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Living Up The Street

Soto, Gary
Another weeded copy because no one has checked it out it quite a few years, we got more copies, man, and the paper is turning brown. Time to go away, oh paperback. I enjoyed reading the stories. This is my third Gary Soto read.



Summer On Wheels

Soto, Gary
Mando and Hector decide to ride bicycles from East L.A. to Santa Monica. Seven page glossary at the end.


Hector explained that they could bike five or ten miles each day, sleep over at a relative's house, look around like tourists, and bike some more when their welcome wore out. In five or six days they would be in Santa Monica on a beach crashing with a roll of white-tipped waves. -- (pg. 5) And I thought I was slow! : )



The Choice

Sparks, Nicholas
With some foreboding, we are told how the romance between Travis and Gabby develops from anger over a pregnant dog to a motorcycle ride. Not a lot further along we jump to the present, where SOMETHING AWFUL has happened. When we FINALLY find out what that is, not a lot further along SOMETHING WONDERFUL happens!

Not terribly complicated plots, if I can figure out what is coming, but I guess that isn't the charm of these romantic love stories.

Words I Had To Look Up:

1983 Honda Shadow (pg. 129) -- He RESTORED this? A faux Harley? Any bike is a good bike, I guess, but I thought it was a rather boring choice. I guess the author needed something with a low enough seat for a chick to learn to ride. a new Leapster (pg. 220) -- A hand-held educational game console.




Specht, Robert
The author's novelization of a young woman coming to Chicken, Alaska, to teach in 1927, as told to the author by Anne Hobbs Purdy.



Salt Water Guns

Spector, Robert M.
Christopher, a teen who is rather a jerk, is sent off to be a cabin boy during the revolutionary war. Lots of action.



Endless Blue

Spencer, Wen
Expedition to find where spaceships are disappearing to when they hyper-space jump finds a Sargasso of space.



Maus: A survivor's tale

Spiegelman, Art
An artist talks to his father about the holocaust and makes a book about his father's experiences. Very good!



Maus: A survivor's tale, II

Spiegelman, Art
Continues the story of Art's father's experiences in the holocaust.



Love, Stargirl

Spinelli, Jerry
Stargirl moves to PA, but she meets a several interesting people, falls a little in love with a bad-boy named Perry, and builds a mini-Stonehenge. Let's have some donuts!




Spinelli, Jerry
Touching and humorous tale of a new girl at high school who is quite a free spirit, alternately enchanting and alienating the other students. Very excellent.



The Library Card

Spinelli, Jerry
Four stories involving a blue library. Very good.



There's A Girl In My Hammerlock

Spinelli, Jerry
Good story about a girl who joins her junior high wrestling team.




Spinelli, Jerry
A ten year old boy doesn't want to be wringer, a boy who kills wounded pigeons at the town's annual pigeon killing festival.



Digital Knight

Spoor, Ryk
Jason Wood runs a freelance information business. On an assignment for the police he discovers that a drug kingpin may be a vampire. That's just the beginning!! Good book!



Grand Central Arena

Spoor, Ryk
A group of scientists, and engineer, and a space ship racer take a new intergalactic ship on its maiden voyage, and end up...where? Well, the Grand Central Arena, where they have to deal with hundreds or thousands of other alien races to win a place in society, and a chance to return to Earth. More or less. Good story, I thought.




Springer, Nancy
When Rosemary's mother is killed she flees to the father she has never seen, Robin Hood, who lives in Sherwood Forest.

Words I Had To Look Up:

gimmal ring (pg. 8) -- A finger ring consisting of a pair or series of interlocked rings.



Water To The Angels

Standiford, Les
Very good book about William Mulholland and the building of the Los Angeles aqueduct.



Digging Up Mother: A Love Story

Stanhope, Doug
Comedian Stanhope recounts growing up with an alcoholic mother. She was much more than that, though, and it's a great, if profanity-lace, story. I enjoyed it very much. I don't think I'd care to see his act, though.



Ask The Parrot

Stark, Richard
Parker is on the lam in a small town, helps out a guy with a racetrack robbery.




Stark, Richard
Parker robs a floating casino.


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