Ann Roth is fired from her job as a Hollywood journalist, goes back home to Missouri, becomes a hospital volunteer, runs across the actor who caused her to get fired, blah blah. No, I enjoyed this romantic sorta comedy, like all the rest the books I've read by this author.
I read this book because I see his stuff on various great books lists. I did not care for it. I probably will not read any more of his stories, unless they are VERY short. Anyway, this one is about some war, a newborn baby dies, the mother dies, it is a metaphor for war or something, oh crud, I gave it all away!
Missed this 2002 book from the Jessie Arnold series. She is building a new cabin in place of the one burned by arson and a skeleton is discovered after the foundation hole is dug. It turns out to be related to an old serial killer series, and a new one. Jessie seems to have broken up with Alex Jensen.
Words I Had To Look Up:
gamine grin (pg. 236) -- A girl or woman of impish appeal.
Jessie runs across a body on the trail near her house while taking her dog team on a run after the first snow of the winter. Alex investigates, even Maxie shows up. Quite a few earthquakes take place. Jessie pushes some biker's motorcycle into the rough.
Words I Had To Look Up:
...skift of new snow... (pg. 204) -- An old southern term for a light dusting of snow.
Jesie Arnold visits friends who are restoring a lighthouse, runs into a strange woman named Karen and...DANGER! Interesting lighthouse stuff, and a map!
Alex Jensen investigates the disappearance of a pilot from his crashed plane. I was a little confused by the ending. Who shot down the plane? Good book!
A Maxine but not Stretch mystery. Maxie goes to Hawaii, without her dog, to help a friend Karen move. Stuff happens, nobody dies, we get a tour of Hawaii, and are told THREE times that Maxie keeps a shotgun in a secret compartment in her motor home. And her dead husband #2 keeps talking to her. But a pleasant little story, none the less. And there's a map.
Penny's mother starts a cupcake store in the small town of Hog's Hollow. Penny works there, decorating the cupcakes. She makes a few friends at middle school, but she makes a few enemies, too. I enjoyed the story very much, but the characters seem very mature for ninth graders.
Words I Had To Look Up:
only if my mother let's me (pg. 3) -- I thought that was a contraction for let us ?
Written by Frank Herbert, his son Brian, and Kevin J. Anderson, this volume of various stories, alternative versions, and the orginal version of Dune is pretty good, especially considering I was pretty tired of Dune after reading the first three books and also the serialized version of Dune, back in the day.
Lawyer Hank Sutherland prosecutes an Air Force officer accused of espionage. Pretty good.
"The cancer was in remission, and his health was good so he probably had a few more years. Don't beg for more, he chided himself. Take however many good days you can get and enjoy them. The trick is knowing when you're having them."
A temporally-interlaced novel. Zack Pontowski in WWII and CMS Kamigami rescuing an American senator's daughter take turns having their stories told. Good book.