Books I've Read
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Hemingway's Diary
The November Man and Rita have a showdown with Colonel Ready on the Caribbean isle of St. Michel.
Read : 10/1998
Henry McGee Is Not Dead
Well, he will be when the November Man catches up with him in Alaska, I bet!
Read : 10/1998
League Of Terror
Henry's still not dead, but he might as well be. "Marie" kicks major butt. Did you know Patrick McGoohan (The Prisoner) played a character in the movie "Silver Streak" name Devereaux?
Read : 10/1998
Man Who Heard Too Much
I guess Henry McGee wasn't dead...Now he and the November Man are looking for a translator who listened to the wrong tape. Introducing "Marie Dreiser".
QUOTE : Interogatee: "You didn't have to break my nose." Devereaux: "Yes, I did."
Read : 10/1998
The November Man finds out what an American missionary missing in Asia for twenty knows that is so important everybody wants him...dead!
Read : 9/1998
The British Cross
The November Man finds out what an Irish agent missing in the Soviet Union since WWII knows that is so important everybody wants him...dead!
Read : 9/1998
The Infant Of Prague
Religious experiences abound as the November Man searches for the link between a defecting impressario and a Czechoslovakian child actress.
Read : 10/1998
The Last Good German
A Japanese super-crytography machine is the prize. The November Man is the target.
Read : 1/1999
The Shattered Eye
The November Man finds out what the commie cells are up to in Paris. Good spy book!
Read : 8/1998
The Zurich Numbers
The November Man learns of a man in Zurich who buys and sells human beings.
Read : 9/1998
There Are No Spies
The November Man tries to find out about Nutcracker, and why there are no spies.
Read : 9/1998
Killers Of The Flower Moon
Compelling story of the Osage murders during the 1920s and how the new FBI caught some of the murderers.
Read : 4/2018
How The Hangman Lost His Heart
A very odd romance, of sorts, involving quite-young Alice, a married hangman, Captain Ffrench (a not-as-young handsome officer), and Uncle Frank's head. A bit more gore than I expected, but a satisfactory resolve.
Read : 12/2009
A Woman's Place
P.I Catherine Saylor investigates sexual harassment in a company. Adult themes. No kidding.
Read : 8/1998
Blind Trust
P.I Catherine Saylor investigates a bank robbery by computer, but finds link to the Vietnam war. Adult themes. No kidding.
Read : 8/1998
Lethal Genes
Catherine Saylor investigates thefts at the UC Berkeley Corn Research lab.
Read : 7/1999
Love Nor Money
P.I Catherine Saylor investigates child molestion in San Francisco. Adult themes. No kidding.
Read : 8/1998
Code Of Honor
High school senior Kamran is horrified when his Army Ranger brother is accused of being a traitor. Pretty good action, moves right along.
Read : 10/2015
The Book of Old Houses
Jacobia (Jake) lives in Eastport, Maine, with her husband and son. She fixes up her old house, solves murders, and dispenses house repair tips. The author lives in Eastport too, oddly enough. Looks like an interesting place to visit. The books did not grab me, but it is number eleven in a series, so it must grab someone!
Read : 8/2008
Falcon And The Charles Street Witch
Falcon has more adventures with her dragon in this sequel to Falcon's Egg. I really like the characters but the plot seems silly. Will read the first book, just to see if it has a better story.
Read : 11/2002
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