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There Are No Spies

Granger, Bill
The November Man tries to find out about Nutcracker, and why there are no spies.



Killers Of The Flower Moon

Grann, David
Compelling story of the Osage murders during the 1920s and how the new FBI caught some of the murderers.



How The Hangman Lost His Heart

Grant, K. M.
A very odd romance, of sorts, involving quite-young Alice, a married hangman, Captain Ffrench (a not-as-young handsome officer), and Uncle Frank's head. A bit more gore than I expected, but a satisfactory resolve.



A Woman's Place

Grant, Linda
P.I Catherine Saylor investigates sexual harassment in a company. Adult themes. No kidding.



Blind Trust

Grant, Linda
P.I Catherine Saylor investigates a bank robbery by computer, but finds link to the Vietnam war. Adult themes. No kidding.



Lethal Genes

Grant, Linda
Catherine Saylor investigates thefts at the UC Berkeley Corn Research lab.



Love Nor Money

Grant, Linda
P.I Catherine Saylor investigates child molestion in San Francisco. Adult themes. No kidding.



Code Of Honor

Gratz, Alan
High school senior Kamran is horrified when his Army Ranger brother is accused of being a traitor. Pretty good action, moves right along.



The Book of Old Houses

Graves, Sarah
Jacobia (Jake) lives in Eastport, Maine, with her husband and son. She fixes up her old house, solves murders, and dispenses house repair tips. The author lives in Eastport too, oddly enough. Looks like an interesting place to visit. The books did not grab me, but it is number eleven in a series, so it must grab someone!



Falcon And The Charles Street Witch

Gray, Luli
Falcon has more adventures with her dragon in this sequel to Falcon's Egg. I really like the characters but the plot seems silly. Will read the first book, just to see if it has a better story.



The bishop and the missing L Train.

Greeley, Andrew
Bishop Blackie Ryan tries to figure out who stole a train with with of Chicago's auxialiary bishops on it.



The Fault In Our Stars

Green, John
Two teens with cancer crack-wise. I enjoyed this book very much, but it going on the "Professional Reading" shelf in our middle school library. Parent Permission slips required. So is the "Perks" novel.




Greenbaum, Dorothy
Dorothy decides to follow her passion and become a doctor at age 23, and with a baby even! A very interesting story.



The Tom Clancy Companion

Greenberg, Martin, editor
Interesting interview with Clancy, summaries of stories.



Harry and Tonto

Greenfield, Josh
With Paul Mazursky, the director of the movie. An old man is evicted from his New York apartment, travels to visit his children in Chicago and California, meets interesting people, has revelations. A very touching story, must have been a great movie!




Greenlaw, Linda
Jane quit her police detective job in Florida and moved back to the seaside Maine town she where she was born, but moved away at an early age. Her new marine insurace inspection job takes her to a fish packing plant and a number of boats. A body is discovered, and she decides to investigate to relieve the boredom of her new job.

I found the book interesting, but there some things that I thought an editor should have caught. For instance, on page 85 there is mention of previously seeing a document concerning "joint custody with right of survivorship". Darned if I can find that mentioning, either in the book or using Look Inside! Another is on page 250 where the police officers show up rather jarringly, to my mind.

Anyway, I enjoyed the book and will read others by her.



Beyond Blame

Greenleaf, Stephen
Parents of a woman hire John Tanner to go to Berkeley to find out who killed their daughter. Good story, fifth book in series.



Blood Type

Greenleaf, Stephen
John Tanner tries to figure out why his friend Tom Crandall died. Very good plot, eighth book in series.



Book Case

Greenleaf, Stephen
Private Investigator John Marshall Tanner tries to find out who wrote a manuscript that seems to describe sordid goings-on at a private school in San Francisco. Seventh book in series.



Death Bed

Greenleaf, Stephen
John Marshall Tanner is tasked with finding the son of a zillionaire before the old guy dies. Second book in the series.


20 books displayed
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