Jemmy Ducks (pg. 24) -- A nickname for the crewman assigned to care for the fowl on a ship.
monstrous pines (pg. 43) -- Norfolk Island trees, conifers, but not true pines. Captain Cook thought they would be good for masts, but they proved to not be strong enough.
Tace is the Latin for a candlestick (pg. 45) -- The correct word in Latin for a candle is candela; tace is the imperative tense of the usual verb for ‘be silent’
clean sweep (pg. 86) -- Removing wall and furniture in order to fire all the guns on a ship.
his immense deserts (pg. 109) -- I always forget this word also means a reward or punishment.
farinaceous (pg. 133) -- Having a mealy or powdery texture.
foeda est in coitu et brevis voluptas (pg. 165) -- There is a dirtiness in copulation, and [only] a quick pleasure.
sic erimus cuncti postquam nos auferet Orcus ergo vivamus dum licet esse, bene (pg. 200) -- Thus we will all be, after Orcus [god of the underworld] bears us off. Therefore let us live well, for so long as it is allowed.
give way (pg. 228) -- 'Way' is a ship's progress through the water.
melanistic (pg. 11) -- All-black fur, skin, or feathers.
exigency (pg. 101) -- Requiring immediate action or remedy.
elisions (pg. 113) -- The act or an instance of omitting something.
abstemious (pg. 116) -- Characterized by abstinence or moderation.
"Janice, he missed you," she said. "He wondered where you'd gone." (pg. 157) I was reduced to tears by this line, for personal reasons.
learned from the beadle (pg. 7) -- A minor parish official whose duties include ushering and preserving order at services and sometimes civil functions.
pretty much of a dizzard (pg. 8) -- A nitwit or blockhead.
a drink of braggart (pg. 8) -- Possibly slang for alcoholic drink that makes one boastful?
somewhat of an airling (pg. 28) -- A young, light, thoughtless, gay person.
gixies (pg. 45) -- Maybe young women. Can't find a definition, but Tamora Pierce uses it in her Beka Cooper series.
fustylugs (pg. 45) -- A fat and slovenly person(s) especially a woman.
got them bousy (pg. 76) -- Intoxicated; drunk; boozy
the sacristan (pg. 78) -- The sexton of a parish church.
count the reeves (pg. 115) -- A local administrative agent of an Anglo-Saxon king
In Clink (pg. 132) -- Now we know where that term came from!
a hundredtuns (pg. 136) -- In olden days an English ship's capacity was measured by the number of tuns of wine it could hold. Which is explained in the text. But how does it relate to "tons"?
a pact with dizzards (pg. 155) -- Dizzards again!
sent them by wherry (pg. 186) -- A long light rowboat made sharp at both ends and used to transport passengers on rivers and about harbors
a whole pipe of these bibles (pg. 179) -- A large cask of varying capacity used especially for wine and oil. With the bibles carefully liquid-proofed, inside.
a prebend, perhaps? (pg. 211) -- A stipend drawn from the endowment or revenues of an Anglican cathedral or church by a presiding member of the clergy; a cathedral or church benefice. In this case, King Henry VIII is making a joke.
adumbrated (pg. 53) -- To foreshadow, suggest, disclose, or outline partially.
refulgence (pg. 53) -- Shining radiantly; resplendent.
bastable (pg. 75) -- An Irish cooking pot, comprising an iron pot with a lid, handles and three short legs, suspended by chains - Used in (for making bread) or over a turf fire.
presbytery (pg. 83) -- The house of a Roman Catholic parish priest.
sinecure (pg. 95) -- A position or office that requires little or no work but provides a salary.
assizes (-pg. 95) -- One of the periodic court sessions formerly held in each of the counties of England and Wales for the trial of civil or criminal cases.(and Ireland?
jakes (pg. 96) -- A latrine; a privy.
krall (pg. 96) -- A rural village, typically consisting of huts surrounded by a stockade.
sacristan (pg. 107 -- One who is in charge of a sacristy. A sexton.
sigillum (pg. 107) -- A seal. Not the animal kind!.
biretta (pg. 115) -- A stiff cap with ridges across the crown; worn by Roman Catholic clergy.
uremic fits (pg. 160) -- Uremia is a term used to loosely describe the illness accompanying kidney failure.
uncial (pg. 173) -- a style of orthography characterized by somewhat rounded capital letters; found especially in Greek and Latin manuscripts of the 4th to 8th centuries.
rath (pg. 199) -- A walled enclosure in Irish antiquity. A hill or mound (Ireland).
autorail (pg. 215) -- A French railroad vehicle, powered, capable of carrying passengers.
she saw a vis-à-vis crawling shiningly across the place (pg. 217) -- A small horse-drawn carriage for two people sitting facing each other, best I can figure.
Andrew Martins (pg. 225) -- Also andramartins. Irish slang for jokes and tricks, fooling around.
suspiration (pg. 225) -- A long deep breath, maybe a sigh.
scabrous (pg. 298) -- Dealing with scandalous or salacious material.
solus contra mundum (pg. 332) -- Latin, alone against the world.
a` fleur de tête (pg. 343) -- Goggle or cow's eyes.
Crawthumping (pg. 345) -- In Ireland, self-righteous public beating of the breast in a holier-than-thou type of way. An insult.
dolmen (pg. 360) -- A prehistoric megalithic tomb typically having two large upright stones and a capstone.
"She has great titties, John," said Stevey coarsely, and she slapped his face for that... (pg. 13)
"I believe Lady Godiva rode down Broadway wan time in her skin and everbody ran out in wild exictement to see the white horse. But if that be so what's this I hear about the bishops not wanting to see girls wearing cycling shorts?"
"Who would?" cackled Golden, and they went hard at it. (pg. 338)