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The Adventures Of A Woman Hobo

Lynn, Ethel
Information is sketchy, but this seems to be a true story of Ethel and her husband riding a tandem bicycle from Chicago to California. The bike is destroyed during the trip, so they continue the trip by "hoboing".



Soldering Kinks

M.W., Dutton (Firm)
I read a scanned-in version of the 1915 second edition. Lots of hints and kinks for using non-electric soldering devices!



Tea With The Black Dragon

MacAvoy, R. A.
See a review at



A Bullet For Cinderella

MacDonald, John D.
A taut nicely written story. "HER VENEER WAS BIG CITY ... But one look and you knew that Toni Raselle's instincts were straight out of the river shack she came from."



Free Fall In Crimson

MacDonald, John D.
Travis McGee EVENTUALLY ends up at a movie shoot and jumps out of a low-flying hot-air balloon.


Maybe you got so you were enjoying the ennui."
"The what?"
"Ennui, you illiterate. That is the restless need for some kind of action without having the outlet for any action at all. It is like weltschmerz." (pg. 6)

Words I Had To Look Up:

the little white Prelude 3 System massager. (pg. 141) -- Well! That was interesting to research!



Journey With A Baja Burro

Mackintosh, Graham
Guy walks a goodly portion of the length of Baja California with a burro. Pretty good, except for the parts quoting history which, while necessary (I guess), I pretty much disliked. Possibly because the typeface was WAY too small for my old eyes!!



Sarah Plain and Tall

MacLachlan, Patricia
A short (50 page) charming story of two motherless children becoming acquainted with the woman who answered their father's ad for a wife. I got a totally incorrect impression of the story from The Simpson's short snark of it.



When Eight Bells Told

Maclean, Alistair
British secret agent Calvert solves the mystery of the disappearing ships. Good 60s secret agent stuff.



Prince Ombra

Macleish, Roderick
Scored this volume in a pile of books from the school office. Read it MANY years ago, read it again to see if it was as fabulous as I remembered. It is!!



Something in the water

Macleod, Charlotte
Professor Shandy travels to Maine to check out some lupines, finds murder. An exquisitely charming mystery with lovely verbal bandinage. One tear at the end.

Words I Had To Look Up::

QUODAM -- Belonging to some prior time. (pg. 1)
PANICLES -- A branched cluster of flowers in which the branches are racemes. (pg. 2)
KIND OF A TAKING -- Agitation; excitement; distress of mind. (pg. 16)
DIVERS -- Various; several; sundry. (pg. 21)
MATUTINAL -- Of, relating to, or occurring in the morning; early. (pg. 30)
WELKIN -- 1. The vault of heaven; the sky. 2. The upper air. (pg. 30)
MONEY CAT -- An Asian Leopard cat, because its spots look like Chinese coins. (pg. 40)
SILVICULTURE -- The care and cultivation of forest trees; forestry. (pg. 41)
PANTHER WOMEN -- A Wodehouse reference. (pg. 67)
FRIED CLAM TACOS -- Available at Dos Locos in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. (pg. 68)
DOYENNE -- A woman who is the eldest or senior member of a group. (pg. 68)
PERSIFLAGE -- 1. Light good-natured talk; banter. 2. Light or frivolous manner of discussing a subject. (pg. 83)
MAGNILOQUENT -- Lofty and extravagant in speech; grandiloquent. (pg. 97)
OBSEQUIES -- A funeral rite or ceremony. Often used in the plural. (pg. 104)
CONTUMACIOUS -- Obstinately disobedient or rebellious; insubordinate. (pg. 109)
PREPRANDIAL -- Before a meal, especially dinner: (pg. 110)
WITHAL -- 1. In addition; besides. .... Archaic With. Used after its object at the end of a sentence or clause.(pg. 136)
BESOM -- 1. A bundle of twigs attached to a handle and used as a broom. (pg. 154)
MAKE OLD BONES -- To reach a great age. (pg. 205)



The Balloon Man

Macleod, Charlotte
Sarah Kelling and Max Bittersohn host a wedding and a hot-air balloon drops in!



The Grub And Stakers House A Haunt

Macleod, Charlotte
A ghost come and tells of a treasure to find.



Learning the world

Macleod, Ken
A generation starship gets to its destination, finds its already inhabited. Interesting story. One would have thought 10,000 years in the future a replacement for the f word would have been found, though.



A Comedy Of Heirs

MacPherson, Rett
Torie O'Shea investigates a murder concealed by her family.



A Veiled Antiquity

MacPherson, Rett
Torie O'Shea deals with old documents, family trees, and a French connection.



Wheels Of Change

Macy, Sue
How Women Rode The Bicycle To Freedom. A history of women on bicycles, with many great images.



The Hike

Magary, Drew
As user Lala BooksandLala on GoodReads wrote "This was quite possibly the weirdest shit I've ever read." She only gave it two stars. I gave it four. I enjoyed reading and the surprise ending.


"You're not just a crab, are you?"
"Very perceptive. The fact that I can fucking talk maybe clued you in."



The Night The Lights Went Out

Magary, Drew
Very funny (in parts) story of the author's traumatic brain injury and his recovery (more or less) journey from it.



Heft on wheels

Magnuson, Mike
Fat professor guy loses weight, stops drinking, quits smoking, becomes local hot bicycle rider. Mostly a pretty good book, might read it again.



After Alice

Maguire, Gregory
Friend Ada goes down the rabbit hole after Alice. Hard to read, but interesting anyway. Spent a LOT of time looking up words!

Quote: Oh well. Marmalade has to make its way in life, like the rest of us, she thought. -- pg. 24


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