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Adventures of Blue Avenger

Howe, Norma
David (Blue Avenger!) grapples with questions of life and love. Really good. The "s" word comes up in a hilarious classroom discussion of vocabulary.



Read Again:


Blue Avenger and the Theory of Everything

Howe, Norma
Blue has to decide whether to fund PBS in broadcasting Fawlty Towers to a new generation of viewers, or help his girlfriend pay the rent. He makes the right choice!

Words I Had To Look Up:

Running-head (pg. 84) -- Text that appears in the top margin.
Contumacious (pg. 100) -- Willfully obstinate; stubbornly disobedient.


On several occasions car doors had opened unexpectedly while he was riding past, but this was the first time the door was attached to a Mercedes 500 SLC. I must be coming up in the world, he thought wryly, and it's about time.



Blue Avenger Cracks the Code

Howe, Norma
Blue goes to Venice, so does Oxford, and Omaha went to Rome.


Blue was about to explain that a kilo was equal to a little orver two pounds, but since no one asked him, he just let it go. (pg. 225)



Different Girls

Howells, Williams Dean, ed.
Edited by William Dean Howells and Henry Mills Alden. I read the Project Gutenberg e-book edition. Eleven stories about the "American Girl", except one of them is British.


Sometimes when she leaves her alone for a few moments in her chair, she laughingly bends over and says, "Promise me that you won't run away to heaven while my back is turned." -- from The Little Joys Of Margaret I took this phrase out of context a bit, but it struck a chord with me. I turned away for a while, and she was gone.



Drive Like Hell

Hudgens, Dallas
15 year old Luke lives in Georgia in the 1970's and likes to drive fast and smoke weed. Pretty good, funny



Dear Mr. President

Hudson, Gabe
A collection of stories mostly having the first Iraq War as a theme. Thought it was going to be humorous, wasn't. A couple of stories were interesting, but not really my cuppa.



A Confederation of valor

Huff, Tanya
This volume contains the novels Valors Choice and The Better Part Of Valor. I enjoyed both novels. Gritty military-in-the-future stories. I TOTALLY did not get the final sentence of Better Part Of Valor. Last sentence in ROT-13: Ab bar abgvprq gur gjryir ynetr terl pnavfgref fgnpxrq nybat bar ohyxurnq. I feel a dolt, someone please explain it to me.


...and a diTaykan, who looked remarkably depressed for a species who invented flavored massage oil before the wheel...



A Peace Divided

Huff, Tanya
Peacekeeper, #2; Confederation, #7. I liked the book, but had trouble reading it. I can't put my finger on it, though. I CAN contrast with David Weber's books, those I just flow right through.


"Fukking Humans First," Craig sighed. "They make the rest of us look bad."
"Or good in comparison," Binti offered." And at least they got rid of the apostrophe."


...the future was in plastics.


fossick -- page 411


fossick -- page 752


seekindying dae hurricna -- I have NO idea!


"I don't even know what a goose is," Binti admitted. "And I'm the same species you are."



Heart Of Valor

Huff, Tanya
Gunnery Sergeant Torin Kerr ends up on the Marine training world as things go FUBAR.


One thing Torin had always liked about gravity, it worked fast.



The Enchantment Emporium

Huff, Tanya
Witch takes over the junk store for her missing/possibly dead aunt in Calgary. Dragons, a sorcerer, and even a leprechaun don't begin to convey all the weirdness that goes on. Not to mention her romantic problems.


Things are happening in Calgary.



Valor's Trial

Huff, Tanya
The Gunnery Sergeant ends ends up in some sort of prison-place, with no memory of how she got there, and just who is she a prisoner of? Lots of action! A shame I can't remember the previous three books in the series that I read in 2007!



A Crack In The Sky

Hughes, Mark Peter
Eli lives in a domed city in the not-too-distant future when most of the planet is suffering the ravages of global warming. Map and diagram are illuminating, and the author's notes on his research, science fact, and the parts he fictionalized, are useful, along with a bibliography. I thought the 'vision' of a ecological savior parts were too un-scientific, but it was a good adventure. I especially like the character Marilyn. Talk about unconditional love!



The Glitch In Sleep

Hulme, John, and Michael Wexler
This is the first book of The Seems series. Becker is twelve, becomes a Fixer. Pretty good stuff, nice illustrations, interesting references. I am looking forward to book two.


"Crates, bags...all stacked on giant palettes..." -- (pg. 32) Pallets?



The Chicken Asylum

Hunter, Fred
A gay spy novel. Doesn't grab me, although the last line is intriguing.



High-Risk Robots

Hyland, Tony
Lots of neat-o pictures, but it mentions medical robots in the introduction but does not follow through with any information!



Dangerous Schools

Hyman, Irwin
Tells why paddling and other displinary methods are abusive. A very interesting book. .



PC Roadkill

Hyman, Michael
Anecdotel history of the computer industry. Pretty interesting.



The Island Of The Aunts

Ibbotson, Eva
Two children are kidnapped and taken to an island of strange creatures. Very good.



The Secret Of Platform 13

Ibbotson, Eva
A very good story about an island missing its prince. For some reason I thought it was about an oil platform, but it is not!



Which Witch?

Ibbotson, Eva
The wizard Arriman The Awful decides to take a wife, but she must be the blackest of the black witches. He hold a contest among the local witches, the most proficient gets to be his wife. Belladonna, a beautiful girl, falls in love with him, but how can she, a white witch, win a contest of the black arts?


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