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Robert B. Parker's Lullaby

Atkins, Ace
A Spencer book written by another author after Parker's death. A young girl hires Spencer (for a box of donuts!) to look into the murder of her mother.



Big Sky

Atkinson, Kate
Jackson Brodie #5. Engaging story, full of the usual twists and turns. Honestly, I get to the end and I STILL don't know what is what. Silver BMW, some girl named Darcy, and the title - what does the title mean?



Case Histories

Atkinson, Kate
Jackson Brodie #1. I like this book very much. There is a lot of sly humor, and some very sad parts. A good mixture. Let me just say I have never thought much of the idea of retiring in another country, though. Everyone in books seems to want to go live in France, or Costa Rica, or Alaska, for cryin' out loud. I am not one of them. Maybe it's the airplane thing, I don't know. I like how the story may be continued a bit in another book, I'll have to get them and see.

Smoke Quote::

He lit a new cigarette from the stub of the old one because he had run out of matches, and faced with a choice between chain-smoking or abstinence, he'd taken the former option because it felt like there was enough abstinence in his life already. -- pg. 45


(He always carried tissues, half the people he met seemed to end up in tears). -- pg. 153



Death At The Sign Of The Rook

Atkinson, Kate
Jackson Brodie, #6. A small painting disappears at one house, and a painting is stolen at a stately house. Did I get that right? There is a tremendous amount of words to read, sometimes I get confused! Also, I read the print edition.



One Good Turn

Atkinson, Kate
Jackson Brodie #2. Great book, surprise ending. It took me until page 317 until I realized who Julia was. And I just read the previous book in April!


You had to hand it to the Welrod. When they said "silenced", they meant silenced. -- pg. 370



Started Early, Took My Dog

Atkinson, Kate
Jackson Brodie, #4. Yet another confusing story. I THINK I got it figgured out at the end, but maybe not. The accusation at the funeral, wasn't that wrong?

I swear I've read this book before, but it's not on the list here. Huh.


"Catullus," he said. -- It's just a name, isn't it?


Jackson felt a possessive pang. In his mind Jane was a one-man woman. -- I keep forgetting who Jane is!!


His head hurt but no more than you would expect if you had been kicked and punched in it, that is to say, a lot.


a Stanley knife -- See, I'm not the only one who says that!!!




Atkinson, Kate
Juliet gets a job in a spy organization in WWII London. I love the writing, the story was OK, but I didn't care for the ending. I should probably read the ending over again to see it grows on me.



When Will There Be Good News?

Atkinson, Kate
Jackson Brodie #3. I finished this morning, now I've nothing to read. Lots of twists and turns. I read the large print edition. It is SO MUCH easier than the paperbacks. I was worth driving to the library three cities away to borrow it. Thank goodness for the county library system!

I was reading page 198 when I said out loud, "Who the hell is Tessa?" Well, now we know.


Louise was sure that buried deep inside her, lurking in the murky labyrinth of her heart, there was an incredibly well-behaved person wondering when she would ever be let out. Patrick probably wondered the same thing. -- pg. 321



Pride And Prejudice

Austen, Jane
Only took me two weeks to wade through this! I like to see Robert B. Parker take a crack a re-writing this. I finally got excited about the story in the last seventy-five pages, and actually laughed out loud a couple times!



Some of the Best from 2014

Authors, , Misc.

Charlie Jane Anders: As Good As New

Dale Bailey: The End of the End of Everything

Kelly Barnhill: Mrs. Sorensen and the Sasquatch

Richard Bowes: Sleep Walking Now and Then

Marie Brennan: Daughter of Necessity

Adam Christopher: Brisk Money

John Chu: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Proposed Trade-Offs for the Overhaul of the Barricade

A.M. Dellamonica: The Color of Paradox

Ruthanna Emrys: The Litany of Earth

Max Gladstone: A Kiss With Teeth

Kathleen Ann Goonan: A Short History of the Twentieth Century, or, When You Wish Upon a Star

Nicola Griffith: Cold Wind

Maria Dahvana Headley: The Tallest Doll in New York City

Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläinen: Where the Trains Turn

Yoon Ha Lee: Combustion Hour

Ken Liu: Reborn

Seanan McGuire: Midway Relics and Dying Breeds

Daniel José Older: Anyway:

Angie Mary Rickert: The Mothers of Voorhisville

John Scalzi: Unlocked: An Oral History of Haden’s Syndrome

Veronica Schanoes: Among the Thorns

Genevieve Valentine: The Insects of Love

Jo Walton: Sleeper

Kai Ashante Wilson: The Devil in America

Ray Wood: In the Sight of Akresa

Isabel Yap: A Cup of Salt Tears



The Night Gardener

Auxier, Jonathan
Molly and her brother Kip, possibly orphans from Ireland, go to work at a very spooky house (on an island!) out in the English country. There's this tree...



Red Queen

Aveyard, Victoria
OK story. Poor girl gets picked to join the power elite, but I forget why. Oh, yeah, she develops a super power. Everyone betrays everyone else, pretty much, and things go to heck, just in time for the next book, or the movie.



Nothing But The Truth

Avi, No First Name
A student acts up in homeroom during the national anthem. Story is told from several points of view. Just what IS the truth?



Wolf Rider

Avi, No First Name
Andy gets a weird phone call from someone he doesn\\\'t know who says he (Zeke) has killed a college girl. Andy tries to do the right thing, but everyone thinks he either crazy or making it up. I found this book very upsetting, but then I may be coming down with something.



