Quarry is a hitman. After completing a hit he finds that someone had killed his partner and stolen their money. He decides to find out who it was. First book in the series.
Quarry goes on a job to some disreputable town on the Mississippi River to make a bit of money. I didn't see anything coming of what happened. I especially liked the ending.
Four girls in lots of makeup and with a plentitude of high feathered hair and a modicum of spandex dress were at a table smoking and staring at nothing, unless maybe they were playing invisible cards. They had drinks in tumblers that might have been whiskey but probably were tea. They looked like prom queens, if this were prom night in Hades, which it kind of was. --I had to look up modicum, and I should have looked up plentitude.
I headed upstream. Never had much experience with motorboats, but I was getting the hang of it. -- In context, YIKES!
Some author shows up to interview Quarry, and some other day some hit guys show up to off him, so then he goes off to find out who they are, teams up with the author, and makes a surprising discovery.
I gave the purse back to her, with the little Browning inside. Immediately she dug her hand in there and, thinking I'd misjudged the situation, I slipped my hand behind me to the coolness of the Browning grip. -- I thought she had a "Baby Glock" in there, as he put it earlier.
Quarry ends up in Biloxi killing everyone, it seems like, and getting beat up a lot. Boy, I can read two of these a day!
..."Do somthin' else."
"Yeah, like what"
She shrugged. "Buy my own strip bar, maybe."
That was the problem, living in a particular bubble: you only saw the possibilities inside that were particular bubble.
Quarry's first job, eliminating a college professor.
The pie was in fact excellent, a thin crust with a lot of tomato sauce and just the right amount of mozzarella and seemed to me just about the best pizza ever, although you should factor in that I'd been living on Slim Jims, beef jerky and Hostess cupcakes.
Quarry goes to a small town to knock off some guys who were hired to knock off a pedophile dance instructor. Of course this is going to be a LOT more than that!
Good thing I checked for duplicate authors, I already read a book by this guy. Anyway, this a a great noir crime book, and it's a twofer, the first two books of the Nolan series.
Bait Money
Blood Money
Who is the disguntled-looking blond in the, uh, bikini?, on the cover smoking a cigar after lightening it with paper money?? I'm guessing it is Sherry.
In the fourth book Gregor goes on a expedition with Luxa to help the mice. The series is moving faster and faster, I wonder how many books will there be all told? I am becoming more and more enchanted, too.
"Shh," said Boots, patting him. "Shh. The mouses are sleeping."
The book after The Hunger Games, Katniss still can't figure out her romantic relationships, and the Capital makes her participate in another Games, with Peeta! How is she going to get out of this one! Oh yes, there will be another book!
Gregor returns to the Under Land to rescue his sister, but it turns out he has to fight a giant white rat instead. Or something like that. Book two of a series, enjoyable story.
11 stories about war in near future. Stories by Larry Bond, Dale Brown, James Cobb, Stephen Coonts, Harold W. Coyle, David Hagberg, Dean Ing, Ralph Peters, R.J. Pineiro, and Barrett Tillman. Good stories.