Quote: Oh well. Marmalade has to make its way in life, like the rest of us, she thought. -- pg. 24
Is it a sign of a good book when you want to read more? Or is it better to have a satisfying conclusion?
It was funny how this book tied in with the book I just finished, Richard Belzor's I Am Not A Cop!, what with the Russian phrases, references to the mafiya, and the Spetsnaz.
I would like to have see more about Cho Lim, the North Korean soldier/agent/spy who loved animals.
Chinese cup garden (pg. 98) -- It's a garden. A Chinese garden. Nothing really definitive on the web about them.
"Nazdarovya" yelled the team's jumpmaster... (pg. 179) -- He yells "To your health" when they jump?