officer father, as a medic and is sent to Vietnam. She volunteers at the base rec center and learns to develop and print the photographic film he sends home to her.



The Secret Language Of Girls

Dowell, Frances O'Roark
Sixth-grade Kate is learning about romance, and best friends, and ex-best friends. I really enjoyed this book!



Best of the best 20 years of the years best science fiction

Dozois, Gardner
A whole bunch of stories (37), edited by Dozois, which I cannnot imagine how one pronounces, that were mostly pretty good, some excellent, and a couple I didn't care for. I think my favorite was Even The Queen, by Connie Willis. I remember I read a story of hers in Galileo twenty years ago, and was charmed by it.



Best science fiction stories of the year Sixth annual collection

Dozois, Gardner
Eight stories pub. in 1976 selected by Dozois. John Varleys "Air Raid" Ive read before, it is mind-blowing. "Custer's Last Jump" by Utley and Waldrop goes on a bit, but it's pretty good. Michel Bishops "The Samurai And The Willows" was kinda sad on a very depressing weekend.



The Best Of The Best Volume 2

Dozois, Gardner
Thirteen novellas by various authors. A couple of them I liked a whole bunch. Beggars In Spain, by Nancy Kress, was pretty darn good.

Words I Had To Look Up:

ecopoiesis(pg. 469)-- The creation of an artificially-generated, sustainable ecosystem on a lifeless planet



The New Space Opera 2

Dozois, Gardner
Edited with Johnathan Strahan. Nineteen stories, most of which are too esoteric for my plebeian tastes. My favorites was the Scalzi, but I may be prejudiced.



In The Stormy Red Sky

Drake, David
This is book number seven but the first RCN book I've read, but the characters' names seem very familiar. Especially Lt. Vesey. I can't explain it.



Old Nathan

Drake, David
Dedicated to Manly Wade Wellman, this book of "Appalachian fantasy" is very much like Wellman's Silver John stories. I loved those, I love this.


He folded the blade and put his knife away.



Some Golden Harbor

Drake, David
Book number five in the Lt. Leary/RCN series. Pellegrino invades Dunbar's World, Leary and company intervene.




Drake, David
A space ,liner is caught up in an interplanetary war. I enjoyed reading the adventure. I read the Baen Free Books e-book edition.



The Complete Hammer's Slammers, vol. 1

Drake, David
A collection of stories about the tank mercenaries of outer space. Lots of tank action.



The Tank Lords

Drake, David
Several stories about Hammer's Slammers, the tank mercenaries in the future. Good read, of its kind. I've read several of this series, so I guess I like it! EDIT: I forgot to mention that I feel the author's Afterword is very interesting and important to read.


20 books displayed
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