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A Fatal Vineyard Season

Craig, Robert
J.W. Jackson investigates the harassment of African-Americans living on Marth's Vineyard by a pair of local bullies.



Off Season

Craig, Robert
J.W. Jackson lives on Martha's Vineyard and investigates the murder of a local. He also set the wedding date with Zee.



A Dangerous Man

Crais, Robert
Elvis Cole #18. An old man wants his nineteen million dollars back.



Chasing Darkness

Crais, Robert
Elvis Cole re investigates a serial killing when the man he helped clear years ago is found with incriminating proof, and is dead.



Demolition Angel

Crais, Robert
Former bomb squad member Carol Starkey wants to get back on the squad. Excellent story! LATER: This was book 349 but I had to delete the old entry because I messed up the author.


"This is foolish, Red, meeting in a library like this. What kinda mook talks about shit like this in a library?" "A mook like me, I guess. I like the order you find in a library, Angelo. It's the last place left where people behave with manners, don't you think?" pg. 78

Bonus Quote:

John hated the socially disgusting, fingerless misfits like Dallas Tennant who inhabited his world. They gave serious explosives hobbiest a bad name. pg. 240



Free Fall

Crais, Robert
A sweet young girl asks Elvis Cole to find out what is troubling her policeman fiance.

A lot of authors mention brand names in their stories to add a certain verisimilitude. I was thinking while reading the description of Jennifer's clothing (page 2)that it would be amusing if her underwear specifics were mentioned. On page 24 Elvis finds a red 36c Lily Of France brassiere under Mark's bed. Elvis doesn't think Jennifer is a 36c.

Words I Had To Look Up:

backseat of her MB (pg. 87) -- Oh, it stands for Mercedes Benz. I had to look that up!
an ordinary TDK half-inch VHS cassette (pg. 214) -- Rather than one of them special ones, I guess.



Indigo Slam

Crais, Robert
Elvis is hired by three children to find their missing father. As usual, very little is what it seems. Also, he gets to meet Lucy's ex.



L. A. Requiem

Crais, Robert
Elvis Cole #8. A woman Joe Pike was once involved with is brutally murdered. Joe and Elvis promise her father that they will find who is responsible.


...stood on the ridge overlooking the parched hills at Camp Pendleton Marine Training Depot just south of Oceanside, California. -- Pretty sure it isn't


He glowered at Dolan, who was leaning back in her chair. "You letting him just walk around like this?"
"For Christ's sake, Harvey, I'm right here. I can shoot him if I have to."


"They raise cows there, don't they?" -- Burn!!



Lullaby Town

Crais, Robert
Elvis Cole gets a famous film director for a client. He wants to find his ex-wife and the child he never knew. Because he was a jerk. Did I say "was"?

Words I Had To Look Up:

screwguns (pg. 23) -- I thought the author screwed up here, but there really are such a thing. By the way, what's a screwgun cost? More than a...oh, forget it!
Knockando (pg. 45) -- A whiskey from Scotland.
Tama Janowitz look(pg. 158) -- An author I've never heard who has long dark hair. Sort of a dark Christina Applegate. Huh.
marcel (pg.169) -- A kind of hairstyle. Very wavie.
TRAVIS BICKLE WAS RIGHTEOUS (pg. 210) -- Robert De Niro's character in Taxi Driver. Never seen that movie!


Anyone saw it, they'd think Pike played bass for Lou Reed. (pg. 132)



Racing The Light

Crais, Robert
Elvis gets hired by some strange old lady (who has a security detail with her!) to find her missing son.



Stalking The Angel

Crais, Robert
Elvis is hired to find a valuable Japanese book that was stolen. Many things turn out not to be what he assumed. Some weeps. Good story!



Sunset Express

Crais, Robert
Elvis assists a famous lawyer in the defense of a rich guy accused of murdering his wife, but discovers evidence tampering.




Crais, Robert
Marine dog tries out for K-9 corps at LAPD. New partner also trying out for K-9 corps. New partner also trying to figure out who nearly killed him. Good story, fast read, read in almost one sitting, mostly from 2:00 AM until 5:30 AM...




Crais, Robert
Elvis Cole #15, it says on Good Reads. Slam band great fast-paced adventure, as usual. Krista and her boyfriend get taken prisoner by a gang of, well, kidnappers, I guess. Elvis is hired to find them and get them back.



The First Rule

Crais, Robert
Joe Pike "investigate" the murder of his former mercenary team mate George (and his family)by Serbian gangsters.

Words I Had To Look Up:

seleras (pg. 16) -- The tough white fibrous outer envelope of tissue covering all of the eyeball except the cornea.



The Forgotten Man

Crais, Robert
Some guy get murdered in an alley, his last words to a policeman is he is looking for his son. Elvis Cole. Lots of stuff happens, and Cole get blasted by a shotgun. Good story!

U don't know why the San Diego County Sheriffs handled (pg. 188)that case, isn't Temecula in Riverside county?

Words I Had To Look Up:

Abita beer (pg. 200) -- Louisiana's favorite beer, it says right there on Wikipedia!


and was being homeschooled. (pg. 191) -- In 1969?

I found the long list of JPEGs. ... I deleted them. (pg. 231) -- Uh, Elvis, they are not REALLY deleted unless you wipe them. And even then... Also, don't you guys know how to search by file type?

mudered in Sun City, eight miles south of Temecula (pg. 264) -- I think it's eight miles NORTH of Temecula, Elvis.



The Last Detective

Crais, Robert
Ben, the son of Elvis Cole's girlfriend Lucy, is kidnapped by mercenaries the equal of Elvis and Joe Pike. Or nearly so.



The Monkey's Raincoat

Crais, Robert
(Elvis Cole and Joe Pike #1) When Ellen Lang's husband disappears she hires Elvis to track him down. As usual things turn out to be not quite what they seemed. Good story!



The Promise

Crais, Robert
Elvis, John, and Joe track down a woman selling plastic explosive to terrorists. Possibly. Good story, some weeps, read right through.


"What, you don't speak Bulgarian?" -- pg. 294



The Sentry

Crais, Robert
Joe Pike is interested in a woman whose uncle was beat-up by gang-bangers at his cafe. But, is all as it seems?


20 books displayed
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