His hands were large and roughly calloused, and they stroked her with a gentleness that made her burn. She made an odd sound. -- pg. 301. Oh, I bet she did!
I wanted to stop reading around twenty, but I kept on reading and stuck it out to the end. Part of the problem is I am not really interested in witchy stuff. I got interested around page two-hundred and ninety-something, at the coven meeting in San Fran.
I think one needs to start with the first book. There was a LOT of background story that I needed to understand who and what was going on. I read the uncorrected proof edition.
homely catafalque (pg. 56) -- A decorated platform or framework on which a coffin rests in state during a funeral.
Lethean stream (pg. 62) -- A river in Hades whose waters cause drinkers to forget their past.
propitiatory smile (pg. 70) --Having the power to gain or regain the favor or goodwill.
levanting together (pg. 78) -- To leave hurriedly or in secret to avoid unpaid debts.
tessellated pine boughs (pg. 100) -- Having a checkered or mottled appearance. Word traced back to 1695.
gamboge streak (pg. 177) -- A gum resin used as a yellow pigment and a purgative.
caprid origin (pg. 231) -- Pertaining to the Goat family.
auriferous earth (pg. 234) -- Containing gold.
jimp waist (pg. 316) -- Neat; trim; delicate; slender, etc.
illimitable prospect (pg. 330) -- Without limits in extent or size or quantity.
Pactolian resouces (pg. 335) -- Pertaining to the Pactolus, a river in ancient Lydia famous for its golden sands.
philippic (pg. 341) -- tirade: a speech of violent denunciation I always thought this was in the lyrics of "Monkey Man", by the detested Rolling Stones, but I guess I am wrong. Again.
saleratus in that bread (pg. 347) -- Baking soda.
mysteries of the semicuacua, a somewhat corybantic dance (pg. 350) -- Frenetic, ecstatic and orgiastic.
the Encinal (pg. 351) -- Translates as Live Oak grove. What Harte called Oakland.
a quinsy to the death (pg. 379) -- Pus-filled inflamation of the throat.
Lares and penates (pg. 390) -- The household gods of the ancient Romans.
chirographical (pg. 392) == Handwriting, penmanship.
preternaturally (pg. 408) -- Exceeding what is natural or regular.
opprobrious (pg. 411) -- Expressing contemptuous reproach; scornful or abusive.
infelix (pg. 411) -- Unhappy.
Borrioboola-Gha (pg. 417) -- From Dickens' Bleak House.
petriaction (pg. 449) -- The process of turning some plant material into stone.
febrile (pg. 454) -- Of or relating to or characterized by fever.
fidus Achaetes (pg. 465) -- Faithful Achates : trusty friend.
billet-duxis (pg. 505) -- Billet doux, a love letter.
Maybe Mrs. Reddick was a Girl Scout before Dewey hid her away in the stacks and his decimals took over her life. -- pg. 44
Amanda Murphy had no illusions about the quality of her cooking...Her apple pie, for instance. The bottom crust was half an inch think, charred on the bottom and slimy on top, covered with a loose layer of oversweet apples....
"Great pie, Mandy."...
Anyway, it was nutritious. A pie that weighted that much had to have some good in it. Amanda cut herself a small slice, helped it along with a glass of bourbon-spiked Pepsi. (pg. 191)