The Search For Delicious

Babbit, Natalie
A very enjoyable little read about a young boy who is tasked by the king to poll the each person in the kingdom as to what they think is delicious. Mayhem ensues!



Ship Breaker

Bacigalupi, Paolo
I read this last year and forgot to enter it, I guess. I had to look up the circulation history to find the date. I enjoyed reading this dystopian story.



The Drowned Cities

Bacigalupi, Paolo
A companion to Ship Breaker (which I read, but doesn't seem to be on this list! YET!!), we find out what happens to Tool, and meet a couple of new characters. There's a lot of blood and violence. A lot! But it's a well-written story and I enjoyed reading it.



A Man Called Ove

Backman, Fredrik
You wouldn't think a book about a crabby old man trying to killing himself after his wife dies would be funny, would you? But I found a lot of humor in this book, and a very high weeping-to-pages ratio. Five stars!



Anxious People

Backman, Fredrik
Bank robber holds people at an apartment "open house" hostage. Very excellent, lots of weeping on my part!


"What the hell, Dad? I said we'd stop for coffee!" -- pg. 331




Backman, Fredrik
In Beartown, hockey is everything. This story was very emotional reading for me.


Ramona refuses to let anyone say that he died; she says he left her, because that's how she sees it. Like a betrayal. -- pg. 105


Ramona pours herself a glass of whiskey. Breakfast is, after all, the most important meal of the day. -- pg. 109


20 books displayed
[Abadzis - Aiken] [Aiken - Alexie] [Allinghamc - Andreae] [Angelou - Asimov] [Atkins - Backman] [Backman - Ballard] [Balliett - Barnard] [Barnard - Barnes] [Barnes - Barr] [Barr - Beanton] [Beanton - Beaton] [Beaton - Beaton] [Beaton - Benrey] [Berendt - Block] [Block - Block] [Block - Bonham] [Bonham - Box] [Box - Brooks] [Brown - Buckley] [Buckley - Bujold] [Bujold - Cameron] [Cameron - Card] [Card - Carson] [Carter - Chambers] [Chandler - Clancy] [Clancy - Coakley] [Coben - Cohen] [Cole - Collins] [Collins - Combat] [Conklin - Connelly] [Connelly - Constantine] [Cook - Corey] [Corey - Cottrell] [Craig - Crais] [Crais - Croke] [Crombie - Cussler] [Cussler - Dashner] [Dashner - Dexter] [DiCamillo - Doctorow] [Doctorow - Dorsey] [Dorsey - Drake] [Drake - Durham] [Ecke - Emerson] [Emerson - Evans] [Evarts - Farley] [Farmer - Fitzgerald] [Fitzhugh - Fletcher] [Flinn - Forster] [Foster - Francis] [Francis - Francis] [Francis - Francis] [Francis - Funke] [Funke - Garcia] [Garcia - Gidwitz] [Gidwitz - Gores] [Gores - Granger] [Granger - Greenbaum] [Greenberg - Grimes] [Grimes - Grisham] [Grisham - Haddix] [Haddix - Hall] [Hall - Hallinan] [Hallinan - Hartwell] [Hassman - Heinlein] [Heinlein - Heley] [Heller - Henry] [Henry - Hess] [Hess - Hiaasen] [Hiaasen - Hines] [Hines - Holm] [Holman - Hough] [Howe - Ibbotson] [Irving - Jerome] [Jocelyn - Kabak] [Kadohata - Kaminsky] [Kandel - Kienzle] [Kienzle - Kingsolver] [Kingsolver - Konrath] [Koontz - Kurson] [Kushner - Larsson] [Lasky - Leckie] [Leckie - Leonard] [Leonard - Lewis] [Lewis - Lisle] [Little - Lowry] [Lowry - Lynch] [Lynch - Magnuson] [Maguire - Marcinko] [Marsden - Mass] [Mass - McBain] [McBain - McCrumb] [McCrumb - McInerny] [McInerny - Michaelides] [Miéville - Moody] [Moody - Moore] [Morden - Mull] [Mullane - Nicholson] [Niffenegger - Norton] [Norton - O'Brian] [O'Brian - O'Conner] [O'Connor - Owens] [Palacio - Paretsky] [Paretsky - Parker] [Parker - Parker] [Parker - Patterson] [Patterson - Paulsen] [Paulsen - Penney] [Penny - Picoult] [Pinkwater - Poyer] [Poyer - Poyer] [Prager - Pratchett] [Pratchett - Pronzini] [Pronzini - Pullman] [Pullman - Quinn] [Quinn - Reeves] [Reeves - Ringo] [Ringo - Robinson] [Rodman - Rowling] [Rowling - Rust] [Ryan - Scalzi] [Scalzi - Schatzing] [Schmatz - Scott] [Scottoline - Selznick] [Sepetys - Shusterman] [Shusterman - Sloan] [Smith - Soto] [Soto - Stark] [Stark - Stephenson] [Stephenson - Strieber] [Stroke - Stroud] [Stroud - Tapply] [Tapply - Tomlinson] [Toole - Turtledove] [Twain - Van Draanen] [Van Draanen - Waldman] [Waldman - Weber] [Weber - Weir] [Wells - Westerfeld] [Westerfeld - Westlake] [Westlake - Wiles] [Wilks - Wodehouse] [Wodehouse - Wouk] [Wrede - Zevin] [Zimmerman - Zusak] 
