"This is foolish, Red, meeting in a library like this. What kinda mook talks about shit like this in a library?" "A mook like me, I guess. I like the order you find in a library, Angelo. It's the last place left where people behave with manners, don't you think?" pg. 78
John hated the socially disgusting, fingerless misfits like Dallas Tennant who inhabited his world. They gave serious explosives hobbiest a bad name. pg. 240
A lot of authors mention brand names in their stories to add a certain verisimilitude. I was thinking while reading the description of Jennifer's clothing (page 2)that it would be amusing if her underwear specifics were mentioned. On page 24 Elvis finds a red 36c Lily Of France brassiere under Mark's bed. Elvis doesn't think Jennifer is a 36c.
backseat of her MB (pg. 87) -- Oh, it stands for Mercedes Benz. I had to look that up!
an ordinary TDK half-inch VHS cassette (pg. 214) -- Rather than one of them special ones, I guess.
screwguns (pg. 23) -- I thought the author screwed up here, but there really are such a thing. By the way, what's a screwgun cost? More than a...oh, forget it!
Knockando (pg. 45) -- A whiskey from Scotland.
Tama Janowitz look(pg. 158) -- An author I've never heard who has long dark hair. Sort of a dark Christina Applegate. Huh.
marcel (pg.169) -- A kind of hairstyle. Very wavie.
TRAVIS BICKLE WAS RIGHTEOUS (pg. 210) -- Robert De Niro's character in Taxi Driver. Never seen that movie!
seleras (pg. 16) -- The tough white fibrous outer envelope of tissue covering all of the eyeball except the cornea.
U don't know why the San Diego County Sheriffs handled (pg. 188)that case, isn't Temecula in Riverside county?
Abita beer (pg. 200) -- Louisiana's favorite beer, it says right there on Wikipedia!
and was being homeschooled. (pg. 191) -- In 1969?
I found the long list of JPEGs. ... I deleted them. (pg. 231) -- Uh, Elvis, they are not REALLY deleted unless you wipe them. And even then... Also, don't you guys know how to search by file type?
mudered in Sun City, eight miles south of Temecula (pg. 264) -- I think it's eight miles NORTH of Temecula, Elvis.
"What, you don't speak Bulgarian?" -- pg. 294