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Terminal Uprising

Hines, Jim C.
(Janitors of the Post-Apocalypse, #2). Mops and the crew head to Earth. Really an enjoyable read!


"I read a lot," she preened. "Nusuran war romances, mostly."
Wolf cringed. It was a popular genre, but they all ended with overwritten cross-species sex scenes. Her mouth went dry as she realized Cuaxil might have another motive for chatting up a bored human.


"...I've never fit in well with my peers. I find much more pleasure in arranging things so I can watch our enemies destroy themselves."
"Remind me to shoot you before this is over," Wolf snarled.


"Different religions had different traditions and rituals and symbols. Stars, crosses, candles, an apple with a bit missing..."


"Who are you?" she whispered. "What are you?"


"What if we fire at it together?" suggested Melvil. "It can't shoot us all."
"I'm pretty sure it can."


"Do you know what the Prodryans would do to this planet if we hadn't deterred them?"
Cate perked up. "I do."




Hirahara, Naomi
Novel about Japanese-Americans returning from the camps after the war. A mystery, a who-done-it.



The Darkest Path

Hirsch, Jeff
Set in the near future, a boy escapes from a military/cult group that has taken over several states and is poised to defeat the government.



Daring Detectives

Hitchcock, Alfred, editor
Eleven stories of crime and intrigue. I enjoyed meeting The Saint, Hercule Poirot, and Ellery Queen again. CONTENTS: The Day the Children Vanished / Hugh Pentecost -- Through a Dead Man's Eye / Cornell Woolrich -- The Disappearance of Mrs. Davenheim / Agatha Christie -- Green Ice / Stuart Palmer -- The Grave Grass Quivers / MacKinlay Kanton -- The Case of the Irate Witness / Erle Stanley Gardner -- Adventure of the Grice-Paterson Curse / August Derleth -- The Headmaster / Michael Gilbert -- The Adventure of the Seven Black Cats / Ellery Queen -- The Wicked Cousin / Leslie Charteris -- The Footprint in the Sky / John Dickson Carr.

Words I Had To Look Up:

Dacoit -- A member of a robber band or gang in India or Myanmar (Burma).



Assassin's Apprentice

Hobb, Robin
Book I in the Farseer trilogy. Bastard son of a prince becomes an apprentice assassin, 'cause, what's a bastard to do? Good story, really felt the characters were real. Now I gotta find the second book!



Assassin's Fate

Hobb, Robin
Book three in the Fitz And The Fool trilogy. About four hundred pages in this books really starts moving along.


"That does not happen," I told him gently. -- pg. 539



Assassin's Quest

Hobb, Robin
Book three of the Farseer trilogy. Pretty good, but nearly seven hundred pages long. What's next?



Fool's Assassin

Hobb, Robin
Fitz And The Fool trilogy #1. Guess I didn't read the books in between, this one takes place quite a few years after the Liveship Traders. Great characterizations!



Fool's Quest

Hobb, Robin
Book two in the Fitz And The Fool trilogy sub-series-thing.

Mad Ship

Hobb, Robin
The Liveship Traders book two. It's really weird that these books make me think about events in my own life. Scary, really. At least I don't have sea serpents, pirates, and dragons to worry about. Somewhere (I THOUGHT I had marked it!) around page 254 I had a epiphany as to who a character might be. We shall see...


...the honesty of her body. -- Pg. 356 Someone explain it to me, I have no idea what that means.

Words I Had To Look Up:

susurrus -- a soft murmuring or rustling sound.



Royal Assassin

Hobb, Robin
Book #2 in the the Farseer Trilogy. Really good, hard to see tiny paperback words. Got #3 in hardback.



Ship Of Destiny

Hobb, Robin
Last book of the mini-series, now I gotta read the next two series, possibly of three books each. Sure hope the library has them!



Ship Of Magic

Hobb, Robin
Book one in the Liveship Traders trilogy. Pretty good, a bit more "racy" than the previous three books I read.




Hobbs, Valerie
An Australian Shepard pup gets sold to a pet store, gets bounced around in life until he find his "sheep". A CYRM winner.



Crossing the wire

Hobbs, Will
Victor and Rico cross the border from Mexico to the United States seeking work. A very realistic adventure, showing the many dangers the illegal immigrants face.



King Leopold's Ghost

Hochschild, Adam
Non fiction story of "greed, terror, and heroism in colonial Africa".



Smilla's Sense Of Snow

Hoeg, Peter
Danish mystery story. Pretty good, a little wordy. Says it was made into a movie.


"I hate lies," I say. "If any lying has to be done, I'll do it myself."



Minn of the Mississippi

Holling, Holling C.
A natural history story of a snapping turtle's journey from the headwaters of the Mississippi River to the Gulf Of Mexico, profusely ilustrated by the author.



Sunny Side Up

Holm, Jennifer L.
With Matthew Holm. Sunny's family cancels their fabulous summer plans and send her to stay with her grandfather in Florida. A graphic novel. Pretty good!



Turtle In Paradise

Holm, Jennifer L.
Turtle, an eleven-year-old girl, is sent by her mother to stay with her aunt who lives in Key West. Takes place in 1935, so everyone is poor. Except for the people her mother is a housekeeper for. Good story, no magical ending, though.


20 books displayed
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