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Anastasia Has The Answers

Lowry, Lois
Her aunt in California passes away, and she has trouble climbing the rope in gym class. Charming story.



Anastasia's Chosen Career

Lowry, Lois
She goes to modeling class and investigates becoming a book store owner. Wonderful stories.



Gathering Blue

Lowry, Lois
Crippled Kira is lucky she has a valuable skill, else she would have been tossed on the trash heap, as it were, when her mother dies. Good story of a cruel world.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Cott (pg.2) -- Short for cottage, a dwelling.




Lowry, Lois
Village is changing, Forest is turning bad, Matty goes to fetch Kira. Moving, but seems incomplete.



The Giver

Lowry, Lois
Jonas is nearly Twelve, and he is going to find out assigned vocation. I like how the story builds, but I was disappointed by the ending.



The Silent Boy

Lowry, Lois
An old woman tell about the events of a year when she was a young girl and the tragedy that ensued. Very good story. I like it when a charactor is a reader and the books she likes are mentioned, I become interested in reading those books too.



The Willoughbys

Lowry, Lois
A parody of all those too-sweet orphan books. A splendidly useful glossary of words such as odious, obsequious, glutinous, and lugubrious is included, along with summaries of novels about "pitious but appealing orphans."


"They are dolts indeed," Nanny said. She stared at the postcard and murmured, "I myself am Presbyterian."




Lu, Marie
Book one in the Legend series. As I got nearer and nearer to the end I realized, yes, this was gonna be a series. Well, I liked it anyway.



The battle of the red hot pepper weenies

Lubar, David
Yes, and other warped and creepy tales! Very nice, my favorite, of course, is Book Banning.




Luna, Louisa
Alice Vega #3. Alice is hired to find a football player who disappeared some thirty years ago. Once again I must say I admire the relationship of Cap and his daughter Nell.


"Still," said Ameyo, shrugging a muscular shoulder, "that's a touch creepy."...

"I'm somewhat creepy," said Vega, not at all trying to be cute.



The Janes

Luna, Louisa
Alice Vega #2, I believe. Alice calls Cap to partner up on an investigation into two unidentified bodies in the Salton Sea area of California. OK story, I'm reading #1 now.


Don't look at the saw on the table, Cap told himself.


And there they were: twenty-four-inch, steel-jawed bolt cutters. -- Steel-jawed, that's the best kind!



Two Girls Down

Luna, Louisa
I can never remember all the amazing things I was going to mention... This is Alice Vega #1. She comes out from California all the way to Pennsylvania, I think, to find two missing/kidnapped young girls. Pretty good story, some very disturbing images, some very funny lines.


Machs nix


"Ah hell, Lyssie, looks like I peed," he said, shifting around. -- We are all getting older.


"Hey--" started McKie.

"Don't speak unless you're spoken to, please. You're a moron, and it grates on me," said the Fed, getting angrier.


"You remind me of my late wife," he said thoughtfully. -- Funniest line in the book!



Service: A Navy SEAL At War

Luttrell, Marcus
Lots of action in Iraq, mostly.



Curse Of The Spellmans

Lutz, Lisa
Second book in the series. Lots of footnotes! Izzy investigates a suspiciously-acting new neighbor, among other things.

Words I Had To Look Up:

I defenestrated myself (pg. 250) -- The act of throwing someone or something out of a window. Still.
My sister's hyperbolic response...(pg. 332) -- Seems not the curve, but using hyperbole, that is, overstatement.



Revenge Of The Spellmans

Lutz, Lisa
Book three finds Isabel in court-ordered therapy, someone is blackmailing her, her parked car keeps moving around, and Rai is accused of cheating on the PSAT.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Erased de Kooning Drawing (pg. 284) -- Those wacky artist types!



The Last Word

Lutz, Lisa
Spellman Document #6. I laughed and I cried, then laughed some more. This one was better than #5. But it might be the last! Be sure to read them in order.

On page 263 I might have caught an spellcheck error. The character says "Once I coded a logarithm that made your computer run at the pace of the J train." I think that should have been "...coded an algorithm that made..."



The Spellman Files

Lutz, Lisa
A dysfunctional family of private investigators goes about its business in San Francisco.



The Spellmans Strike Again

Lutz, Lisa
Book four, the third one was checked out already. Better to read them in order, I think. There's romance and sadness, and disappearing doorknobs.

Words I Had To Look Up:

spelt pretzels (pg. 170) -- Spelt is a healthful kind of wheat. Isabel doesn't care for healthful food.



Trail Of The Spellmans

Lutz, Lisa
Isabel has all SORTS of family problems, and they with her. I enjoyed reading it very much. Oh, this is Document #5, as Isabel puts it. OH, and I like Morgan Freeman, too. And, bannana!



Vietnam: Book I: I Pledge Allegiance

Lynch, Chris
Four school chums join different branches of the military during the Viet Nam war.


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